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User 905133's post in How To Print Staff View was marked as the answer
I don't think I have printed out music from SONAR/Cakewalk in 15-20, but I followed these instructions and they worked.
CORRECTION: I looked at the instructions, but I think my hands just did what they always used to do. Sec. Let me retrace them and write them down.
UPDATE: Ooops. I was typing down the exact steps, but when I went to look at your reply, I lost the text. ? I was only up to Step 5 or 6. I will re-do and post as I go.
Open / Load Project (2 midi tracks + 1 instrument track). Select 2 midi tracks (Ctrl + mouse clicks). Choose Menu Bar > Views > Staff View (opens up in Multi-Dock). In Multi-Dock's Staff View, Choose Print > Print Preview. OPTIONAL: Press Configure; Change Rastral Size; Use Zoom In/Out (resizes display size); Choose Close. 5a Press Configure. 5b Change Rastral Size. 5c Click OK. 5d Use Zoom In /Zoom Out buttons to see the result of the Rastral Size change. 5e Choose Close. PRINT Path 1: Choose Print (the button next to Configure once you are in Print Preview / Configuration Change mode). Path 2: Press Close to exit Print Preview / Configuration Change mode. Choose Print (on the Multi-Dock's Staff View Tab/Menu Bar Select Print to PDF [I used Microsoft Print to PDF]. Save [I saved to Desktop]. **In order to have the preview display change to something close to the new rastral size, I had to close out of the print preview and then choose print again. The rastral size [layout] was correct in the PDF that was printed. But in order to see the approximate layout in the preview display, I had to close out of print preview and re do it.
I will try this again to make sure I typed out the steps I used correctly. I think the first time I tried, the steps might have been different.
SEC: I left out a step: Zoom out let me see the preview change the first time. Let me update the steps.
SEC: I believe there are (at least) two paths to printing. Double checking that now.
So, these steps (and variations) worked consistently on my PC. Hope they help.
I have been trying different things, but so far in Step 2, Print Preview is not disabled no matter what I do. Maybe someone else has some ideas about what might cause it to be disabled. It shouldn't matter because Staff View has been around for so long, but I am using CbB Version 2022.11 (Build 021).
User 905133's post in General MIDI patch numbers off by one was marked as the answer
The short answer: No. The high bit in the program number being 0 is intentionally used to identify the number as data.
The long answer:
When you asked "Is the high bit of the program number simply unused, reserved for future use?" I assumed you understood the structure of midi commands [midi status bytes and midi data]. Evidently I assumed too much. Sec while I look at the link.
1100 in binary = 0xC
nnnn is the channel number (0x00 to 0x0F) corresponding to human numbers 1 to 16
1100nnnn represents 0xCn, aka the Program Change Command in MIDI 0ppppppp represents the Program Change Value.
This is a two-byte MIDI command. The first byte is the status byte. Since the highest bit is set [1100 nnnn] it says, "Hey, this is a midi command." Since the first half [nybble] is 1100 [0xC], it says, "Hey, this midi command is supposed to do a program change." nnnn says, "Hey, do this patch change on MIDI channel nnnn [1-16, where nnnn goes from 0000 to 1111].
The second byte is the MIDI data. Since the highest bit is clear [0ppp pppp], it says, "Hey, I'm MIDI data [not a MIDI Command]." Since MIDI data is 7 bits long, it goes from 0000 1111 to 0111 1111 (or, 0x00 to 0x7F; or 0 to 127)
In the status byte, the highest bit is set. That tells any program/routine that is processing midi, that it is a midi command as opposed to midi data.
If you are using software that handles MIDI for you, you shouldn't have to worry about trying to set the highest bit in the data byte. If you are writing your own code, it would make a difference.
Bank Select / Bank Switching (where implemented) is included in the MIDI Spec so gear and users can switch banks of 128 programs/patches/presets. Pages 12-13 of the document you found show the Continuous Controller MIDI data bytes for selecting banks. Control Change commands are 3-bytes: status, CC number, data value.
User 905133's post in Cakewalk Sound Center: Pan + Volume right-click menus? was marked as the answer
I have used MIDI Learn in different software for years. It varies from program to program. The Sound Center's implementation looks pretty standard (sort of).
Resetting the virtual knobs in Cakewalk's Sound Center depends on how you use the knobs (mouse only or MIDI CCs) and how you changed it (forgotten or reassigned to a different CC).
Mouse only usage: I was able to reset the knob position changed by the mouse by double clicking the knob.
For MIDI assignment changes, one solution is to use MIDI Learn to assign the virtual knobs to CC 10 and CC 07, respectively. Another solution is to use Add MIDI Control and choose from the list of CCs.
If you don't want to use MIDI Learn or if you understand the basics already, no need to read the following.
As for using MIDI Learn, I often use it to assign knobs, sliders, or buttons (such as those found on keyboard and other controllers) to virtual knobs. sliders, or buttons in software synths and FX plug-ins.
Let's say a specific slider on a specific midi device is setup to send CC93 [CC = Continuous Controller, a type of midi data]. And let's say I want that slider to control cutoff frequency (just using that vas an example). Usually I just have to press MIDI Learn in the software and then move that slider. In most software that have MIDI Learn these days, once I move the hardware slider, the virtual control will move and the plug-in will respond the way I set it up--in this case changing Cutoff Frequency.
