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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Made me wonder where EddieTX is nowadays. Loved his advice on many a plugin.
  2. We need a new (electric) piano in there.
  3. And the Leslie. And the Master EQ. And …
  4. What’s that red thing coming out of it?
  5. And if I’m not mistaken, that (minus JamPoints) resets all downloads. Still, shouldn’t have to pay anything. IK is one of the only devs charging for downloads.
  6. The full monty is absolutely worth it, especially the newer ones (of the last five to six years).
  7. Looks like Samsung rip-offs at quarter price.
  8. Yep. MixBox for quick and good, T-RackS individuals and Lursen for global mastering.
  9. Go Simeon. Too bad I don’t use Halion.
  10. That “BroadwayBig Band” library is legendary indeed.
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