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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Yeah, that’s the one, thanks Patrick.
  2. If you’ve got all three, you’ll get the channel for free. Just hit support.
  3. I’d say Repro if you like warm analog and Hive if you prefer digital prowess.
  4. Got the refund, Kevin. Replied to their support email with the following notes: first, your statement regarding the conditions of this sale is erroneous, as the wording of the Sales Special page was changed by NI after my purchase; second, your statement regarding refunds as a “one-time courtesy” is erroneous, as full refunds during a period of 14 days are part of NI’s general conditions of sale; third, please note my displeasure with the way NI are handling this situation by covering up their own mistake and not providing a suitable solution towards long standing customers. (everyone getting their coat)
  5. Dang, got to get the other three. Too good not to.
  6. Fleer

    Free Rat!

    And 8 other squirrels.
  7. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/34116-70-off-palette-complete-by-red-room-audio-270-or-cheaper/
  8. Global launch of The Terminator plug-in.
  9. Yeah, was thinking about Repro myself but got a Sequential Take 5 instead ?
  10. Kept that bottle for a special occasion. Met my wife 40 years ago, November 11. That’ll be the day (and night).
  11. And that hidden 25th freebie will be … … The Resonator! (got my coat already)
  12. We’ll even get to the hidden 25th freebie. Yep, you read it here first ?
  13. I’ll go back to buying duplicate CDs. At least I’m good at that.
  14. Fleer

    Melda updated to v15

    Yep. So happy there’s more attention to GUI. This will help them sell even more.
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