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Posts posted by Will.

  1. ?Great work on the visual aspect of it team!?One step closer towards removing the use of Automation in visual clip gaining.

    With the next two updates can we get this by just Highlighting a region of a word/phrase/sibilants - you know, those annoying pop sounds. By intergrading the ripple crossfade automatically when increasing of decreasing an isolated highlight region with a knob or slider? 

    We not taking away Automation with that, we're just adding this feature. Creating Nodes with Automation to just focus on one pop sound, can consumes a little bit of time and be frustrating. ?

    Example: Let's say we're working on vocals. You have a great recording take - no problems with it, just that one pop sound that is spiking the through the ceiling you want to tame. Now, with this you have to go to clips change to automation (thanks for the shortcut for it in this version.) Add two or three Node's - adjust it manually. The problem I've seen this do, some how as you progress in your project, coming back four times to the area you are taming, you forget to check the levels at the beginning and end of the waveform each time. ?

    This cause then levels in the vocal increasing or decreasing ever so slightly, which is not noticeable. We want to avoid that. Hope I'm making sense with this. So a slider or knob to focus only on the highlighted area's volume you wana change, without affecting the rest of the waveform with "visual clip gain" envelopes done automatically by the DAW for us - will be GOLDEN. 

    Thanks on reading my previous thread to introduce this feature in Cakewalk. 

    Great work on this update guys. Will definitely test it later. A toast and a glass of whiskey is in order. ? 

  2. For me? I've had the 32" 4K in my studio and have had bad experience with it's light even from 2m ("6feet") away. My desk sits a meter away from the wall and look-in window, with another 1.5metres between the speaker monitors sitting far back on the desk and myslef. So there was a good 2.5m (7/8 feet) between me and the 4K monitor that I had mounted against the wall. 

    Anyway. I've had it for just under three months in my studio and had to wear sunglasses after an hour everyday -  especially with the lights off at night. My eyes would get blurry and I don't even wear glasses. So, I had since replaced it with an ultrawide 25" 2560×1080  Full HD monitor and it makes me smile everyday for the past two years.

    It is also a bonus to have a 32" now in my study. It makes me feel "important" when I'm on the phone with a client, or when I have meetings. ? 

  3. On 5/20/2020 at 12:19 AM, winkpain said:

    Right. Sorry for the confusion.

    I was just saying I didn't think it's been "officially" disabled because the binding option is available here for me in the latest version. I know it's not really a help to have a non-answer to a problem you're having by hearing from someone saying "I don't have this problem", just an encouragement in that it's not apparently "by design".

    I hope a re-install would fix it! It's certainly odd that it's not available to you in Key Bindings.

    I will say that I have never known Auto Track Zoom to effect (zoom up on) more than one selected track at a time, 'though. Mine works like it is apparently doing in your video, and that is what I think of as normal.

    Good luck!

    ? Before this - if you've selected only two tracks, it would only zoom those two selected tracks out as, not the entire project as seen in the OP - by holding down on "Alt." ? It's all good though, don't sweat it. I haven't gotten to the rollback and reinstallation yet. 


  4. 13 hours ago, fantini said:

    I wonder what old school was before those days. 

    You're missing the point. A lot of techniques that was used in the golden era, don't get used today anymore - with digital recording taking over. When last did you create your own chorus effect without a plugin - if you can.

    When last have you used only your ears to mix with no monitor for visual purpose, or a reverb room? There's 1000's of new mixing ideas out there - 100's on sidechain - but why is that? 

    Just like how we moved from MONO to STEREO. These old techniques are changing too. Take me for instance. I'm in my early 30's. My career started in the digital world back in 2008. Learning from legends in my country and working with international engineers - I've come to love mixing in MONO before putting everything back in STEREO. It  just sounds cleaner. Remember "Flanger?" Wow - Do i still love that! 90% of video's on Youtube is pure digital world, digital techniques. How many of them give you the WHY, WHERE and "WHAT-if's?"  Like Mr. Anderton said, it's only the "HOW TO" with digital. 

    This thread is just to help those that is just starting out with their career or "hobby" and to help them understand where everything in digital exist from today and why.


    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, winkpain said:

     have mine bound to CTRL-ALT-A as you see in the image


    Read the original post again.

