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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Fleer

    8DIO Christmas Sales

    Thanks Larsy! Edith couldn’t find it though.
  2. Grem a paid shill? Never. We wouldn’t allow him as a member. Groucho Marx was right. The PSA (Paid Shills Association)
  3. Finally got that VA-3 update. Yay for me.
  4. Got this same deal exactly one year ago, almost to the day. Great one!
  5. Over at VI Control it seems these samples come from the original Albion 1 (legacy) and were not included in its successor, Albion ONE.
  6. Rast Sound has some interesting vocal packs too.
  7. Got in. Got plate. Got out.
  8. Adaptiverb is incredible. Wormhole is close and Morph 2 is amazing as well. Zynaptiq is my go-to for creative plugins.
  9. That’s the only one I didn’t get. Don’t know why. Must be a Polish thing.
  10. sforzando is the reason I’m holding back
  11. If you’re missing a Chromaphone 2 pack, get those.
  12. https://www.arturia.com/reverb-gift
  13. I like to check who the “guy behind the pack” is. They don’t always say, but if it’s Martin Hall, go for it.
  14. Just updated with scalable GUI.
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