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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Upgraded from Essential to Assistant for $40 or so. Now I would like to upgrade from Assistant to Editor for $40 as well. Pretty please?!
  2. Great to see new stuff from Rossignol!
  3. I got Preparato now, so Double Bass is next. Thanks for the tip, Kevin.
  4. Ya can’t outking da king!
  5. Got that Suite 11. Activate now or later?
  6. Interesting, to say the least. Love my M-Tron and these “original tapes” are pretty, pretty good.
  7. Paid $50 for Iris alone, and that one includes 10GB of samples.
  8. And one of Slate’s best plugins for sure.
  9. Yay, best net mag in da biz!
  10. I’m quite amazed that MDrummer is included in MSoundFactory. Good show, Melda!
  11. Was still puzzled about the latest status after reading this thread (and others). If one doesn’t own MDrummer, is there any reason to download free packs like Drum Empire 2020 into (full) MSoundFactory, as they are on the MSoundFactory page? Am I able to use them in MSoundFactory without (owning) MDrummer? So I asked Melda and got a positive and crystal clear answer that MDrummer is included in MSoundFactory (full version), so the MDrummer packs are fully playable in MSoundFactory.
  12. Hot dog! Would love me some squirrel.
  13. Piano libraries? Where? Where?
  14. Indeed. But no protection in the free version?
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