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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Interesting. Got 1 and 2.
  2. Forgot I got the Focusrite. Another sweet Neve.
  3. Nah, already got their Lindell 80, which is a perfect Neve.
  4. Been waiting for a long time to get these on a deep sale. They normally only go 50% off.
  5. Troo. But it’s WUP. And WUP is unsavory.
  6. I think they’ll do more peripherals now computers have become so powerful.
  7. Dang. Dang. Dang. WUP that WUP.
  8. Dang, Reid, now you’re talking me into getting CR8. This is going to hurt next year.
  9. Tell them all, please tell them it isn't fair
  10. Interesting. First those Volt interfaces. Now these.
  11. Yeah, but then they ***** you …
  12. Not getting CR8 ‘cause that one needs WUP for sure.
  13. My account says it’s valid until Feb 15, 2023
  14. Yeah, T+S had Best Service (beat).
  15. Sad to see them go. One of my preferred resellers, maybe even the one I preferred most. And their recent postings among us were quite welcome. Great to see them provide a means for us to get to our serials and downloads, as I’m not sure I got them all (or the latest versions).
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