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Jim Fogle

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Everything posted by Jim Fogle

  1. Hi Eugene. Thanks for the clear explanation. May I suggest you also post a link to your video in the Tutorial forum section?
  2. In the Band-in-a-Box wishlist forum PG Music is seeking ideas about how to improve the look of Band-in-a-Box. There are threads for: Toolbars, layout, menus, preferences; the Tracks View; the Piano Roll, the Notation view; the Chord Sheet and User interface enhancements. All of the threads have some good ideas but all the threads are dominated by just a few contributors. Some members of this forum use Band-in-a-Box and likely have some thoughts about how the program interface can be improved. I hope you will read through the threads and contribute an idea or two. The threads are available here: https://www.pgmusic.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=postlist&Board=9&page=1
  3. I'm guessing you are using a trumpet VSTi plugin to playback the midi data. During playback the plugin is the focus so the pitch wheel controls the plugin. When you switch to record mode, the plugin looses focus so the pitch wheel no longer controls the plugin. Switch to record mode and then select the plugin and it should work the same as playback assuming all my assumptions are correct.
  4. What a great listen. I enjoyed this very much. Thanks for sharing it with us.
  5. Jim Fogle

    Dreams of You

    I always look forward to hearing a new RexRed song. Your audio production is always top notch and "Dreams Of You" is no exception. Two suggestions for this song. Rearrange the Intro so the vocal starts about 15 seconds sooner. For a song with backing that is this sparse, starting the vocal at 0:31 is too long. To me the backing is too sparse in places. It almost seems as there is dead air between verses. Perhaps add some variety to the backing after each verse? Nice lyrics and powerful singing. I bet women will swoon when they hear this.
  6. There are a couple of new features that I think make Band-in-a-Box 2025 interesting. 1. The stem splitter. PG Music is using stem separation technology licensed from Zplane. To me the Zplane technology works better than Spleeter. Stem separation capability has quickly advanced and Zplane seems to have figured out a way to provide the feature in a pleasing manner. 2. The MultiPicker or MTP for short. PG Music combined several search engines into one, tabbed window in 2024. 2025 MTP has more tabs to provide access to more kinds of content. PG Music has changed legacy keyboard shortcuts to open the MTP to whichever tab the MTP replaces. The MTP window is modal so the MTP can remain open while accessing other parts of the program. I'm finding I'm using more kinds of content than I have in the past because some of the content had no picker but now it does. Consolidating all the search pickers into one window really makes a difference in the workflow. I've attached a screen shot below. 3. VST3 plugin support. While the artificial intelligence features are many are mentioning they aren't my cup of tea. I enjoy cover songs and all the AI features seem to be focused on creating new song ideas.
  7. Band-in-a-Box has five packages. It is important to know all packages use the same Band-in-a-Box and RealBand programs. All packages also include the Band-in-a-Box plugin. The packages differ in how much content is included. Content is things like RealTracks, RealDrums, MIDI SuperTracks, audo loops and styles. The ProPAK is the least expensive with about 1/10th of the available package content. The MegaPAK has about 1/3rd of the available package content. The UltraPAK, UltraPAK+ and Audiophile have all the available package content. Additional content is available beyond the packages. It's easy to make a song. But there are a lot of features in Band-in-a-Box that, as you learn them, can make a song MUCH better. It takes time and practice to learn the features. It's easy to get overwhelmed by the content and disregard learning the program features. That's why I advise you start with the least expensive package, the ProPAK. The ProPAK has Band-in-a-Box, RealBand and the plugin. The ProPAK includes all types of content PG Music offers. So you can learn the program features and how to use all the content types without becoming overwhelmed by the massive amount of available content.
  8. 2025 Band-in-a-Box for Windows Released New features include: The BB Stem Splitter - This tool separates any multi-instrument audio file (.mp3, .m4a, .wav, etc.) into individual tracks - bass, drums, guitars/piano, vocals, and residual sounds. VST3 plugin support. The Audiophile Edition uses FLAC files. These files are 60% smaller than WAV files but maintain identical audio quality. The Audiophile Edition ships on a fast 1TB SSD. The MultiPicker Library adds SongPicker, MIDI Patch Picker, Chord Builder, AI Lyrics Generator, and Song Titles browser tabs in addition to the existing tabs for Styles, Loops, UserTracks, RealDrums, RealTracks and MIDI SuperTracks. Artificial Intelligence (AI) songwriting functions including themes, styles, titles, complete songs including lyrics. [Note: An internet connection is required to use these features.] New content includes: 202 RealTracks Bonus RealTracks/RealDrums (20) with 20 RealStyles MIDI SuperTracks Set 44: Jazz Piano MIDI SuperTracks Set 45: More SynthMaster MIDI Styles Set 90 Look Ma! More MIDI 13: Country & Americana MIDI Styles Set 91 Look Ma! More MIDI 14: SynthMaster Instrumental Studies Set 22: 2-Handed Piano Soloing - Rhythm Changes Instrumental Studies Set 23: More ’80s Hard Rock Soloing Artist Performance Set 17: Songs with Vocals Volume 7 Artist Performance Set 18: Songs with Vocals Volume 8 RealDrums Stems Set 7: Jazz with Mike Clark RealDrums Stems Set 8: Pop, Funk and More with Jerry Roe Playable RealTracks Set 4 SynthMaster Sounds and Styles, with Audio Demos 128 GM MIDI Patch Audio Demos FLAC Files for 20 Unreleased RealTracks/RealDums RealCombos 2025 Booster PAK XPro Style PAK 8 Xtra Styles PAK 19
