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Posts posted by Will.

  1. 36 minutes ago, ensconced said:

    I'd say it's more than likely he is just using a simple example just to demonstrate, being a long time user and now on the dev team I would say he'd be aware of most things.

    Lol. I know he is. We sometimes forget that small, but effective shortcuts the DAW provides, with all these new 3rd party plugins coming out. Example: I use the sonitus delay and phase plugins - like 90% in all my projects, because they're that good. I was just merely interacting in the conversation.  ☺ It's all good. ?No stress. 

  2. 8 hours ago, msmcleod said:

    I find Acon's Acoustica Basic edition v6 a good free alternative to SoundForge.

    Unfortunately Acon has stopped doing the free version since v7, but you can still download the free v6 version here:


    As long as you've added it to the tools menu within Cakewalk (scook has a great tool for this), I find the integration fine:


    Why don't you use Shift+Alt and drag the waveform within Cakewalk?  I cant make a Gif as usual. I'm upgrading my system plus, updating my BIOS and Windows. 

  3. On 5/12/2020 at 4:05 AM, Starise said:

     have heard that Pro Tools is the one to use for that. 

    I've been using pro tools 7 years, and I'm gona tell you now, when it comes to going "into" the wave form - cakewalk does it pretty much the same. It's just more "Old-skool" with it. That's why we need more Hiphop/EDM producers and engineers such as myself - using Cakewalk. I'm excited to say, that will change soon. 

    I have posted a topic to request and introduce Cakewalk to "Visual clip gain" and it was picked up, which we're getting soon. Yeah! ? ??? 


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  4. 10 hours ago, msmcleod said:

    Go to the console Modules menu and uncheck ProChannel:


    I see this removes the ability to enable/disable the prochannel as a whole. I assume there's no way around this to hide only the Visual EQ plot's little "box" and not the on/off and preset bar? 

  5. 22 minutes ago, msmcleod said:

    Nothing like that I'm afraid.

    With the select tool, Left Click + drag is region select;  Right Click + drag is lasso select.

    SHIFT + Space is different from SHIFT+L, as it sets the loop points, enables looping and starts playback all in one go. It's the closest thing to what you're looking for that's available at the moment.

    Totally understand. I wasn't infront of the PC when I got the Shift+Space tip, that's why I had to correct myself by changing my previous comment, which you have beat me to. ?? 

    I remember stumbling on this a few years ago by accident, but totally forgot about it as I thought it was the same as Shift+L. So, i apologize for that.

    This one will do just fine. I thank you for that. ? 

  6. 7 minutes ago, msmcleod said:

    SHIFT+L sets the loop points to the current selection

    L  turns looping on & off.


    I know these. Its an everyday use of muscle memory. Just thought maybe, perhaps - there's a shortcut setting to link it to highlighting a region in the clip. Like, if you just select a region it automatically "Enable" the loop playback. That will be an awesome cool feature. ?

  7. Hi guys. I'm sitting with a question, hoping someone might have an answer to this. I was searching high and low in the preference/strips menu/track menu, every corner I could think of in the DAW - including the module options ?. I hope there is a setting for this.

    Is there perhaps a way to hide the "EQ plot?" and if not, is it possible if this feature could be added in the next update? The space is needed when working in the console view. Here's an example of some screenshots I have edit.

    Cakewalk 2.gif

  8. On 4/14/2020 at 2:50 AM, Max Arwood said:

    I have not noticed that with older projects. Are they edited with the track arranger? Or just opened and exported?

    Max Arwood

    No. I was working on two projects before updating to the new version, messed around with the arranger trying to find some good use for it, (which it has, If you do EDM. By the way, isn't the matrix similliar as the arranger?) but I haven't touch any of the settings. Just thrown some loops in and arrange it to my taste. A day later I'd open an old project (Week old.) and that happened. Tried about four times thinking I haven't selected any of the tracks, same story. Just the effects that you hear on the song -  Like all the channels were muted, that you only hear the effects on your bus channels . . . ?. Luckily for me, the rollback setup came in handy.

  9. 18 hours ago, User 905133 said:

    You want the ability to turn off the auto-docking hot-spots, right?

    In other words, you want the "blue sticky bars" to not appear at all when moving around floating windows, right? 

    In other words, you want the [ Ctrl + moving windows] behavior to be the default behavior without having to hold the Ctrl key down when you move things around, right?

    In addition, you would also like to know if others have audio dropouts when a bunch of windows (all of them) are undocked and moved around while working on a project, right?


    Yeah! All of the above. Thank you for this. It is exactly what I've asked and wanted to know. Regarding to my question on whether no one else experience "Audio Dropouts" when all windows undocked, is to see if everyone  else experience what I do - "No audio dropouts."  with this workflow. We're all here to improve Cakewalk, and as I said, I've experience a fluent workflow with floating windows. It's been two years now, with no dropouts. It could be my machine - I don't know. Wont hurt anyone if we try this. 

