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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Wow. That new sound pack is pretty nice too.
  2. I went from V Collection 4 to V Collection 8 when it went on sale for $99 three months ago. Wonderful upgrade indeed.
  3. Happily confirm I got instant support from Bülent when needed.
  4. I don’t see this as WUP at all. And I know WUP, believe me I see the upgrade price as bringing in four new and pretty amazing instruments: SQ80V, MS-20V, Augmented Strings and Augmented Voices.
  5. Dang, nothing among my Coupons. Maybe ‘cause I’ve got the Everything Bun.
  6. And a lively Gamelan at that!
  7. Got this one a few months ago. Pretty good.
  8. Madly in love with V9 I am.
  9. Yeah, it’s the idea of a different workflow and easier sampling that interests me. Never had an MPC as I’m not into EDM and the like but I guess a change of scenery can’t hurt. The main thing keeping me on the fence is the somewhat dubious quality of AIR plugins.
  10. Don’t. Push. Me. Cause. I’m. Close. To. The. Edge
  11. Compare that to EU pricing, with MPCX at less than €1700 and MPC Key 61 at €1990.
  12. Then again, it’s got everyone’s attention. More than if they called it vst4, although that could be a good name for a booster shot
  13. Still don’t get it. Yamaha’s MODX 6 and Fantom 06 have many more features and better sounds, but cost much less. And then there’s the Korg Nautilus, which is a Kronos in disguise. IMO the Akai should be around $1200 max.
  14. Still, I don’t get how it stacks up to the Yamaha MODX 6 at $1100. Or the new Fantom-06 for that matter. Those do much more for almost half the price.
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