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Posts posted by Fleer

  1. 7 hours ago, John Maar said:

    Includes IKM's Obie-One, $99.99 list, for free. I don't know anything about it, but it's probably another OB-X synth or a subset thereof. We shall see.

    EDIT: It's a Syntronik instrument which I am pretty sure I already had as part of Syntronik 2 Max. Fortunately, it was free.

    If this sale runs for two weeks, maybe another freebie will come along. 

  2. I was enamored by the mere fact that I could get the BBC orchestra in a box. Got the full one, allowing for so many different uses due to the multitude of mic positions. With regard to Albion One, which I got early on and love for orchestral sketching, I’ve always preferred Albion Tundra and Albion Neo, as I dig their focus on minimalism. 

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