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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Yeah, you’re absolutely right. Dang, forgot I’ve got that one too. And another one from Tracktion, Chop Suey, a pretty amazing bass synth. And their F.’em of course, crazy FM synth.
  2. With all these synth sales popping up, I’m wondering more then ever if I’m missing out on some unknown fun. I don’t like EDM, trap, trance, psytrance or dance music in general, so I’m going for what I would call ‘organic’ synths. Such are the ones I have and love: Omnisphere, Falcon, Pigments, PhasePlant, V Collection, Moog and Korg collections, Applied Acoustics, Novum, Abyss, Massive, MSoundFactory, both SynthMasters, and I don’t want to forget Forbidden Planet. I’m not mentioning U-he, though I do like Diva and I want to get Zebra 3 when it arrives, but I’m not too much into ‘knobby’ vst synths. I prefer my GUIs sweet, moving and tasty. What am I missing? Anything from Synapse Audio like Dune 3? Or from Softube? Or Cherry Audio? Heck, I’m happy with the Arturia emulations, don’t need more of those. Anyway, let’s call the ones I love ‘organic’. Lots of plucks, strings, voices and the like.
  3. Never really appreciated Peanuts, don’t know why. But I love Calvin & Hobbes.
  4. Interesting. And the cheaper Essentials looks better than the mothership.
  5. What the heck, who am I (fooling). Got that sweet Spire after all. Thanks guys.
  6. Novum, Abyss and Chop Suey are wonderful synths. Check them in that order.
  7. There’s no difference in file size between the Wurli 140b in Keyscape Lite or the full mothership. They’re exactly the same. Lite just has less keyboards (but the most important ones are included). There’s no 200a in the Lite version, though. As for Purgatory Creek, I have (and absolutely love) the Kurzweil version, with the 140b at 250MB, half the size of the Kontakt version at almost 0.5GB, while the 200a versions are more or less similarly sized at 250MB, if I’m correct.
  8. And that 140b in Keyscape is a mighty fine one. It’s even included in the 30GB Lite version, so so can run it ln my lappie while keeping the full 80GB home.
  9. My takes are exactly that. Mine. Wouldn’t dare to let them be heard. I’m sure Melodyne would startle and flee if I were to use it. Maybe next year. Or the year after. Or …
  10. I’m split on this, my friend. On one hand I find that Falcon is simply magical on plucks, so I fear Spire won’t bring much more. And I’ve got Pigments and Phase Plant plus so many others to dive into. On the other, I’m a sucker for a fine GUI, as it inspires me to build patches. Spire’s ten year old design doesn’t do that for me, similar to U-he’s Zebra and the like. But it does sound good. And there’s one reason that could push me off the fence: price. I could get it for $75. But hey, that’s what I paid for the iZotope MPS 5 upgrade.
  11. I do love the pluck engine on my Falcon very much. Anyone care to compare?
  12. Same here, whisker, same here.
  13. Good question. As you get the Classical Guitar by simply upgrading Studio v7 to v8, I would think so.
  14. I wonder which other synth does the same warm or similarly full sounding synth and pluck sounds.
  15. Paid $44 for that during BF 2020
  16. Would love this to be troo tue
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