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Everything posted by lawajava

  1. Great! Let’s see if there’s a cost to it or not for existing users.
  2. DeCoda is an excellent tool. Wonky interface, but excellent for a quick look at any song’s chord structure in just seconds. I use it with a smile.
  3. Definitely worth it if you don’t have these.
  4. If you go to pluginguru.com and buy (not free) their Unify plugin that includes Dexed - the huge upside is that Unify blends the Dexed features with tons of other great sounding presets. Highly recommended to get Unify if you don’t already have it! Includes Dexed in the bargain!
  5. Wow! Super thanks for informing us!
  6. lawajava

    XLN updates

    Had no idea about the Max Martin connection. No shortage of ideas will result from that. He’s solid gold success.
  7. Really like the Phil Bennett clip. Adds a nice sense of appreciation.
  8. Would not have known about that without your post. Thanks!
  9. I just took this now and received my code. I don’t recall taking this earlier this year so hopefully it will work! (Actual result: well, I had used it apparently). Oh well.
  10. Yeah, lean synths are great adds. If I was only going to add two extras to my basic DAW they would be Kontakt and Omnisphere. I’ve added more than those two since there are many great options available for us.
  11. To me it’s like why even fire up your DAW if you don’t have Kontakt and Omnisphere. Those are the most obvious ones to have if you’re adding anything on top of what’s included in your stock plugins that come with your DAW. Everything else is all well and good.
  12. Easy - Rapid, Diva, Avenger. But the others are all honorable mentions! As they all have great aspects.
  13. I am in the preferred scenario where I have all of the synths mentioned here. Basically thanks to Larry and to various sales that have occurred over time. I can point out great aspects for each of the synths mentioned. If I could have my druthers, and I did, I would get all of them when funds and sales collide at different points. Each one by itself is a great add! Not a disappointment in the bunch listed.
  14. It has a free trial period. And if liked, $21. Pretty reasonable. For the acoustic tracks of my own that I’ve tried it on I’m very satisfied with the sound of the effect for that cost.
  15. Nigel - I sort of short shrifted my notes on it. I did buy it. Used it on some experiment files and have been very pleased. I think I'll be using it as opposed to just storing it in my list of possible tools. Sounds good, easy to use. I think more convenient for acoustic guitar than some of the collection of effects I've been using to achieve the same types of results. Nice effect for that price. I'm glad I have it.
  16. I like it! https://www.adsrsounds.com/product/software/united-plugins-quick-ag-acoustic-guitar-fx-plugin/
  17. Starise - you’ve just opened a new horizon of musical possibilities.
  18. Simon - Simply restating - this is a no brainer.
  19. I frequently use XO. Although I haven’t ported in additional drum sounds. I like what is included already. The Plugin Boutique videos that walk through XO really quickly allows someone thinking about it to get the idea of how it works.
  20. Case in point - without Larry jrrshop has been having a tough time. Welcome back!
  21. I found it very non intuitive. I gave up in frustration. But, hey, for $10 that’s quite a deal.
  22. Agreed - this sounds like I would use it. Has some uniqueness that could add some spice.
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