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Everything posted by LAGinz

  1. Yup. That did it! Thx:)
  2. Where do you guys find your serial for this after purchasing? It’s appearing on “My Library” list in Portal, but asking for a serial. Edit: Never mind. Just needed that second cup of coffee:)
  3. Getting this through their cart took a long time- maybe their servers are slammed. While it’s now appearing on my list in the UVI Portal, the Portal itself has been spinning around in disarray for about 10 minutes now. YMMV
  4. The only thing I regret Arturia doing is buying the rights from Martinic for his freebie Vox Continental and Farfisa organs—two of the great freebies of all time (especially the Vox).
  5. Toontrack can pretty much do as they want. They are the big whale in the drum plug-in market, and don’t really have a major competitor. It’s a shame that over the years those running BFD have fumbled the ball so many times. Not speaking here one way or the other about the Player, but in my view a lot of the old BFD2 and 3 libraries sounded a little more real and a little less slick than the Toontrack ones.
  6. Thx for that feedback on Custom & Vintage. I always felt that the sound on the EZX version as well could have been better. I think it was one of the earlier libraries, and Toontrack has upped their game noticeably on more recent ones.
  7. Independent is a great library. If I didn’t already have it, that would be a no-brainer for me. As it is , I’m struggling a bit over whether Custom & Vintage is worth it for me, especially since I’ve got the EZX version. Leaning to the negative side right now.
  8. LAGinz

    oeksound BF

    Has anyone out there ever compared in use Soothe 2 to the TDL De-edger?
  9. Great price. If this were a true single-sided model (with no additional bump on the second side) , and you guys weren’t scaring me with this other stuff, I’d grab it in a minute for my Lenovo laptop. Unfortunately there are reports out there that you really have to jam it in to single sided slots.
  10. Fantastic quality reverbs. If I had the scratch, and could justify one more reverb, I’d definitely get the 7th Heaven. Reverberate has been my go-to non-algo verb forever. Also dev is a super nice guy-very responsive.
  11. Very sad news, indeed. Almost everyone I know has been affected in some way by some type of mental illness within their circle of family and friends. We need to do better.
  12. LAGinz


    If you get the chance, check out The Drifters Bar on Negril beach. Chill place with house band- other local musicians sit in too.
  13. Activation code that appeared was “not accepted” when I tried to activate. Must be the ghosts and ghouls out today. EDIT: Worked on 3d try…I.e third code.
  14. Will this also be the case if I don’t do the update ?
  15. I’m a few chapters behind in the ongoing Cakewalk odyssey. If I first utilized Cakewalk under the free Bandlab version, is this update still free?
  16. LAGinz

    Bon Voyage!

    A trip that’s on my list to do! Have a great time, Larry:)
  17. Yeah, Firemaster download and activation worked for me, but not Unison. It’s not showing up in United’s My Licences, and when I try to go through the supplied Google link, it tells me the plug-in is “nonpublic”, so can’t be put in my cart. Tried going through Melda, but all I can get is the Demo version. Edit: Based on Satya’s above post, I’ve just sent support tickets to United and Melda. Hoping that resolves this.
  18. I concur that Drew is an absolutely first rate representative for BFD. He performed in yeoman-like fashion after BFD’s initial sale to InMusic and has continued to be a valued source of information and assistance to those in the BFD community.
  19. Yeah, thx:) Looks like a whole slew of SSL stuff has been updated.
  20. While you would think they know their own product, some who have bought it have observed that there is at least something raised on the second side that makes the fit challenging, at best.
  21. Yeah, this is a great deal . Would have lept at the 4tb version, but there’s contrary info out there on whether it really is purely “single sided” (which it’s advertised as) as is required by my Lenovo Gen1 X1E laptop.
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