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About mgustavo

  • Birthday 07/07/1972

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  1. msmcleod, thanks for the input! That's a good workaround, I'll give give it a try!
  2. Bristol_Jonesey, yes, I thought it could be like when using system restore point in Windows! I don't know if it would work! Base 57, thanks, but I didn't enable this feature, maybe it could be a good practice! I normally save a backup file but this time I had just forgot! Thanks for the replies!
  3. Hi! I've been working on a project with a few instrument tracks, but I forgot "Ripple Edit All" button enabled, deleted a bounced mix and changed to other mix scene. It took me some time to relate those actions, because all midi content had disappeared, and I had already saved the file! In resume, as I lost my work, is there a way to recover this project file ? Thanks in advance!
  4. Hi, I'd like to thank for a simple improvement on Event Inspector Module, about an issue that's still found on CbB - when one is inserting a numeric value for velocity or duration, for example, the operation may be aborted if mouse cursor loses focus from the specific field. However on Sonar it's still possible to complete operation if mouse cursor loses focus. Edit: My bad - the issue above is the same on both Sonar and CbB!
  5. Hi, John, thanks for the reply! The mixer is a Waldman (brazilian pro audio manufacturer), CPP series. It seems is a legacy model, but I believe is more modern than my Phonic AM series (both are entry level). I did a brief test recording in overdub on CbB and didn't notice latency, but when editing a song on Musescore I noticed latency on midi reproduction, so I'm connecting it on my MU2 interface, simply substituting the Phonic mixer. I tried to compare its specifications with a Xenyx model I saw on internet, and they look similar. Also it has a good sound, but I'll try to contact the manufacturer to get more information.
  6. Hi Glenn, thanks for the response! I believe it's not class compliant, as I did a brief search on the internet, and didn't find this information. I remember trying WASAPI mode but it started playing with my notebook onboard audio. Also I read on the internet that UM2 preamp is XENYX, and better Behringer interfaces have MIDAS preamp. I was a bit worried about losing quality with mixer's USB communication with the computer, but maybe it's similar.
  7. Hi, I've been using an audio mixer connected to a Behringer UM2 interface, so I can do simple recordings with CbB, as well as send computer sounds to the mixer via 2 Track Return (this helps me to record overdubs, as the 2 Track Return audio won't go to main output). However I bought a new audio mixer to increase the XLR channels, and I saw it's USB port works as an audio interface. The only problem is that it's not ASIO, and it only works with MME on CbB, which seems is not a low latency driver. However if I use my Behringer UM2, which has an ASIO driver, it will ocupy 1 stereo channel in the mixer, which is only 8 channels (4 XLRs and 2 stereo TRS). On the other side, new mixer's USB port works like this 2 Track Return system, and let me use it's 2 stereo tracks. So I'd like to ask if it would do much difference between the MME driver and this entry level interface with ASIO? Thanks in advance!
  8. Hi, Bristol Jonesey thanks for the input! I updated Sonar and Concrete Limiter appeared this time. I don't know if it's related but it's cool to get this classic PC effect!
  9. David Baay, thanks for the reply! I found Concrete Limiter folder but the DDL file seems to be missing. I also reinstalled Sonar but it did not solve the problem. Another thing I noticed is that there are the download link and the beta access to Sonar, maybe could it be related? Thanks!
  10. Sal Sorice, thanks for the reply! However this plugin won't appear when I try to insert a module on ProChannel. All the others are shown, like BReverb 2, CA-2A, Bark of Dog, etc., but this new one, at least to me, won't show. I also tried to find where ProChannel effects are located but couldn't find it.
  11. Hi, I read Sonar includes Pro Channel Concrete Limiter, but I couldn't find it. My previous paid software was Sonar Professional, maybe it could be related? Thanks!
  12. Hi, I'd like to say I liked Sonar UI new look, as well as improvements on brazilian portuguese language. Thank you bakers! I also would like to ask about Pro Channel Concrete Limiter, because I couldn't find it on Sonar (my previous paid software was Sonar Professional). Thanks!
  13. Wow, this looks cool! Thanks for sharing!
  14. Hi, I've always wanted to read memos I save on Browser Notes so I could find a specific project I'm looking for after a few months. It could be on Start Screen as well on Windows Explorer. Could this be possible? Thanks in advance!
  15. Hi, I'd like to report another issue related to expression content on Staff View. I guess it's a known issue and it happens when I write words like "segno", "coda" or "||", which I’ll finish on Musescore after exporting staff as MusicXML. The second step happens on Track View - if one cuts a midi clip containing those expressions the result is that last word written will be repeated where clip was divided. Does someone else has seen this? Thanks in advance!
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