    There is no option for me to bind it to a shortcut in preference - as I said.

    I am running the latest version. 

    I'll just do a rollback and reinstall it later. See if that will fix a things. ?


  6. 27 minutes ago, Klaus said:

    The shortcut for "Auto Track Zoom" is in the Keyboard Shortcuts "Track View" section and is named "Enter/Exit Auto Track Zoom Mode".

    It's disabled. You can't enable/disable it from the keyboard.  The luxury of swtiching it on or of manually with  ex-keyboard shortcut "SHIFT+Z" has been disabled. It is now causing this problem if you enable it in the TAB leaving it on "Automatically" mode. 

  7. ezgif.com-video-to-gif.gif.e57e7a456b310f03b3c5e65a596353a2.gif

    Why has the "auto track zoom" been disabled from shortcuts? This automatic by default - is frustrating. I can't seem to find separate binding settings for it in preferences. If you select one track to zoom, "aka" expand down on - it works as expected. As soon as you select two tracks or more to zoom down on, it expands all the tracks. ? It's frustrating. Holding down on Ctrl/Shift or Alt, does not work either. On previous versions, it was a GEM in my workflow. It has now become dreadful to use. ?



  8. 9 hours ago, Misha said:

    1 click all "take lanes" and volume  automation hide on all tracks.

    1 click all muted tracks (and muted take lanes) hide / unhide.  Change the color of the un-hide button if material is "hidden" 

    Ctrl+M will mute all tracks. Get your hands on a sheet to all the shortcuts.  Do some research on youtube. What phone are you using? 

    For Android Playstore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sikapps.cakewalksonar


    For iPhone Apple Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shortcuts-for-cakewalk-sonar/id681167501

  9. 16 hours ago, rsinger said:

    As a guitarist I'm not sure about old skool and new skool. It seems like a lot of guitar fx started in studios. Flanging was done by slowing down a tape reel after the signal was recorded. I thought Kramer put Jimi's guitar thru a Leslie after it was recorded. Duane Eddy's echo chamber was a water tank, and so on. I think some engineers can be pretty creative.

    With New skool in guitar recording today. Most "oldskool" guys I've seen, does it completely dry into the project. Sometimes with just a little compression. Due to many option available with plugins these days. Here we can alter it how ever we want.

    The question with this is. Do you use that chorus effec plugin on guitars still or Do you create your own chorus effect just by using one take on the left channel - and record a second, third and fourth take over it and end up with 16tracks on the left. Or -  do you go for a chorus plugin and do four takes. 

  10. 4 hours ago, Mesh said:

    Thanks Will!

    BTW,  I'm on Win Version 1903

     OS   Build   18362.720


    Would this be the correct version of .Net?





    Yeah. Go ahead. When you're done updating the missing files in .NET2.0 grab the 4.8 update too. It will work better with the Noverber 2019 update from 1903 to 1909. 

  11. 11 minutes ago, RobertWS said:

    When you look at a painting, do your really care if it was painted using a horse hair brush versus a nylon brush?



    Lol! Yes, kind of. ? Cause visual is everything. I totally get your analogy, definition is extremely important in both Art and Music. It's all good, no stress. ?

  12. 18 hours ago, Mesh said:

    Hi all,

    I installed the latest version of Bandlab and when clicking on Cakewalk icon, it tries to run and then it just  shuts down after a few seconds. I reinstalled the drivers to my audio interface (Axe I/O, reinstalled Bandlab Assistant , rebooted)    still no luck and same result. This has never happened  before, so not really sure what else I can do. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Using Win10 Prox64


    16GB Ram

    SSD boot drive   & another for samples

    HDD for projects





    Update your windows .Net 

  13. So I've decided to do the insider program from "Microsoft" two years ago, which I love testing out - and stumbled upon problems with running Cakewalk on this new build. 

    Hence - this release of windows is yet to be released to the public, and hope they fix these bugs soon. I'm running a copy of Cakewalk on my laptop, obviously cant I do this on my main system.

    Laptop specs: "i7 - 6th gen processor, MSI - H81M Gaming Motherboard, G-Series, with 8Gb "cosiar" ram.

