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Richard Schweitzer

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Everything posted by Richard Schweitzer

  1. Crying uncle here, can't seem to make myself understood. Unless something reveals itself, I guess I'll just live with it. Thanks for the help.
  2. Yes, a different/separate "clip", but a split from the same original performance and recording.
  3. The meters show the mono signals for each track steady on their side of the pan spectrum, while it sounds correct, AND while the audio seems to move to the center... the one panned hard left, the meter only has movement on the left side, and vice versa
  4. That's essentially what I did, what @lapasoa said, though my panning is more extreme, there is very different EQ and processing between them, compression is different, one has a little reverb but the other is dry. I'll try to be clearer. If I solo each guitar part they both, alone, play exactly correctly, they are both mono signals... the one panned hard left plays correctly out of the left monitor, the one panned hard right plays correctly out of the right monitor, and they play that way all the way through. But, when I solo them both at the same time, they still play exactly correctly... one panned hard left, one panned hard right, Until they hit that section, then, though the panning hasn't changed, and I can't detect anything different about the signal itself, the audio audibly moves to the center. Then, after that section, they both move back, audibly, to their assigned panning. I've tried phasing, and I've tried shifting one (nudging) slightly... and I'd like to say I tried other things but I don't know what else to try. Btw, thanks for responding, I'm doing this on my own here, sometimes it can a long time to work through something I don't understand.
  5. Well, I can't figure out then why the rest of the parts sound off left and right except for one 8 bar section. All recorded the same, one mic, one input. The rest of the guitar part, on the same tracks, I hear in the panned spectrum, left and right. In that one section, the tracks are still panned left and right but the audio moves to the center, for 8 bars, then back to the stereo pan...
  6. I'm wondering if anyone has a suggestion, other than recording... I have a rhythm guitar part that was recorded mono, then I've duplicated the track for different processing and they are panned to opposite ends of the audio spectrum. It may be a mix of several takes, I don't remember. But there is an 8 bar section in the middle during which the two parts are audibly mono instead of stereo. If I solo each track their panning sounds correct, extreme left and extreme right, but when played together they come to the middle. The rest of the guitar part is normal, so it's really obvious when this happens. I've tried a number of things, including phasing and such, but I can't figure out why. This isn't going to hold up my mix, but if anyone has an idea I can go back in and fix it later. Any thoughts?
  7. Some good ideas, again though, the Sonitus is already integral to a bunch of mixes, I'll have to readjust everything. I'll try the buffer suggestion. Again, not really looking for alternatives, looking for a fix.
  8. I guess it's just the idea that someone intelligent enough to use a DAW at all wouldn't use a search engine right off the bat. Sort of like the old exchange, Customer: "My computer won't turn on." Tech: "Is it plugged in?" I guess that's an assumption on my part. Anyway, for the song I'm mixing now I gave up and replaced it, I can hear the difference, but it's okay. I can't duplicate exactly what I had because the controls are different, I'm familiar with the Sonitus, but I guess I'll have to keep it out of future mixes. If you notice, the OP on that other thread was like me, his last post was, "Thanks, I’ve got plenty of alternatives, the question is about what is going on with Sonitus reverb. It works great as long as I avoid changing the settings during playback." And there were no responses after that. The problem for me is, I have dozens of mixes the Sonitus plays on that I would have to go back on each one as I needed to and redo every instance that reverb appears, tracks and busses, so I'd rather get it working. I'm not sure what changed though, I've been using it for a long time.
  9. I did, I didn't get this link, or see it, I appreciate the talking down to, but it doesn't answer the question. Like the OP said, I have plenty of options, the question is, is there anything I can do about Sonitus Reverb, other than just "use another reverb." He didn't get an answer either, so I assume no one actually knows.
  10. I'm having a weird issue all of a sudden. I started getting a pop through the speakers and would lose all audio. After some experimentation I found I could get audio back by choosing Bypassing Efx of This Type, that would get my sound back, but as soon as I enable Efx I get the pop and no sound. Going back and forth, I've narrowed it down to possibly the Sonitus Reverb. When trying to make adjustments on a the reverb of a track simply moving the Pre-delay slider would produce the pop and I'd lose the Audio engine again. I don't particularly want to replace the Sonitus at this point because I'm right at the end of long mixing process. Is there a more obvious solution? Windows 10 64bit (up to date) Intel i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40Ghz 16GB Ram GPU: Radeon RX480 (drivers up to date)
  11. That was it! Must have messed with that at some point, not understanding what it was. Thanks so much.
  12. I have CbBl on two different machines, I find this problem is extant only on my desktop system at home, I can't recreate it on my laptop.
  13. I'm having an odd issue all of a sudden. When I open a saved file all the tracks I've hidden are visible again. They are still muted, but I re-hide them completely, get the windows looking how I want them, save again, but when I open it, they are visible again. Also, if I leave the file say, with the entire project in view, I see it like that as the file reopens but at the last second it switches to a zoomed view. I'm wondering if I need to reload the software or if there is some setting I'm not seeing.
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