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Everything posted by Chandler

  1. Thank you everyone for the help and kind words.
  2. I've been working on this one for a while. I tried to make something a bit bluesy, but with an upbeat chorus. Any thoughts on it? 2nd version with less treble
  3. Sorry I didn't replay sooner. I was going to make a video on it, but I can't release it t yet, so I'll just post it here. Everything in MGA is fully unlocked except the StudioFX section. The studio FX are the full version of plugins like MTurboReverb, MTurboDelay, MHarmonizerMB, MUnison, MDynamicEQ, etc. However there is an EQ, Reveb, and delay included. There are also a number of FX like Wah, Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, etc that you don't need to purchase anything else to get. MTurboAmp and MCabinet are in there as well and you don't need to purchase those separately. There are 9 FX that need to be purchased and everything else comes with it. Convolution, DynamicEQ, HarmonizerMB, TurboDelay, TurboComp, TurboEQ, TurboReverb, Unision and Wobbler are the ones that need to be purchased to unlock. I hope that helps
  4. I just found of this was released. I've been making videos for it for a while, but now it is here. I'll try to do a walk through of it soon, but I think you'll really like it. The routing is extremely flexable and it sounds great. It will also soon have a working NAM loader too. Is there anything you'd like me to cover in the walkthrough?
  5. Thanks Thank you. Luckily it's easy and free to generate videos like this now.
  6. This is a song I wrote for summer where I tried some new stuff. Some of turned out well and I hope you enjoy it.
  7. It is a program that profiles amps and allows you to copy the sounds. It is like ToneX or the Kemper. Unlike an amp model you can't really adjust the settings, however you do get a near perfect copy of the sound at whatever knob position you set you amp at. Now there are quite a few profiles(*.nam files) available for free and you can also make your own if you want. You can check them out here. https://tonehunt.org/popular
  8. 16.08 Is a really cool update. I can't wait for it to be released. The NAM loader is amazing and allows even more amp choice in MGuitararchitect. The Feedback combfilter is a really nice addition to MTurbofilter as well.
  9. Thanks. I'll be doing another video on it next week, showing how to use it to mix a complete drum set.
  10. Thanks for posting my videos. MTA can be used with any IR loader, so you don't need MCabinet. MConvolutionEZ is free and it will let you load any IR you want. MCab is easier to use right off the bat though and deeper(if you want to get into that). Anyway, I've been thinking of making a few more amps. Is there anything you think MTA needs more of? More clean amps? more high gain? More distortion pedals?
  11. This is sad. His playing was so beautiful. He was just touring with Johnny Depp last summer and seemed fine. R. I. P.
  12. I actually asked about that a while ago. Apparently they are still working on it. If you really need it I can email it to you.
  13. Thanks for posting. I'm really excited by this new Granular module. The Granular Synth I used before had a developer that went MIA, so this is a welcome treat to have in MSF. I just released a new video on it yesterday, where I show how to import your own audio and create a pad.
  14. I'm sorry it looks like it isn't in there. I'll send it over ASAP or ask about it if it is being added. I guess I was confused and it isn't included. It should be in the need update(hopefully).
  15. Thank you for the shout out and the interest in the instruments I've made. The Taiko instrument from that video is included in MSF and can be used in the LE version. There are only a few things I've shown that haven't been made into instruments and added. If you're wondering about the preset names, different people named them. Bones was created by me and I generally try to use more simple practical names, but other people are different. If anyone has questions I'll try to help, but I'm a little busy recently so it might take a few days.
  16. Chandler

    Prisha - Video

    Sounds really nice and I love the atmosphere.
  17. Sounds good to me. The piano did stick out a bit in parts. If you are recording using midi, sometimes just reducing the level of the midi a bit can help. Turning down the midi velocity, but turning up the volume can make things smoothers. Also using a different mic can help. If you can do either of those because you recorded a live piano try using a dynamic EQ to tame the frequencies between 2khz-4khz. Every time it gets to harsh the dynamic EQ will bring that level down.
  18. Sounds good to me. Reminds me of 70s rock. I really like the guitar solo as well. Nice and melodic.
  19. As DeeringAmps mentioned I made quite a few of the amps in MTurboamp. There is going to be a new product that has FX and other stuff too, which should be really fun and interesting and I've been making presets for that. I used that software which I'd been working on to make this song. Thank you. One of my monitors blew after I mixed this, so the kick might be off, but I can't tell. I only have headphone and normal speakers right now.
  20. Thank you. I've been so busy I haven't been writing and playing as much, but I want to change that and get more pieces done. I knew this sound needed some contrast, because too much of that hard edged sound can get tiring. I actually was inspired by a scene from a fantasy book, so the Doom soundtrack comment isn't far off.
  21. I love the books by fantasy author Brandon Sanderson, so I decided to write some music based on it. I also wanted to try out some new guitar software I've been working on. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.
  22. Its my hometown so I had to do it.
  23. Thanks for the shout out. I actually designed many of the amps and things in MTA. I hope people like them. Also MTA can be used for other things like overdrive pedals or just general saturation. I'm actually working on some new amps now, so there should be more coming soon. If there is anything you think it needs more of i. e. Clean amps, distortion pedals, etc let me know and I'll see what I can do. I hope everyone enjoys it.
  24. I play around with them. Sometimes I find things that they do that I didn't realize. Often times I have an idea and then just try to figure out how to do it with the melda plugins and most of the time I can. I find I learn the most that way.
  25. Thank you. It isn't available yet, but it should be soon. I've made a device based on this with FX, the ability to change pitch, release times, and 4 different drums. Hopefully it will be available in one of the next few updates. Thank you everyone for the kind words. I'm glad to hear people are enjoying the tutorials.
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