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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Fleer

    Waves free plugin

    And I’ll do my best sending reminders
  2. Thanks indeed, particularly for Minimonsta, Largo and Pigments 3.5, while Phase Plant is very welcome as well.
  3. Fleer

    Waves free plugin

    Dang! Doze Bengals should have WUPed them Rams.
  4. Vertigo VSM-3. And FabFilter Saturn of course.
  5. Yeah, didn’t even like it when it was free. And that’s saying a lot. For me.
  6. Got in. Got out. Got even. Great bundle for $15.
  7. Don't know where those Soundiron guys have there stash hidden, but it's some good stouph.
  8. Always love me some Dream Audio Tools.
  9. These are the ones nowhere to be found (except the remaining Mastering Bundle 3 that's on sale): Mastering Bundle 1: Vertigo VSC-2 bx_hybrid V2 bx_panEQ bx_limiter bx_meter Mastering Bundle 2: Noveltech Character bx_hybrid V2 bx_opto bx_limiter bx_meter Mastering Bundle 3: Vertigo VSM-3 bx_dynEQ bx_hybrid V2 bx_limiter bx_meter
  10. Still, quite awkward. "This page does not exist": https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/mastering-bundle-1.html https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/mastering-bundle-2.html
  11. Looks like the other PA Mastering Bundles have vanished from the PA website?
  12. Hit me with your rhythm stick
  13. Oopsee poopsee. And I did search for vPlayer3
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