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Everything posted by Chandler

  1. This is just a video I made recently on how to use MXXX to create some interesting layered percussion. Not only can you layer the percussion, but you can also add tons of interesting effects. I hope you find this useful. I
  2. This is a really amazing synth. I've made quite a few videos for it if you're interested in how it works. I'd pick it up while its still in beta and the price is cheap.
  3. Jamstix is definitely cool. Its really helpful when you need a realistic drum part.
  4. Coincidentally I just made a video about MRhythmizerMB, so if you're wonder why it is useful compared to the non-multiband version check it out. I hope its ok to post this here.
  5. A few people asked me "what is the difference between MRhythmizer and MRhythmizerMB"? In this video I'll try to answer that by showing some things that can only be done using MRhythmizerMB. It really is a great tool for adding some extra rhythmic interest to a part that might otherwise be a bit boring. I hope you find this useful.
  6. Thanks everyone for the kind words about the videos. About cross communication, I believe that is being saved for a future project called “the mixing revolution”. From what I heard it will have things such as the ability to view the spectrum of all tracks and EQ a track while viewing the spectrum of the others. It will have many more features too, but I have no idea what they will be. It’s supposed to be big, powerful and innovative though.
  7. I made a quick run down of it. If you're wondering what this sounds like please check it out.
  8. I have it. It’s a really nice plugin for automatic double tracking. It gives you that 80s guitar, late 90s vocal effect. Its a little more versatile than other versions though because it allows you to confine the effect to only the upper frequencies, adjust delay times, etc. I’ll try to do a video about it later this week.
  9. In this video I'm going over some ways to use Euclidean Rhythms to create interesting percussive lines. You can even use it to create polymetric rhythms easily. I hope you find this interesting.
  10. Thanks. Glad to see you here too. I'm happy most people have moved over here.
  11. This is a video I made recently on how you can use MPowersynth to quickly morph between multiple sounds. Using this you can morph between subtractive and FM sounds or so much more. I hope you find this useful.
  12. Its portamento as the the person above me said. Its also sometime known as glide. You need to make sure your synth is set to monophonic though.
  13. I just added a new version with more bass emphasis and I made the lead synth a bit more prominent. Its louder too.
  14. Thanks. I changed that synth a bit to make the attack softer. Thanks for the feedback. It could be for a video game or something, but it really isn't for anything, its just kind of an experiment. I mixed it softer than some other track, but its not that low in volume. It should only be about 3db-4db less than other tracks in this style. I didn't want to kill the dynamics too much. Thanks. I changed that synth a bit. Thanks for the feedback. This isn't actually orchestral at all. Everything is synths except the drums. I love Thomas Bergersen. That's a cool track, but the percussion in that track is too tame compared to what I'm going for here. New version uploaded in the first post.
  15. I made this as a showcase for drum layering, but I decided to add some synth stuff too. Any comments on the mixing or production? New Version Newest
  16. Thanks. I hope these videos have been helpful. I know melda stuff can sometime be hard to understand at first. Also hopefully I'll be able to make some videos about a cool new product soon.
  17. Great deal. SMOne is a great synth and at this price it’s a no brainer.
  18. Thanks. I’m happy to be here. I like the new forum, so far. Especially the fact that it notified me when you replied.
  19. I hope this is the right place to post this. In this video I go over how to create those loud impact sounds you hear in movie trailers using MDrummer. In the video all the samples are stock sounds from MDrummer, but you can get even more variety, by using your own samples. I hope you find this useful.
  20. I love this suite. The noise removal plugin is a life saver.
  21. I'm glad to hear people like the videos I've been making. I'd take advantage of the 50% off deal while you can. The bundles are a really good deal because they get stuff added to them, so you'll get free stuff in the future.
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