  10. 16 hours ago, Chappel said:

    Move the Undocked Track Inspector up until the blue hi-lite disappears and leave it there. Now when you use the 'i' key to show the Inspector it will open to the same spot with no blue hi-lite.


    It's not what I'm asking. I know this as I said before. Thanks though.

  11. 10 minutes ago, User 905133 said:

    I seem to remember a discussion about this several months ago. There was a suggestion floated to have a switch [like a preferences check box] so that the default behaviors for (1) moving undocked windows and (2) Ctrl + moving undocked windows could be swapped--(a) autodocking or (b) non-autodocking.

    If I am understanding you correctly, with such a switch you could set the preference so that moving any undocked window could be done without having to hold the Ctrl key.      

    Something like that, Yes. Like i said in my previous reply. I grew accustomed with this way of working for the past two years. So to have a feature to disabled that Bar, that automatically grab the window back to it's home place, would be awesome.  ? It will also help if anyone can perhaps try working with all windows undocked, for a day or two, to see if they still experience "audio dropouts."

  12. Guy's I know how to close and open the INSPECTOR PANE! forget about the Inspector pane and look at the BLUE BAR SHOWN IN THE PICTURE. That's what I'm asking, and that's what I want to get rid of. I make use of all my windows undocked except the console view. My piano roll, Matrix window, Staff View, Browser, Inspector Pane and Synth Rack, I prefer to use them undocked. It makes my workflow easier, and as I've said a few times previously - it eliminates the irritating "Audio Dropout" episodes. I've been working for two years this way without any audio dropouts, it's just that blue sticky bar ( it's what I call it) that keep on grabbing it back to it's place if I move a window to far out of the way as seen in the picture.


    I guess no one has an answer for this?

  13. On 3/24/2020 at 9:23 PM, Base 57 said:

    The "i" key opens and closes the inspector. And also there are modifiers. "Cntrl-I" toggles the Pro Channel, "Shift-I" toggles clip properties and "Cntrl-Shift-I" toggles Track Properties.

    I use it undocked. The same with the browser. I know all that shortcuts, you're giving and more. My question is on that blue bar you see in the picture.

  14. On 3/24/2020 at 4:57 AM, Starship Krupa said:

    Open Preferences and scroll down to the Workflow Impediments section and uncheck "Blue Sticky Finger Bar."

    You had that coming.

    I believe you're referring to the Inspector. Looks like you undocked it and it's floating around obscuring things that you would rather be inspecting.

    You can banish it by clicking on the little "X" in its upper right hand corner (not kidding this time, Cakewalk is a Windows app and I went an embarrassingly long time before I realized I could close the Inspector that way), or go up to the Views menu and unselect Inspector, or....well, there's no keystroke to show and hide the Inspector so you have to use the menu command.

    There's a reason for it to be floating around like that! Why would I want to dock the inspector pane when I work better with it undocked? I can just press "I" on the keyboard, If I want it open or close. My question is about the sticky finger bar, that keeps grabbing it, if i move it to far left AS SHOWN IN THE PICTURE.  

  15. I've come to realized this only happens when there's 32bit version vst's or plugins used in a project. I also ran into this problem, especially with some 3rd party mono plugins. Dropped my sample rate from 96khz to 48khz, voila - tracks freeze'd again. I think this is different with every machine/OS?

    I don't know.  Is this possible?

  16. 14 hours ago, Skyline_UK said:

    "...this problem becomes absolute my side.."   Can I just clarify, do you mean that audio processing is not as good when you close the Help module?  Is that 100% the case every time you open CW and close the Help module?

    No, Absolute as in "Free of restrictions." Meaning, the problem goes away - as in no more audio dropouts. Like I said, it could be that my system or "O.S" don't read the file correctly. A few clutter sitting some where in the 64bit version of the DAW maybe. I don't know. That's why it is very important to make sure the "Use Analytics to improve Cakewalk" box is ticked under "Preferences."

    Screenshot 03-03-2020 00.20.33.png

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  17. Cakewalk seems to be the only DAW with this problem. I haven't had any problems on this topic with other DAW's. Yet, I still prefer Cakewalk over them probably because I'm that comfortable using it, and know my way around it. I'm just gonna throw it out there - I've come to realize that when ever I remove the "Help Module" from the bottom right screen, and totally get rid of it,  this problem becomes absolute my side.  It could be my system, I don't know (i7 4th Gen, 16Gig ram, 2TB hardrive,  4.2ghz quad-core intel core i7CPU.) So, this confuses me too. Could it be that there's too much clutter some where on it's engine in the workspace? Some sort of outdated file source? This often happens when the CPU or RAM get's overloaded and does not refresh quick enough. This only started happening with the 64bit version on my side.  I don't recall dealing with this in the 32it version. 


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