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Everything posted by mgustavo

  1. Hi, I'd like to report CbB have been closing without warning when I drag and drop copy or move chord names (chord symbols) on Staff View. Although sometimes it works as expected. EDIT: the current issue happens when trying to use drag and drop to copy or move chord names, but leaving Staff View notes on their places. Also there's another bug which will delete chord names when tweaking with them as described above. Also some notes could be deleted with this procedure. Best regards
  2. Hi, I was having an issue which was similar to OP, as I've had glitches when doing multitrack audio recording. Actually playback had many glitches during recording, but when only reproducing it was ok. Also I was having glitches on recorded audio, even if it was one single track project. Fortunately John Vere video tutorial helped me to configure CbB properly. My audio interface was working on a low latency for my system so I increased it to 256 samples. Also I disabled Read and Write Caching on Audio - Sync and Caching in Preferences and set both Playback and Record I/O buffers at 256 KB. That seems to work! Thanks @John Vere for this nice tutorial! I'm going to read CbB documentation to understand better how it works. Best regards
  3. Hi Billy86, as others have said Musescore is a good software for this task, but you could use CbB too, adding words to notes on Staff View, as well as using Lyrics View, to see it as a text. In both cases you should hyphenate syllables (or separate words with underline symbol). Also to use it on SV click on the Lyrics button to activate this feature. For more (and better) information see the following link. Working with lyrics
  4. Hi johnpeeee, I've seen some users on CbB forum which liked BandLab free mastering service! I remember trying it but I didn't like it too much - at first sight it reminded me those EQ presets from hi-fi micro-systems (which have their value!). I don't know if BandLab has improved it but I'm going to give it another try. BandLad is a nice online DAW and sometimes I use it on my smartphone. However I don't have audio interface for Android / Samsung phone, so I don't use it too much. Also Cakewalk brought the opportunity for users to get a free account of LANDR on Sonar days, and I used it many times! Unfortunately it seems they have changed their politics about free and paid subscriptions, so one won't have 2 free low resolution MP3 mastering per month anymore. ? Also thanks for indicating Cloudbounce, I'm going to give it a try! Best regards
  5. Hi Jeremy, I see that Offset Tempo Map is working as expected, but if it will sound stretched that's not what I was aiming to. Maybe Production Techniques forum will be more appropriate for this issue. ? Thanks in advance!
  6. Yes, you're right! I've just enabled SMPTE mode on Time Ruler and it's showing correctly. Thanks! But still happens that Tempo Map will get longer than audio clip, so I'll lose subtle changes, despite overall tempo will be ok. Also MIDI clip will follow new Tempo Map size, but will be half velocity. So I'll change MIDI clip to follow audio music, but again Tempo Map will be longer. Sorry for my insistence with this issue, but I'm not getting the point. ? I guess I was expecting Tempo Map to behave like Locked Markers, which I use when I want to change tempo without losing SMPTE positions.
  7. Hi Jeremy Murray-Wakefield, I feel Tempo Track is nice feature and improved the workflow with Tempo Map! The only thing it could be improved, imo, is to keep the zoom size, as a starting point, when changing its proportion via Tempo Scale. That's because when tweaking with Tempo Scale zoom will always start from zero, i.g., from its wider size. Also I'm having an issue when trying to change Tempo Map by a half using Offset Tempo Map, but it seems it won't change nodes location (i.g., their position on Time Ruler). Maybe I'm missing something? In an example I have an audio clip and I want tempo to go slower but keeping the same beat (and the same Tempo Map). Like when we have a quarter note measure but will count tempo with half notes. Could this be possible? Thanks in advance!
  8. Hi, John Vere I guess changing https to http could help Cakwalk site show pictures instead of broken icons.
  9. Hi, this is an awesome update, thanks to the Bakers! One thing I liked is the Selection Module following SMPTE improvement / fix! Also, I've noticed Tempo Track's Offset Tempo Map dialog box it's buggy on 2021.09 Early Acess. It's got a dark color backgroud and it's hard to read words like BPM and % .
  10. Hi, I'd suggest Musescore, which is a good (free) score editor imo .
  11. Hi, I'd like to add a comment to 57Gregy's post, that it seems bar size depends on its content (many notes or few notes may result in different sizes). Also one could change the page rastral size, selecting Print Preview on Staff View Print Menu, and clicking on Configure button. That will result in different music sheet sizes.
