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Studio Brasil Producer

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Everything posted by Studio Brasil Producer

  1. I have a problem on the cakewalk, when I try to open my projects. First it scans the plugins, then it closes everything. any project I can't open anymore? https://youtu.be/7BlI_SA3rxc
  2. hello guys where i find several cakewalk projects to download, to practice mixing
  3. I formatted my computer, and I'm installing it again, then I return to see if it resolved, or not
  4. i'm discouraged with the cakewalk, i've been using it for years and i'm having a blocking problem. my project is using about 50% processing. and is locking the screen, when I run some plugin control it displays Delay on the screen. press to play the video is delayed. my computer is good Core I5 8gb Ram NvidiA 1gb. but I did the test with the same audio files and the same plugins in another daw, Studio One. and it didn't crash. Does anyone know what can it be? any settings I need to change on the cakewalk? Or was it an bug?
  5. hello, i have a problem on the cakewalk. the problem is occurring on all tracks. my whole mix is ready. but at a certain point running the project, the faders of all tracks increase by themselves from nowhere. exploding sound; then down the volume again and a few minutes increase again. it doesn’t even have an automation, I think it’s strange for that, because there are no automation lines.
  6. hello, i have a problem on the cakewalk. the problem is occurring on all tracks. my whole mix is ready. but at a certain point running the project, the faders of all tracks increase by themselves from nowhere. exploding sound; then down the volume again and a few minutes increase again. it doesn’t even have an automation, I think it’s strange for that, because there are no automation lines.
  7. Hello, I have been following the cakewalk since version 4, and I really like its usability, it is very intuitive. you program it, I think it would be interesting to add a preview feature in the plugins tab. This feature was adopted by Studio one and cubase. I find it interesting and makes it easier to find the plugin. and it looks better. the sonar is already complete, and it will be even more so.
  8. today i was mixing my music and i came across a problem with the master control. while the music is going on, i try to lower the master volume, but the sound gets loud just the same. that is, the master is not working, I move the master control up and down and the sound does not go down or increase. how to solve this? is it bug?
  9. hello, I'm from Brazil, does anyone know how to make this line of the editor on the Piano Rool darker, it is very clear help me
  10. can someone explain to me what happens? . I'm used to always Ctrl + S to ensure that I don't miss the edition ... sometimes in the editions of my projects, I pressed Ctrl + S to save, and rotated, rotated the mouse pointer on the screen and automatically closed the cakewalk window; and I lost the arrangement. o Second error: or sometimes I already opened a faulty plugin, the cakewalk closed the window and lost the edition. does anyone know what this bug is about ???
  11. hello everyone, a question when a new update for CAKEWALK 26 to 27 will be released, or is it not in the plans? I've been using SONAR since 4. I like its interface a lot, but some DAW in the market like cubase, Studio one has shown enthusiasts. I say no in terms of quality requirements, the cakewalk already has it. but in interface, more interesting speaker models, more colorful tracks, A Lighter, more intuitive style
  12. hello everyone at Cakewalk, I would like to give you a suggestion, because you guys don't make the CLIPS more clear. sometimes we want to see the sound waves. in the whole project. it has a lot of brightness in the colors of the TRACKS. I always used CAKEWALK. But throughout the project this goes. tired the view. you could give more waves in the waves, more details, for us to visualize better
  13. Olá pessoal de desenvolvimento do CAKEWALK BANDLab, eu adoraria se fosse possível baixar atualizações, lançamentos via celular. porque eu não tenho acesso à internet no computador, o computador está dentro do estúdio, sem internet. e só uso meu celular para entrar no fórum. E toda vez que uso meu celular em qualquer lugar que eu vá, na maioria das vezes. Eu só uso o PC para edição e projetos de áudio. você não poderia também atualizar seu telefone celular? baixando o arquivo de instalação? Eu acho que facilitaria o acesso, para quem não tem acesso via computador e para quem só usa wifi. obrigado
  14. Scook, Thanks for the help. I'm going to open the cakewalk now. and configure in this mode.
  15. several times when editing my projects on the cakewalk this error happens: I use SuperiorDrummer, and other VSTI, such as Piano, SYNTHS, among others. the error is as follows. when I open CAKEWALK again. when playing, the superiordrummer, the audio starts to leak in another VSTI. this has occurred several times. then I have to configure everything again. and leaving the output as none, input as none in the superiordrummer. Pleasefor example: when I play a key on any VSTI, like a piano, at the same time it plays a beat from the superiordrummer's drumm someone knows how to solve, thanks
  16. Hello guys, today editing my project, I went to add plugins on the track, not on the console, but directly on the audio on the track, and I realized that it doesn't work. Can someone help me?. follow the picture. it just doesn't work if you put a plugin there. only works on the console track where there is mute, solo, etc.
  17. ? Onde posso encontrar projetos de calçada para eu baixar, para treinar meus ouvidos na mistura. alguem me ajude. obrigado
  18. Hello, I'm here from Brazil, and several audio producers have acquired the control surface of Behringer x Touch, and are having difficulty enabling some features, because not all controls are compatible, you could help us by creating more compatibilities with control surfaces , creating a list of editing of the most complete surface ACT. is what most people ask. thank you.
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