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Starship Krupa

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About Starship Krupa

  • Birthday February 18

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  1. So far I've not had a single one "go bad" on me. I paid for WUP once to be able to update a couple of freebies I got. I think it was $14 to take two plug-ins from v. 9 to v. 11. I think the new feature that I wanted was the resizable GUI. Which has always puzzled me about the wailing and gnashing of teeth around WUP. Yeah, Waves are a little pushy about trying to sell it, but nobody's forced to pay for WUP. In the event that a plug-in breaks, you can jump in and WUP any plug-ins that have broken and have them updated to the latest versions. Seems fair to me.
  2. The people to ask are MAGIX and Humble Bundle. I don't know, because I wouldn't install iZotope Elements, I have the full Standard versions of those products. In the past, I remember the Ozone products being omitted from the Humble Bundle Sound Forge, but they also made it pretty clear that this was the case.
  3. It wouldn't hurt to give it an "Edit" button, with a good, full-featured MeldaProduction parametric EQ underneath. So you think Vojtech was taking the pi55 with MTurboEQ? I hadn't considered that, but yeah, given what longtime readers of the MeldaProduction forum remember about his public statements regarding things like this, it's either a goof or a capitulation. Maybe someone at the parent company was pressuring him and this is what he came up with to shut them up.๐Ÿ˜„ "MTurboComp is great, how about the same thing with an EQ? People say your stuff sounds good but they can't get past the UI." "It's an EQ, there's nothing more to it than a collection of filters in a box. All of our EQ's already have saturation, even the free one." "Pleeeeeeeeeease?" "Okay, if you'll be quiet and leave us alone." If anyone wants this sort of EQ, save your $9, go to IK Multimedia and get any flavor of T-RackS 6. Right now, the standard version is $50, the MAX version is $80, and the Intro version is free. They all come with Classic Equalizer, which is what MTurboEQ says it's trying to be.
  4. I watched the tutorial and it seems like it doesn't do anything that you couldn't do for free with MOscillator and MEqualizer. What it does is wrap it all up in a nice easy to use package, with automated tests. Time is money and so is convenience. Kinda inspires me to try it with the aforementioned freebie plug-ins.
  5. I wonder why H-Comp is in so many giveaways. It's a nice processor.
  6. I don't think you'd even need MAutodynamicEQ to get it to null. Every control except for the "analog" knob is covered by MEqualizer, which is free to use. The "analog" knob seems to add a tiny bit of noise, so if you really wanted to nail it, I suppose you might also need MNoiseGenerator, another freebie. A more honest, straightforward way to deliver this plugin would be to just take MEqualizer, stick a couple more features on it, for instance modulators and the noise generator, maybe make it an 8 band EQ, and the 10 devices. MDeluxeEqualizer. It could go with my other fantasy MeldaProduction product, MDeluxeCompressor. Here's what their ad copy says about MTurboEQ: And: So what they're selling is a set of 12 "devices" for MEqualizer, but without access to the features that make MEqualizer such a powerhouse. The work put into MTurboEQ would have been better spent adding the 12 devices to MAutoDynamicEQ. I don't know who would want MTurboEQ. People who dig analog mojo and workflow aren't attracted to Melda products. Other companies (IK Multimedia, UAD) already have that covered, and they do a great job. Isn't T-RackS on sale right now for about $60? T-RackS looks so great, is such eye candy that sometimes I substitute with a T-RackS EQ or compressor just to have that pretty UI in my project. Also, their implementation of M/S is easier to operate than MeldaProduction's.
  7. Supposedly it clones an FL Studio effect called Gross Beat. So you can do what Gross Beat does in hosts other than FL Studio. There are starting to be some more, but yeah, for a long time it was MRhythmizer and Stutter Edit. Cableguys TimeShaper appears to have a similar function? Option paralysis is a hallmark of multiple MeldaProduction products, including MTurboDelay.
  8. To be honest, outside the upgraded FreeFX bundle the MEssentialsFX bundle, there aren't too many I'd miss. MRhythmizer is a great glitching effect and MDrumLeveler is a unique processor. I'd not want to be without those. The linear phase EQ's, freeform EQ's, if theirs didn't exist I'd use someone else's. MDynamics and MModernCompressor have that psychoacoustic detector that I like. Still, over 50 plug-ins that I'd not wish to be without.