  12. Hi, nice work! Thanks for sharing! As others said it's a very important subject! Best regards
  13. Hi, nice composition and instruments sounds! ☕
  14. Hi, I'd like to say I did another try with Find/change feature and it worked as expected this time! However I had to change key signature from D major to C , as I wanted to test enharmonic notes related to D major key (I played D major and D minor scales with CbB keyboard controller, and tried to change A# to Bb (from Dm scale) using Find/change feature, but that didn't work on D major key signature. So I changed key to C major and it did the trick.). Also I kept the original D and Dm scales and changed key signature to G major and it did the trick, but the same didn't occur with D and A major keys, where A# didn't change to Bb (it may change to other note, but not to Bb).
  15. Hi, Mage_et_lent ! I've tried this also but it won't change the note to its enharmonic relative here. The result is similar to Event Inspector Module pitch field, where most part of the time won't change enharmonic notes. But I feel it helps when using Select notes by filter to select notes and Event List View to change it manually (at least the selected notes will be easiar to find).
  16. Hi, @Noel Borthwick ! Sorry for my post and thanks for the information! Actually I was going to write that "it's not being developed anymore" and changed the word on the last minute, but with small knowledge about the issue.
  17. Hi, PremJ Hans! I've had this kind of issue while using TTS-1 mainly if there are tempo changes on the project as well as a loop selection. If you could check if is that the same situation I guess it's a known issue. Also this soft synth is a DXi type which is not being supported anymore, as I read on this forum. However there are many options recommended on the Instruments & Effects forum, including the Yamaha S-YXG50, which is similar to TTS-1 as it is 16 channel GM plugin (see the Freeware Instruments Thread ).
  18. Hi, sjoens! Thanks for the reply! I had a better reading on online Help and saw it is possible to dock Multidock to the right and left edges, as well at the center. Thanks! Also I'll give a try to dock Inspector and Browser on Multidock to get full screen width. I've been dragging Browser to Multidock when I need to learn a song's lyrics, so I'll have more space to write it on Notes guide. It helps on workflow! Best regards
  19. Hi, I think this commands are obsolete, but the new Tempo Track will let you set tempo ratios adjusting Offset Tempo Map. http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Tempo.11.html I hope this helps!
  20. Hi, sjoens! Thanks for your response! However in my case the Browser appears normally on Track View, as well as the Inspector. But on other Views Browser won't show, but Inspector still does. Fortunately your post helped me to understand better this issue, and it seems to be related to Project Templates, as most of them will start with Inspector on the left edge and Browser on the right. However Browser will be above the Multidock, and Inspector is aside it! That's the reason why I have to click on Dock Options to (re) choose Dock to Bottom on Multidock. So if I have any docked View I should choose Dock at Bottom to adjust it better and let Browser to be aside Multidock! Also I've noticed that since Screenset 02 all screensets will show Browser aside multidock. However many Project Templates will start with Browser set above Multidock (Screenset 01), and one should do that trick to adjust it and let Browser be aside it.
  21. Hi, I'd like to report an issue where Browser won't appear on other Views than Track View, unless one does a workaround with Dock Options Menu. The expected behavior is to hit 'B' key to see Browser on other Views, but that won't happen since Sonar Professional days. To resolve this issue one could click on Dock Options Menu at screen bottom and (re) choose Dock at Bottom, for example. Since this Browser will be available on other Views, like Piano Roll View, Staff View, etc. This is the minimum move to resolve it, but one could also undock Browser, dock it to the Left, undock it again and dock it to the Right, for example. I don't know if it's a known issue but if someone could reproduce it that will be much appreciated! Best regards,
  22. Hi, I'd like to comment I have an UM2 interface too and it's been working well with BEHRINGER USB AUDIO 2.8.40 driver. Also it has Direct Monitor selector which could help when doing screen capture and related jobs. Also I've made broadcasting (*) with Skype and Zoom and it worked fine, but I don't know if it is the same with OBS! (*) chat video broadcasting
  23. Hi, thanks to the Bakers for the update and for fixing an issue with localized Kind of Event dialog on the Event List! Also I've noticed Tempo Track zoom function will always start from zero, i.e. it won't remember last zoom settings (click + drag on Tempo Scale). It looks like that was not expected. Best regards
  24. Hi Jeremy Oakes, I don't know if it helps, but you could try to use Matrix View. I've used it a few times, but I was trying to get similiar results to Cyclone DXi (i.e. trigger samples from my MIDI controller, etc.) Best regards,
  25. Hi, Skyline_UK, I used LICEcap a few times, as well as Format Factory. They are both simple, maybe it could help! * Format Factory is used to convert file format but also has this new feature to do screen capture. Best regards EDIT: Sorry, my bad! These softwares won't record audio (FF does but won't recognize audio interface other than PC onboard audio).
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