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  1. Oh no worries, at all. That is a great program and it would have been a score for sure.
  2. As is the per usual case for me. A day late and a dollar short, so to speak. They are Sold Out. That was a great find and deal.
  3. I understand the maximum devices thing. That is so someone doesn't buy a sub and then hand their credentials out to everyone they know. That makes selling more subs a difficult thing. Doesn't mean we like it, but that's the way it is. However, they could make it easier for you to clear some of your devices out of the "list". Good ole technology that "makes things easier" isn't so easy these days.
  4. The crazy thing is I am here everyday. I have been around here since X1. I used to have quite a few posts at the old forum. I actually thought that I had more than one here, but I guess not.
  5. What a coincidence. I listened to Voodoo on the ride home from work this evening and then I come here and see a cover. Great job. Some would say attempting a cover of a Black Sabbath song is brave trying to get the guitar correct. My opinion is a Sabbath song with Dio on vocals is even braver. Nice work. My neighbors will listen to your cover more than once. If you know what I mean.
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