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Carl Ewing

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Everything posted by Carl Ewing

  1. Pacific Strings (hopefully released soon, likely not on sale.) Audiothing - Wires Waves Abbey Road Collection Ben Osterhouse (various) Eventide Physion Wavesfactory Cassette Arturia FX (various) Keepforest - Devastator Breakout Pro IK Mesa Boogie v1 & 2 IK iLoud MTM RME UCX II New 88-Key Controller (debating) Spitfire Audio (various - curious what Black Friday brings) NI Komplete CE update 13 to 14 Lifeline Console Full Orchestral Tools (various - depends on sales) I usually only buy stuff during Novemeber / December sales season, so hoping for some deals.
  2. Was waiting to see what the CSS black friday sale would be. It had to be good enough to get me away from Pacific Strings upcoming release. 25% is not good enough, so Pacific Strings it is. Hopefully it's released before end of the year, absolutely love the demo patches.
  3. Ya - I own A LOT of their stuff - bought many of their libraries / sample packs over the last 5 years+ 'cause I always loved their sound. (Lots of glitchy weird ambient stuff.) So already own Atom, Opacity, Paths series, Shift series, Sync series, Discrete Energy, etc. But when I do the "Complete my Suite" it gives me the same €149 price, since I don't own stuff like Playbeat, Riffer. They used to offer an "everything" type bundle that included all sample-type libraries and instruments, etc. But definitely seems like they're moving away from that older stuff. Which is odd, because it's solid content and would likely continue to generate revenue - and it's not like they have to update it.
  4. What a mess. Managed to get so many of the bundle products for dirt cheap over the last 2 years (Neoverb, Vocal Synth 2, Melodyne 5 Editor update, iZotope 9 Advanced update, Soundwide bundle (bx bundle, iZotope Elements bundle, etc.), while also having Music Production Suite 3, that it makes it the Music Production Suite upgrade almost redundant. Will have so many duplicates. But would also like to have full updates of stuff like Ozone and especially RX. But it's more expensive to upgrade these 2 separetely than it is to upgrade the whole bundle. This is the problem with so many company mergers and bundle mergers. If you've been updating / buying these products already (eg. Melodyne, BX / NI plugins), etc. then suddenly the bundles become a total mess. And then you gotta figure that if you upgrade the MPS bundle now, they will most definitely merge more stuff from NI, PA and Celemony over the next year making it even messier if you already own Komplete Collectors Edition and have a PA subscription. Decisions, decisions. This is one reason I like subscriptions sometimes. It simplifies a lot of this mess - especially with so many products scattered across multiple companies that are all offering their own bundle combinations. EDIT: And just realized that if I upgrade Komplete Collectors Edition from 13 to 14, I then get Ozone 10 Standard. But want advanced, which I would get with MPS upgrade. Ayiyi. Are they just trying to mess with my brain?
  5. There have been many plugins attempting to do this over the years. It's often the same story - 3rd party plugin looks to make your daw more "efficient". Plugin is either buggy, redundant, breaks with DAW updates or gets abandoned / continually updates versions making older projects unopenable. Most of the supported daws can do exactly what this plugin does (macros, etc.). Just RTFM.
  6. Okay. I'll buy it damnit! Haha.
  7. Yes it does. It has an entire panning section in the center of the plugin that can pan globally or left / right separately, or mid-side separately. Testing it - if the mono-maker is set to a crossover of, for example, 1khz, then the panning of either left / right is not affected below this 1khz threshold (depending on how you set up the panning section). Comparing this to the Boz plugin, I can get exactly the same result, but can also go further as I have more control over the stereo field, as well as splitting mid-side if I want. Also - once my panning choices are made, I have EQ control over both the mono & stereo field individually, which makes it far more powerful. Pro-Q 3 also gives me this exact same control, with addition of dynamic EQ - although it takes longer to get the same result. Actually, Digital V3 also has dynamics control in addition to pre/post switching.
  8. Wouldn't any stereo EQ with mono-maker frequency adjustment do the same thing? Like Brainworx Digital V3? Or Pro Q 3? I don't see how this is special. Everything I'm seeing in the Youtube demos can be done with Pro Q 3. No? Actually, messing with Brainworx Pan EQ it seems you get much more interesting results, as it's 3-bands. Although it lacks a mono-maker setting unfortunately. Maybe I'm missing something.
  9. Mega sale season is just around the corner. Buy nothing in October!
  10. Have they ever done Lifeline Console Lite as a freebie? Maybe it's too new. I think a lot of people that have Expanse are probably waiting for Console to be promo'd.
  11. Minimum spend $34? They are really trying to sharpen this algorithm for maximum engagement. Soon it will be "MEGA-$26.77665-SALE voucher. Minimum spend $33.87654"
  12. You can tell they are catering this 7 update to people who never do much else other than click on library defaults. See pretty picture, click on instrument you like and move along. The endless UI / UX problems with Kontakt for anyone who goes beyond this (scripting, sampling, mixer, routing, etc.) look untouched. Which is incredible, because they've been awful for 10+ years and still haven't improved. It's unfortunate, as their have been some excellent UI / UX improvements to Reaktor and other NI synths that have never made it over to Kontakt. Uggh. Looks like they made Quickload of non licensed libraries even more convoluted. Yay. At least we get enormous high DPI instrument panels with 90% wasted space, while doing complex drum routing will still use the 8pt font and teeny pull down menus.
