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  1. It sounds like you might want to customize which track controls ("widgets") are shown. You can create your own presets and select them to determine which "widgets" are shown. Or you can select one of the "factory" track control presets.
  2. "The Flying Mountains" sounds like the name of a group, maybe a Super Group that does Acid Rock? 🤪
  3. Are you saying (for example) that people who have TTS-1 from prior purchases of SONAR can use TTS-1 in CbB but not in Cakewalk Sonar?
  4. Confirmed on my PC in CbB that by creating a customized Workspace with a docked Control Bar at the bottom installing updates did cause not me to lose the "CB at Bottom" Workspace. It was reported several years ago as well as more recently that if you tweak a factory preset and use the same name [e.g., "Advanced"] you will run the risk that the Factory Workspace that you didn't rename will be overwritten.
  5. Confirmed an hour ago, with a newly saved "CB at bottom" Workspace.
  6. For $50, I could have gotten 12 IK Sound Libraries I didn't have from IK.** For $30, I can get 6 IK Sound Libraries I don't have from HB. For $15, I can get 1 from HB, **In fact, for $50 (possibly less if they accept jam points on this purchase) I can still get all 12 IK Sound Libraries I don't have with Sample Tank 4 MAX v. 2. See the official IK Versions Comparison Chart. JMO: Depending on what IK synths/libraries you have / want, the HB options might not be your best choice. Consumers of the world, UNITE!!! WARNING TO GASaholics inclined to do impulse buying: Don't be in a rush just because something at first glance looks like a great deal (i.e., too good to pass up).
  7. I am a fan of Workspaces, have used floating control bars in different locations (as needed, per Workspace), and have noticed some persistent issues, but I have not paid attention to issues whether or not new releases (updates) move a control bar docked at the bottom to the top. I assume you are talking about Cakewalk Sonar (not CbB) and that you have the Control Bar docked at the bottom. I was also wondering if this might be part of the problem. @Beagle Also, are you using a customized Workspace (e.g., CB at Bottom) when this happens? If so, what are your settings in the Workspace Manager (Show in GUI and Load from Workspace)? PS: If you use a factory Workspace and have customized it to have the Control Bar at the bottom, have you given it a unique name?
  8. Breaking News????????? I hate to tell them, News has been broken for a good number of years!!!!!! 😜
  9. Bring back good old fashioned music from the '60s: Also:
  10. Glad you mentioned the Expansion Pack. It looks like I downloaded/installed them June 4th/5th; super nice to have more patterns. I may have used the Import Preset feature. BTW, there's a quick turn around update: 1.3.1. Here's a link to the updated support page which has the manual, FAQs, release notes, etc.
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