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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. This is the guy behind Impactsoundwork’s bass plugin.
  2. This bundle got me into UVI and I still love them for it.
  3. Didn’t know you could, Jesse. I thought you had to stay in your tier.
  4. I’m thinking it may still take a while before Kontakt 7 will be required for most new libraries.
  5. Good point. Would like to know too. Until now, the only Ircam stuff I knew is from UVI.
  6. Yeah, one more reason for me not to jump now. If it’s only download, we may see pretty interesting offers in the future.
  7. Or charge €249 in Euro. Same at Best Service but they won’t add tax in US.
  8. Used to be like that. Did it last time with 13. No luck.
  9. Thanks Carl. I’m skipping this time as I’ve already got the PA and iZotope stuff in there. And I don’t like them dropping the hard drive. Here’s looking out for K15U CE.
  10. One week later and I’m a total fan. Already had Chromaphone but this is something else. Tweak heaven and randomizing.
  11. A good one for chords, though there’s Scaler 2, of course. I’m looking at getting Chord Sequencer in Reason.
  12. Kontakt Player. Nice. Found a free test version here: https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2022/09/20/ds-drum-rcs-essentials/
  13. It’s one of the largest (deeper sampled) pianos in the series and belongs to the Lumineers. Interesting vid by Woody:
  14. Did anyone get Amber this way and registered? Wondering whether we’d end up with Amber 2 then
  15. Still have an original Amber serial. I wonder if this would get me Amber 2
  16. They can go slow with those. I’m out of update coverage but I’m still good for anything under version 5.1 May take a year or so.
  17. Wow, compare that to the Image Line bundle deal of a few months back: Shade, Sparkverb, Emulation II+, 8-Bit Synth, Austrian Grand, Drum Designer, AND Synth Anthology 3, all for $89.
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