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kitekrazy1 last won the day on March 7

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  1. less disk space STILL not OPTIMIZED
  2. Odd. I got it for free because I had X or did I pay for it? That's actually a nice one to have.
  3. So if you have the Max version I guess you still have to buy. Avoid downloading this is you don't want a demo plugin in your numerous T Racks plugins. The world gets better everyday when there is another EQ or compressor. There is a shortage of the only plugin you ever need.
  4. That would be a price for a second license which is fine if you have 10 machines.
  5. Please note. Kontakt 7 or higher full version is required. When I get K8 full the first thing I'm going to do is delete K7.
  6. Yes and no. If for VIs - Kontakt, for synths is more for Falcon. All of their libraries seemed geared for synths. But most people use them as romplers.
  7. I always think of their workstation as the likes of Sampletank. Most sounds are not on the level of a dedicated Kontakt library or even KU when it comes to orchestra. Falcon on the other hand is a much different product with plenty of possibilities. This is like UVI's Komplete. This upgrade offer at my price is not even tempting. It's not my idea of loyalty. I think the days are gone where many people are willing to spend over $500 on a single payout of software when there is plenty of music gear that don't need upgrades. There's monitors, audio interfaces, controllers, budget guitars, ect.
  8. Well that is one thing about OT libraries. I get why they did their own player so you can buy a piece at a time. Kinda odd but the library was already installed.
  9. Nope, mine is $499 and I have Falcon. That is why. For some this would be duplicate licenses. Sometime this is often an issue with some iLok software. It's rare for an extra license discount. It's the same way with VSL.
  10. kitekrazy1

    Serum 2 189$

    That' s the reality no one wants to hear. I have plenty of wave table synths and they pretty much do the same thing if you are into making music instead of sound design. I've eventually owned Serum for less by using my PB credits. If you are not into program there are plenty of great 3rd party presets.
  11. I've had ST Max ever since there was a Max. Even before that.
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