  13. If you have Ultimate CE13, here's what's new: Kontakt 7 Choir - Omnia Action Strings 2 Ashlight Lores Playbox Sequis Piano Colors Session Guitarist - Electric Vintage Session Bassist - Prime Bass World Series - East Asia Session Guitarist - Picked Nylon Session Guitarist - Electric Mint 40s Very Own Drums 40s Very Keys Ignition Keys Play Series - Soul Sessions Play Series - Empire Breaks Play Series - Glaze Play Series - Deft Lines (i think is new) Play Series - Melted Vibes Knifonium Ozone 10 Standard BX_Console N BX_Limiter True Peak BX_Console Focusrite SC BX_CrispyTuner Unfiltered Audio LO-FI-AF And about 30 new / additional expansions (103 total) Ain't nobody should be complaining about this lol. That is an absolutely enormous update, especially for $250 when it's eventually on sale.
  14. Have extensive UAD collection. Been without my Octo card for a while due to working mobile, and lack of non-Thunderbolt support on their Apollo interfaces. Have replaced almost everything I had on the UAD platform...for like 1/10th of the price I original purchased the UAD plugins. There is almost no reason to stay in that ecosystem unless you're invested in the hardware. Even the Spark sub isn't appealing, considering the PA sub is the similar price, has a far more diverse / extensive collection (many of which are in UAD collection), and they give a bunch of free plugins with sub. Having said that, if I can access my UAD plugins that I already own for free via Spark - and not need a subscription - then it'll be nice to get the LA2A collection back, as it's my favorite emulation. Everything else has been replaced.
  15. VST3 seems to be buggy. The Flip EQ was not displaying EQ changes in the graph. Installed VST2 and it works correctly. Not sure if it's the whole bundle, but found UI issues for VST3 in a couple of them. (Cubase - Windows 10)
  16. Yep. Love it. Much more versatile than many low end plugins like Waves Submarine, Subsynth, Bassador, etc. In my opinion anyway. Although they all have their uses...BassMint just has a few more features that are great for fx work. Although it doesn't replace Submarine for me, as Submarine does some exceptionally cool stuff in the 20hz range.
  17. Really too bad. Absynth has never been eclipsed in terms of modulation / envelope control over audio source material. It's probably one of the best samplers (and granular sample engines) and sound design tools ever built, and still used extensively in film sound design and scoring. It's a great example of very very high level experimental synthesis and software engineering. Such a great companion to Reaktor too. Sad day. I know many people that will keep running that synth for a very very long time.
  18. Will definitely check them out. Very very curious to hear the Precious MTMs. I will buy them on the spot if they live up to the claims. Maybe they'll do a promo where you buy a pair and they throw in Total Studio.
  19. "Beats sound at three times the price." So that's $2400 pair for Precision MTM. So at 3x, we're talking superior to the Ocean Way HR4 8"s, or Pro3 7s, ATC SCM20 pros, or Genelec S360 SAM 10s, and the Focal Trio11 Be 10s. I'm going to say....I don't believe you're marketing people. Lol.
  20. Same. It's a much needed improvement to v1.
  21. You aren't running NASA. Professional composer for 26 years. Built my own systems most of that time. It isn't difficult. Knowing how to build and maintain my own systems, knowing each part that is in the machines I use, means I have zero downtime and require zero technical support. Ever. It saves me time and money over and over again. Meanwhile, colleagues that pay "premium" (and I said premium as a joke, I clearly meant "ripped off") to have systems built for them are CONSTANTLY calling me for technical help, because they can't be bothered to learn their own systems. Always wondering if there system is running correctly / efficiently. Never sure if a problem is software or hardware. When a problem occurs in the middle of the night, they have no idea how to diagnose and fix the problem. Because they don't understand what's in their machines. Don't understand the operating system, or how peripherals are interacting with the OS. And rely on other people to maintain critically important parts of their business, and hope those people are available when a problem occurs. You basically just advocated for a composer to outsource their technical expertise to someone that is NOT in the studio. If you have an in-house technician, then sure, outsource away. But outsourcing that expertise to someone 1000s of miles away is going to cost you A LOT money and time in the long run. Composing / producing music is a technical and creative job. You can't ignore the technical part and expect to be efficient.
  22. I could really care less. Someone's waaaay overcharging for parts then I'll call them on it. But comments like these - which seem to come every time I point out something is overpriced here - is probably why every musician I know is broke. These aren't your friends. They run a business. They want your money. The more the better. And ya - it's 2022. Maybe in 2005 you needed someone to help you build a system, because so many parts had compatibility issues. Literal children can build high end systems today. Shit, pcpartpicker will hold your hand and tell you exactly what you need and automatically flag problems in your build. Building a DAW system today is child's play. The only thing that might be a challenge for some is delidding or pasting the CPU. But you don't need to pay a $2000 premium on a $3000 machine for the service. People charging those premiums are just straight up assholes - I don't care how much charm and salesmanship they use to get people to overpay. That applies to Apple or small businesses.
  23. I'm surprised Klang isn't more popular. I don't hear about it much, but there are some very unique / cool instruments in that collection.
  24. Spitfire's app is notorious for breaking installations, even when the content isn't moved. Literally 100s of posts about this on their forum. Shit, I just opened the app and it says half of my Labs aren't installed, but they all are, and they all work fine. The App is trash.
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