  9. No secret that I really like MeldaProduction's products and business policies. Here's my review of MTurboEQ: I've had MTurboEQ for years and I still haven't used it on any project. Using Plugin Doctor, I was able to use MEQualizer (from the FreeFX bundle) to dial in the same curve, took me about 5 minutes from starting Plugin Doctor. The Saturation knobs do the same thing, the "Analog" control on MTurboEQ brings up the noise floor a tiny bit, and that's about it. The big difference between them in practical use is that MEQualizer is much more versatile.๐Ÿคจ (Unless you have FabFilter Pro-Q, I suggest spending some time exploring the features of MEQualizer. When it comes to performing tonal surgery, it does things I've never seen in another manufacturer's EQ, most notably the harmonics feature) What it looks like is that they used MEQualizer as a starting point, then made "devices" (Melda's term for simplified GUI's) that mimic the control layouts of various classic hardware units. This is more apparent if you go into MTurboEQ's settings and disable "custom GUI for devices," which does away with the skeuomorphic UI's and exposes the controls. If it were possible to create devices and custom GUI's in MEQualizer, MTurboEQ would be entirely superfluous. It's really just MEQualizer with "devices," and as is the case with any "device" in MeldaProduction's plug-ins, they are subsets of the plug-in's features, designed to simplify the use of the program by hiding certain controls and overlaying a more familiar interface. They don't sonically emulate the hardware they imitate, they only vaguely copy the front panel controls. They admit as much in the ad copy on the website. So unless you're trying to leverage your way into the MMixingFX, MMasteringFX, MTotalFX, or MComplete bundles, skip it. That would be the only reason to drop the $9, unless you'd pay $9 to add custom GUI devices to MEQualizer.
  10. Here's ins2map.zip for anyone who wants it. ins2map.zip
  11. You say this like it's a bad thing. ๐Ÿ˜„ I wonder how many people reading this ever have people walk into our studios as clients. Anyone who thinks like that would first observe that I was using Sonar and it would be game over for them. In the event that I did work with clients, and someone had a problem with whatever tools I was using to do my job, I would most definitely want them gone ASAP. This goes for any enterprise I might engage in, audio engineering or otherwise. In the past I have run a business where clients did come into my shop. It never even occurred to me to acquire something with the goal of impressing clients. Whatever tools I use are up to me to choose and acquire, and anyone who has a problem with them is strongly encouraged (required even) to find another provider of services who would be a better fit. Some of the tools I regularly use in my studio are considered to be top-tier in their categories. Others are bargain basement and/or freeware. The only criterion for their use is that they get the job done.
  12. Charcoal: Argon with my personal color set:
  13. Charcoal is not going to change anyone's mind about the fugliness of MeldaProduction's stock look. Sometimes I forget how much difference it makes to set my own colors in the MeldaProduction plug-ins.
  14. After I posted this, I dug more deeply into the Reference Guide and discovered that it matters exactly where you drop the section. If I drop it in the center of the blank space, it behaves as I expected it to. If I drop it at the left edge, it slides everything to the right.
  15. Background: On my own songs I've mostly used Arranger Track to mark sections and not for much else. However, at the moment I'm transcribing a more traditional folk song that sticks pretty close to intro/verse/chorus/verse/chorus variation/verse etc. and I'm trying to use the feature to copy and paste sections. I have the main verse, which is 5 measures long, then the first chorus, 3 measures long, then the verse again, then second chorus, which varies slightly from the first one. The third chorus is the same as the second one, so there are 3 unique sections and then these repeat in different orders. I actually got 6 parts of the song entered in before I created arranger sections. I duplicated data using basic copy and paste. Now that I have the Arranger Track set up I'm doing some tweaking of the MIDI velocities and note lengths and want to copy and paste the similar verses and choruses around to make changes. The project has 4 tracks, in the form of 2 MIDI and 2 synth tracks. Track 1 is MIDI, Track 2 is a synth track, Track 3 is a synth track, and Track 4 is a MIDI track. Where it goes sideways (literally): I adjusted the notes in the first 5-bar verse and now wished to copy and paste it in place of the other existing 5-bar verses. I clicked on a later arranger section (a 5-bar verse) to select it, then hit Del to get it out of the way. This worked as expected, the section was deleted. I then clicked on the first 5-bar arranger section to select it, then right-clicked while holding Ctrl, and dragged the section to where I had deleted the other one. I expected this to work like similar operations on clips, where the dragged copy just plops right down, but instead, everything to the right of the target space got scooted over by 5 measures. Next I tried clicking on the arranger section, then Ctrl+C to copy it, click in the empty space to move the Now Time, and then Ctrl+V to paste it. This resulted in the section being pasted in at the correct place along the timeline, without moving things to the right, but it failed to copy and paste the correct content. Instead, it created 3 new tracks below the original tracks, 2 synth and 1 MIDI. 5 empty measures were pasted into Track 4 and 5 measures with the data from Track 4 were pasted into the newly-created Track 7. On playback, the notes of Track 4 play back through the wrong synth. See attached screencap for these results. For anyone able to follow this, am I doing something wrong? No, I don't have ripple edit turned on.๐Ÿ™‚
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