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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Nice report. Didn’t know they did that. You keep on finding ‘em, Lars !
  2. Fleer

    PSP Saturator

    Now you telling me!
  3. Interesting. Love those SOS guys. Still best mag in the biz.
  4. Yeas! Got almost everything from Audiomodern but this was sorely missed.
  5. Same here. Now I really need Falcon and that $100 voucher.
  6. I’m calling our new dog Suomi!
  7. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/34682-2b-played-filter-friend/
  8. Yeah, that’s one of the best expansions to get for SynthMaster.
  9. I thought we’d get a cheat code, but the product is called Cheat Code. Next product: Free Beer.
  10. We want our 25th freebie. We want our 25th freebie. WE WANT OUR 25th FREEBIE!
  11. Oops, at first I was thinking of Paris.
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