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Paul Bush

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Everything posted by Paul Bush

  1. Hi User 69 , i would love to say that its latency problems but I have to hold my head up and say no its just me not playing properly , I think i´m more of a songwriter than a producer that said i love putting a basic idea down and playing around with it adding bit n pieces and being creative but at the end of the day I although I put hours and hours into my recordings they always fall short , I´m just not that technicaly minded competant , after a while i get clouded vision and wel the rest is ....... cheers for the lovely comments.... in spite of my downfalls the forum members are always nice to me which is what this forum is all about thanks once again Paul
  2. Hi chaps , thanks for all the positive input, as far as the tempo goes Steve yes I thought that as well it could do with a bit more pep , I have done a few videos but they`re really time consuming surfing the free videosphere its something I should look into, Yeah bjorn I do tend to invent my own words and lyrics it comes from being a brit living in austria thinking in english and speaking german I think that phrase you mentioned came from cannon fodder from the first world war , one of the lyrical tricks is I use is adding a well known idioms for people to latch on to , one of my made up ones was ``even in a two dog race I wouldnt make second place ´´ thanks Douglas and Nigel for the nice comments .. really appriciated cheers P
  3. Thanks Kurt for taking the time to explain , I thought there might be a quick fix, one size fits all type of thing , Ive just found tutorial at Mikes creative sauce to help me a longas well , once again thanks for explaining , P
  4. Hi Kurt , thanks for the comments how do you edit your live instuments ? do you konw any tutorials tips etc other than quantizing cheers p
  5. Yeah i concure with all the above vocals were lovely and clear to me ..really nice
  6. Hi chaps , here´s another one that if I´m honest i seem to be repeating myself musically , that said It was still a lot of fun writing and recording it like all the others , as always all comments are welcome , cheers P
  7. Paul Bush

    Half moon

    Efortlessly played , really relaxing liked the drums are the live brushes .great track cheers P
  8. Paul Bush

    Sandra Nye

    Yeah love the vocal rythum I think its good as it is but with a good mix it could be much better once again loved the vocals break was also good cheers P
  9. Mud slide slim was the first album i had from james taylor memories are flooding back.. now cheers great cover
  10. Hi Doug Great guitar tones and riff , and the chorus really sticks out , great mix has a great ``live´´ feel to to it nice one
  11. Paul Bush


    Yes very cool playing and compostion , great all round
  12. Hi Nigel , just love those guitar tones , just as they should be, really clean playing and with a super feeling, nothing rushed just right on the button , evokes in my minds eye a darkend smoke filled half empty bar with the band playing on the corner stage ..... but thats just me I see music in pictures cheers P
  13. Paul Bush


    Yeah so tight, well balanced great production great vocals cheers great song
  14. I really liked the vibe on this one Lynn had a bit like little feat touch loved the percussion i wouldnt change anything on this ``dont touch those pretty white flowers ´´ what an introduction to a song so ballsy great song , right up my alley well done respekt
  15. I concure with all the above just great, love that nylon string guitar really lovely . Oh and the vocals are spot on
  16. Thanks Larry , this one took on a life of its own so i didnt try and write to the normal verse, chorus , verse etc i just let it take its course and let it ramble on, I didnt want to make a typical 3:30 pop tune this time ..I endulged myself on this one cheers P
  17. Hi Bjorn , this is not my thing really ..but then I couldnt stop listening ,totally captivating , totally sucked me in .. I´m still hanging by a thread as I write........the 5 minutes flew by wow ! this was really something special cheers P
  18. Hi guys I couldnt stand that last mix so Ive re sung some parts, calmed down the reverb cymbals , and struck the compressor off so here goes
  19. Hi Freddy , thanks for taking the time Ive deleted the song from soundcloud and re posted it again with a new re mix cheers P
  20. Hi chaps thanks for all the constuctive comments , Ive re visited the master and realised that the compressor (thanks Antler) was way over the top and clouded the whole mix , I´ve been watching way too many tutorials and over complicated the whole mixdown stage and not trusting my own ears , so i´m re-doing some vocals with a tick less reverb and I´ll post again at some stage , oh and the cymbals have been calmed down in places ..once again thanks for all the constructive advice..P
  21. Paul Bush


    hi chaps , well after a few hours of messin around in the studio I managed to get it this far, I made quite a few changes and thanks to all the helpful comments you all pushed and inspired me to once again to better myself and dig deeper for this recording so thanks and as always your comments are more than welcomed cheers p
  22. Yeah Hi t , Ive left myself a bit of headroom on this one before I master, this is the first time I`ve managed to do this as usually I push it all to the max leaving nowhere to go later on so i´m really experimenting with this one , the drums are all seperate, and many tracks are using lots of busses giving me easyer control at the mix stage ....well thats the idea anyway ..or failing that I`ll just have a few beers and push record ......cheers P
  23. Hi chaps well this ones been on the back burner for some time , so I made some (many)changes and heres what came out , itS another rant about , politics and media etc all comments are welcome cheers P.. .......the end will faded out at some stage....
  24. Hi this one flew under the radar , another good song from you, really liked the percussion , cant fault it in any way good stuff cheers P
  25. Oh yes Liked this very much great melody , wasnt too keen on the fill guitar percussion did the trick , great vocals top song ...
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