But let's say I just want the external controller's range changed. If there is a min and max setting, I can change the range. So I c an make all the way down on the controller correspond with (for example) a value of 60% and all the way up correspond with 95%.
But let's say I want the range to be reversed--all the way down = 95% and all the way up = 60%. If the program (or plug-in) has a reverse switch, I'd use that.
That's the basics of MIDI Learn, though depending on how you want to use it and depending on the specific implementation, there might be more possibilities. For example, we can also use CC automation within a DAW or send CCs / control parameters from one program or plug-in to another.
UPDATE: Just tested MIDI Learn in Cakewalk's Sound Center on my PC. It shows up as a 32-bit application and uses the "Teleport" program to work with the 64-bit CbB. You might have a different utility for this function.
Cakewalk's Sound Center "Add Control" can also be used to assign CCs to the plug-in's parameters, but instead of moving a knob, slider, button, etc., you choose from a list.
Sound Center's "Remove Control," can be used to remove a CC assignment.
Also, evidently we switch between ten sets of MIDI CC assignments (MIDI Configurations).
I am surprised this is not documented. Maybe someone knows where it is. In the meantime, I hope the above helps.
User 905133's post in How To Show Dialog Box Buttons? was marked as the answer
Is the display set to anything larger than 100%?
User 905133's post in Minimizing cakewalk stops amp was marked as the answer
Is the suspend box checked or unchecked?
User 905133's post in Synth Tracks [Solved] was marked as the answer
There are at least three ways to insert a software synth [aka Instrument] that I have used. (1) from the menu [Insert > Soft Synth], (2) from the Browser, (3) by right clicking in the track header area, (4) using the + button in the Synth Rack. Some of the methods have been updated quite a bit fairly recently, including new options in the Insert wizard accessible via insertion method three. The old insertions dialog [the one with the check boxes - synth properties] has been updated, too. I know there are discussions in the forum. Maybe look at some of the New/Updated Features from the past 6-8 months, too.
But if you try the three methods above, I think you'll find it to be rather "intuitive" from past versions of SONAR/Cakewalk. There may be other ways, but I like these:
For this, I usually use the Split Instrument Track option once the combined track has been made. (See below.) IIRC there are also ways to get separate tracks using the Insert Soft Synth Track wizard [Advanced Options button] and the old check-box dialog method. Those are some of the newer features I had in mind, but I am a slow learner and gravitate towards methods I've used for ages.
Splitting tracks using the Advanced button options in the Insert Instrument / Add Track Wizard (method 3 above)--see below. For me, I tend not to do it this way (1) because it is a fairly recent method that (2) has changed a few times over the past year, (3) because different soft synths have differences which produce different track results that boggle my old school mind, and (4) I am so used to just splitting the track it is "intuitive." Not knocking the new methods at all--if I had the mind I had a couple of decades ago, I'd struggle with the newer methods until they became second nature.
Hope this helps.
BTW, the Enable MIDI Output (if available) checkbox option in the synth properties/ insert soft synth options dialog is relatively new (or had been missing)--from UI change list to a late 2020 update: "Enable MIDI Output check box was missing from Insert Synth Options dialog when opened from the Synth Rack."
User 905133's post in How do you embed other topics in post? was marked as the answer
From my browser's url bar, I copied and will now post the link directly as opposed to using a hyperlink:
This is the hyperlink method.
User 905133's post in M-Audio Oxygen 25 not recognized by Cakewalk was marked as the answer
Let me see if I understand:
(1) The M-Audio Oxygen controller shows up under Preferences > MIDI > Devices > Inputs and you have it checked.
(2) If you (a) insert a midi track, (b) make sure the either the controller or all midi inputs are selected as your midi input, and (c) turn midi echo on, the track virtual leds do not light up when you press notes (or turn knobs) on the controller.
(3) And, if you insert a midi instrument and play notes, you don't get sound?
BTW, for testing audio flow issues, I like TTS-1 because I can press the riff sample buttons at the bottom to test the audio independently from the midi.
I am just asking for clarification here to try to figure out what works and what doesn't.
User 905133's post in How do I set "Lens" to default to "Custom"? was marked as the answer
Good question. All my Workspaces come up with [Workspace]. So, I unchecked "Track Control Manager" from the "Load from Workspaces" column.
That seems to work for me. It keeps the Workspace from changing what you have. So if you have "Custom" as the previous Track Control configuration, when you switch Workspaces, it should stay as "Custom."
BTW, it looks like the Track Control setting can be saved with Screensets.
Thank you for asking!! I have wondered how to do that myself, but never allowed myself the time to explore it. You gave me the perfect opportunity to move it to the top of my "to-do" list.
So, if I shut down Cakewalk with (1) my "==> MIDI" set of track widgets on the Track Control drop down button and (2) my "TEST" Workspace as my last Workspace before shutting down, "==> MIDI" is there when I load a new project.
PS: I am not sure if we can force a specific set of Track Controls from a Workspace.
User 905133's post in How do I get CPU performance meter to show in control bar? was marked as the answer
Right click in the blank space of the Control Bar and make sure it is enabled.