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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. I’ll see you when I get there baby.
  2. Thanks again for these posts. I now officially have every AAS soundbank known to man. And woman.
  3. Any way to have all AL4 “only” presets? (I know that’s asking much).
  4. Yep, both. I’m a *****.
  5. Yeah, not the best choice of freebies.
  6. $96 for owners of Cinematic Guitars or Drum Fury.
  7. Krazy about you Kite
  8. I checked their site now (thanks, LAGinz!) and they seem to offer some Big Tick Audio of yore for free (Cheeze Machine & Ticky Clav). Edith: you stay outta there.
  9. Dang. I was thinking of 2c. You in my mind, LAGinz
  10. Meanwhile, it’s comforting to know that every new plugin is just that tiny bit better than the last one.
  11. I had all three, but kept Computer Music, primarily for its easy look and the monthly bonus. MusicTech and FutureMusic have better reviews, but for those I prefer Sound on Sound. TLDR: Computer Music for fast and fun and Sound on Sound for serious stuff.
  12. Seems I was able to. Payment method is squashed and upcoming free sub is still pending.
  13. Fleer

    SSL 9000

    Bring on da vid, Zo!
  14. I’ll raise you $10.
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