    I'm getting Audio dropouts after every single thing I do. Ctrl+s and BAM! Audio Dropouts. Did you say closing a pluging? Doosh! "Audio Dropouts." ? Don't know if it's Microsoft side or Cakewalk - as the 2004 Windows build, is yet to be released next month.

    Just a heads up. ?

    • Sad 1
  14. Most Antivirus software cause this issue too. Especially the free version of Avast. Disconnect your firewall for 10mins or until the next restart and re-install, or run the "sfc /scannow" in cmd. We've all been there. 

    I seem to deal with this issue every single day, with most online pages as well. I only disconnect my firewall until the page load. I'm running the latest 1909 OS Build and updates. Waiting on 2004 to drop next month. 

    • Like 1
  15. 10 hours ago, kevro2000 said:

    Hi, there!!

    I fouled up some of my dll's and overloud directories.

    Is there a way to reinstall just the TH3 files again?


    I'm with @msmcleod - it really is just what he said. No harm will come to your settings or projects. I don't do it everyday though, but when i feel something does not work right. Dont tell anyone, but It's mostly just in my head. ? 

    It helps to clear the cache of DAW. (Feels safer re-intalling it.) I'm so paranoid. 


  16. 1 hour ago, GreenLight said:


    Do you guys hide a lot of tracks? I find it a bit "scary", since there's no indicator that there are hidden 

    I do Hiphop/EDM/House and Pop. Give it some time. Your fingers will marry the "H" key soon.  The cool thing about all those hidden tracks is - you can always go back and change a note ect. It's like having two magical red shoes.


  17. 56 minutes ago, User 905133 said:

    JMO: Everyone has different workflow preferences and dislikes. For me I have several workflow modalities I feel comfortable with for different music creation, performance, recording, editing, etc. tasks. I enjoy seeing others' workflows and preferences because I often learn new-to-me ideas that I can gradually incorporate into what has become personally intuitive.  Sometimes I see a new-to-me way of doing something I really like and I choose to immediately break from my ingrained patterns and start using as much as possible to retrain myself. Sometimes, though, no matter how much I try to retrain myself, it is just too easy and far more efficient to go with the flow of personal traditions.



    It's just fun stuff. 

  18. On 5/15/2020 at 2:47 PM, msmcleod said:

    With mixing, any edits are destructive. If I'm getting rid of bleed or rumbles in silence, I'll permanently remove it. Same with any pitch or timing correction. My reasoning being that if it sounded bad enough to need to be edited, then there's no way I'd want to keep the original... though if it's someone else's performance, I'll just keep a backup of the original files. In saying that, I'm much more likely to re-record a bad take than resort to editing.

    Oh-man! This is so right on my tongue. I stress if i don't record a take as perfectly as possible. I'd say 65% of the takes I do, I hardly need to trim the gain. On that guitars though - I seem to just do dry takes all the time. Reason for this obviously is different songs require different feel to it. So, I rather prefer doing all its processing inside Cakewalk - using old mixing methods. 

    I'm a huge fan of the chorus effect on tracks, using only one take. I don't use a chorus plugin - I prefer to make my own effect with the recorded file, then hide it so it is not as noticeable in the track. Awesome stuff.  

  19. Is old skool editing better than new skool editing? I began my mixing career in 2008. Since then - I have learned so much skills and new plugins. I then began digging deeper into the legacy of great mixing tips that was used by great engineers and now, I seem to be stuck with their methods today. ? 

    Going back and forth with plugins giving us the ability to do the same techniques, and to create the same sounds with presets in most 3rd party plugings, I still seem to find myself doing things using old techniques. It makes it exciting to mix and bring something different everytime.

    What are your thoughts on this and how do you do things? Has anyone adapted the new way of mixing? What is your go to techniques - especially on sidechain. "Plugins or routing?"

    I'm in my early 30's and I'm the only one in my age group of mixing engineers going about this method. Peace.

  20. 2 hours ago, msmcleod said:

    Yes - the idea was to demonstrate using an external audio editor.... I obviously wouldn't use one for such a simple operation.

    Does Bandlab own the shortcut app on Playstore and Apple store? Would be lovely if it can be updated. I've download it again two days ago, and it is still the same as 3years ago I think.  All you need to search is "Sonar shortcuts" on Apple or Play store. 

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