  9. Gary, Thank you for providing the YouTube link to "The Song". To my ears Hobo Train sounds like the group Little Big Town or Lady A with this song. Excellent song, production and video. I'm sure it was a lot of work but well worth the effort.
  10. First time hearing "I've Been Down" and Hobo Train. The song and delivery reminds me A LOT of early Rascal Flatts songs. How does a lead singer for a Norwegian Country Band develop such a strong southern accent? While listening through headphones I'm hearing two background vocalists that are spread wide left and wide right. There is not much, if any background vocalist near the center. The left channel vocalist seems to be more prominent and above the musical instrument tracks while the right channel vocalist seems to sometimes get lost in the musical instrument tracks. Hopefully these are things you expect the listener to hear. Great use of effects. Very clean and clear sounding mix. Nice dynamics. Dog gone good.
  11. Looking at the +++ Millenium MPS-850 user manual +++ the unit transmits midi notes on midi channel 10. You have set the track's midi input to e-drum but you must also set the track's midi input to receive either MIDI ch. 10 or MIDI Omni.
  12. There have been a few forum discussions concerning CLAP plugins. +++ HERE +++ and +++ HERE +++ are two threads you may find interesting.
  13. @azslow3, thank you for responding to my question. You certainly have offered a lot of assistance to other forum members. I trust what you write to be either accurate (mostly of a technical or programming) information or a considered and informed opinion. I'm sorry you do not feel comfortable in certain areas inside the forum. I apologize for pushing for a product name. I believe every DAW has unique strengths and weaknesses that make each DAW unique. Every DAW user also can have special needs that are met better with one DAW than another. I have not used or looked at many DAWs. I have no way to know what works best in certain situations other than comments I read from forum members whose opinion I value. My goal was to be exposed to interesting information, not to make you uncomfortable.
  14. @azslow3, I seldom frequent the Coffee House so I know not of what you speak. Has this forum really gotten so weird that you feel uncomfortable mentioning other DAWS by name? I sincerely hope not.
  15. @azslow3, somehow I'm missing the name of the DAW you're referencing in your post above.
  16. Agree with all the comments regarding the vocals, your friend Rob did a wonderful performance. However, the audio production behind the vocal is pretty good too. I hope the two of you will pair up to perform some more songs.
  17. @Matthew Simon Fletcher and @John T, are the glitches visible, audible, or both visible and audible? The reason I ask is because if it is only a visible glitch I would suspect either your computer graphic driver, monitor driver or how the graphic chip handles specific zoom percentages. That would also explain why you have such difficulty capturing a screenshot since a screenshot is a redraw of the screen.
  18. Steve, Thanks for providing the additional information. At this point my guess is an *.ini file is corrupt but is not removed when you remove and install the program. I looked through the help menu and the manual. Both describe the variables available for three ini files but none of the variables affect tooltips. However both also mention there are several other ini files that are not user configurable. My guess is it is one of those files. Perhaps @Noel Borthwick, @msmcleod or @Jonathan Sasor will have an idea why the tooltips enable/disable toggle is not working correctly.
  19. My thinking is he may enable tooltips while the program is in use but the setting is not saved when he closes the program. I've seen this happen with other software programs particularly if a user opens a program, changes a setting and then exits the program. The program closes without updating settings because just changing a setting is not considered as a change. The program is looking for a change in content data. For example in addition to changing the setting the user could change screens, move the cursor to a different place on the timeline, enable the metronome, add a track. Something that tells the program work has been performed during this session.
  20. Check Preferences to make sure Show Tooltips is enabled. Press the pc keyboard letter "p" to open Preferences. P > Customization > Display > Other
  21. Hello @Metalhawk, You may not be aware that development of Cakewalk by Bandlab, or CbB for short, has stopped. This was announced June, 2023 +++ HERE +++. The same announcement introduced two new DAWs, Next and Sonar. Next is a new DAW that is available on both Windows and Macintosh operating systems. Sonar continues the development of CbB under a new brand name. Both Next and Sonar are available with a monthly or annual subscription to Bandlab. Sonar release 2024.08 includes many enhancements to reduce latency. You may want to download a trial of Sonar and see if it resolves the issue. If not, then you may want to create a post describing the issue in the Cakewalk Sonar section of the forum.
  22. I haven't seen a post by Steve in a long time. I looked up his profile and he last posted in September, 2023. He is a great forum asset and very much missed. Anyone know what's going on and provide an update?
  23. @msmcleod This is such a great answer to a question I imagine many have thought to ask but didn't. I hope @Jonathan Sasor will consider adding it to the final CbB documentation release.
  24. Nice song, wonderful vocals. I always look forward to listening to the songs you post.
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