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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. I thought the King came in.
  2. I’ll be with the Chief.
  3. Of course. The Alpha is somewhat too unwieldy and brittle sounding. Also, it’s primarily a mastering comp, but it does include a smaller version for individual tracks. Mind you, many people apparently appreciate the Alpha. For me, the mpressor and bx_opto are two of PA’s best straightforward and musical comps.
  4. Yep, a lovely comp. I even prefer it to their Alpha.
  5. Fleer

    XLN updates

    CD’s? What? Where?
  6. Fleer

    XLN updates

    Would like some more keys from XLN.
  7. Sure. Audio Damage Dubstation II. Apparently it’s only on the Novation site for now, but should start at Focusrite too.
  8. Meanwhile, there’s a new Focusrite freebie from Audio Damage.
  9. Larry’s a princess. I need him. Bad.
  10. Nigerian Prince. Now there’s a thought.
  11. ... is no kingdom. Come back, Larry.
  12. Guide us Grem! Edith adds: any Custom Shop love? Itching to use those gear credits. If not, upgrading to Max for $50 or so with jam points isn’t too shabby.
  13. Gotta get Falcon one of these days, and Unify.
  14. I’m thinking cents, as I’ve received 200 Kredits for simply opening an account back then. Edith adds: it seems they’re called Credits now.
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