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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Yep, but those updates normally don’t come around here that often. Usually only singles.
  2. Something must be happening at NI. Too many K13 deals lately. Maybe K14 will see the light of day sooner than later. And include iZotope gizmos.
  3. FastSpring is omnipresent. You won’t be able to avoid it if you like good stuff.
  4. I got good support from them.
  5. And don’t forget ValhallaDSP’s SuperMassive.
  6. Their upgrade pricing is pretty sweet. Once you have some, you pay (way) less.
  7. The upgrade sale price has always been $99 and it’ll be $99 again. Until it’s less.
  8. I got SM for the expansion bundles.
  9. Imagine what he’d say if you ran it through Zynaptiq’s Adaptiverb.
  10. I’m waiting for those three EQs you can’t live without, and then I’ll bite.
  11. Three plates and Superhall ! Used to be cpu-heavy tho.
  12. Yeah, SoundDust is pretty pretty good
  13. One of my fav reverbs
  14. Got the V Collection 4 bundle for $69, so …
  15. Just jumped on that sweet six bandwagon myself. Smooth sailing, old sport.
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