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Posts posted by Will.

  1. On 9/22/2020 at 10:08 PM, greg54 said:

    I was playing around with some things in CbB and was wondering about the stereo/mono button on my mono tracks.    On vocals, when I press it to Mono and hit Play, the vocal is a little louder.   My question is whether it makes a difference on vocal tracks, other than the loudness.    Does it matter if I keep it on Stereo or Mono? 



    CbB - edited 2.png

    1: Go to preferences.

    2: Under Audio Tab select "Driver Settings." 

        • Click Stereo Panning Law

        • Set to 0dB center, balance control. 

    3: Apply and do a test. 

    Record in mono, set the interleave to Mono and do a pan test - this should work for you. 



  2. Request to add the ability to scroll with the mouse wheel through your effects via "insert audio fx tab" when it becomes stretched out. 

    I don't normally work this way. I always use my floating browser to add an effect, but this feature sometimes comes handy whether in console view or not. Clicking through all the effects feels so ancient. 

    • Like 1
    • Great Idea 3
  3. On 9/23/2020 at 1:03 AM, kurt soderquist said:

    Thanks, that is what I was looking for. I gave it a try. I solo'ed my bass after the bounce and was surprised to hear some weird sounding notes, it must be from all my manipulating the wave forms to get them on time.  It wasn't the bounce that did it, it was the editing. I may have to re-record the bass.

    Are those weird noises pops and clicks? If so, use your cross faders where it was cut - front and back. 

  4. On 9/23/2020 at 4:57 AM, Robert Bone said:

    Well, those licenses are tied to Sonar Platinum, and aren't directly available to Cakewalk, and I am quite happy they can still work, just by keeping Sonar installed.

    Bob Bone

    True. I also never said it wasn't license to sonar. What I said was it's a hassle to have to install sonar first to be able to get it open in Cakewalk. 

    If you open SD3 or True Piano in Sonar their tap will say Cakewalk and not Sonar.

    The DAW was owned sonar, but Cakewalk still owned the instruments and Effects if the label tap showed "Cakewalk" instead of Sonar. I'm sure if sonar owned the effects and instruments it would've also said Sonar. 

    I know I might be wrong on this, but that's how I would've negotiated the deal if I had to buy Cakewalk. ? 

    • Like 1
  5. On 9/21/2020 at 1:53 PM, Robert Bone said:

    Session Drummer 3 came with Sonar Platinum, so if you own Sonar Platinum - and install it, you can access SD3 from within Cakewalk by Bandlab.  Sonar and Cakewalk by Bandlab live happily alongside each other, though I dimly recall a recommendation to install Sonar Platinum first, and then Cakewalk by Bandlab should be installed afterward, because of updates to things like the VstScan.exe component, that have taken place in Cakewalk by Bandlab.....

    Bob Bone


    Yeah, it sucks to install sonar every time to get your old vsts to work in CbB.  SD3  rocked. 

    True piano was another amazing addition. 

  6. 12 minutes ago, Kevin Perry said:

    I've just checked the last version of SONAR Platinum and the mouse wheel doesn't scroll there - I thought it did too, but I think both our memories must be wrong

    Lol. One often forget the little things that makes life so much better when you mix.  

    I've dropped a copy of this in the 2020.09 feedback thread too. I really hope it get's picked up and be edit in a near update. Comfortability is key in any workspace. 

  7. I hope someone can shine some light on this -- regarding the mouse wheel feature on the insert audio tab. I'm not sure if it worked before. I've made use of the drag and drop feature from the browser for some time now and hardly use the insert menu. 

    Recently, I had installed new free vst bundles and it stretch out my "Insert Audio Fx TAB" in the console view, but i see the mouse wheel does not work on it. Was it always this way? Cause clicking down the list to get to a certain effect plugin, instead of rolling the mouse wheel - feels kind of "ancient."  

  8. Did the "Instert Audio Tab" worked with the mouse wheel before? My list is a bit longer now, but can't scroll with the mouse wheel. Clicking to the bottom of the list feels ancient. ?



  9. For a future request . . .

    Is it possible to hide the post EQ visual box (shown in the picture) on the console without the "Post; Clip-Indicator and Power Button" being hidden too?

    At the moment when it gets hidden those features hides too.




  10. 2 hours ago, Josh Wolfer said:

    That may be... but when talking to these friends of mine, I literally have weekly meetings with a composer using Logic and we both use the term "freeze" to mean temporarily bouncing the synth audio and unloading the synth from memory. 

    There are other terms that have been interesting, such as clips are called "regions" in Logic, which I've learned from working with him. 

    Similar story with another producer I work with who only uses Protools and Ableton. 

    So..... /shrug. Don't know what to tell you. 


    Bonnet/Hood; Seriette/Napkins; Tomato Sauce/Ketchup


    You can youtube or google it. 

    Potato - Patato.

    Different parts of the world.  

  11. 34 minutes ago, Josh Wolfer said:

    FWIW, I've used the term Freeze with other engineers using Cubase, ProTools, and Logic, and they all mean the same thing to those other people, so I'm not sure what other DAWs you're using where it means something else ;).


    FYI - With everyone using Pro tools, Cubase and logic. It means to lock the clip it place. 

  12. 9 hours ago, Josh Wolfer said:

    Freeze the instrument track, drag clip to desktop. This has been my method since freezing was first introduced.

    Literally thought "Freeze" was just to lock clip in place. Might have used it in the past and probably forgot when AUX and Patch points was introduced 5/6 years ago. ??

  13. 22 hours ago, scook said:

    Freeze is a one button option



    @scook My guy - first of all I want to apologize. I've found what I was looking for and requested. 

    For years I'd literally thought "FREEZE" was just another name for "Clip lock" as how it is in most DAWS - that's why i never bothered to use it. I've always just RIGHT CLICKED on the clip itself and chose "CLIP LOCK" to lock a clip in place.

    So, I thought "Freeze" was to lock the clip and that's why i didn't first caught what you meant.

    I think the naming should change to MIDI RENDER/BOUNCE instead of freeze. I think it might help a lot of users with navigation. 

    Strange thing is . . . I'm working 12 years in a professional studio and never knew this in cakewalk. I always just recorded the track to an aux.

    So now I know "FREEZE" in cakewalk is to "Render/Bounce" a midi clip/file in place inside the daw. ??

    • Like 1
  14. 12 minutes ago, scook said:

    Aside from real time recording NOTHING will happen instantly.

    Freeze is a post record option that uses the same tracks(s) as the synth. It is one button click.

    Bounce is a post record option that adds new audio tracks. Can take a minimum of three clicks (includes counting the click for track focus).

    These are the options available while waiting for this request to materialize (should the ever elect to add this 4th option).

    Exactly . . . It'll be much appreciated to if we can get the "On place render/bounce" from Midi to Audio on site - where and option to "render" the midi file to audio on place within the daw. 

    This will obviously need a feature to "undo" the render/bounce file on site (Which ever you prefer using.) I just think this will be an awesome edition to our DAW as a future request.

    Working strictly with audio files saves a lot of CPU consumption too. 

  15. 34 minutes ago, scook said:

    Synth recording using split tracks takes no extra setup or tracks. Click the record button(s) and start recording. After recording MIDI, audio or both are instantly available.

    Freeze is a one button option

    Bounce to track(s) may be bound to a keyboard shortcut or added to the custom button module.



    Still too many tracks.

    How do you fix quantization on both midi and audio tracks with the split option at the same time?

    That's why I prefer doing patch points or Aux tracks recording, cause being able to only quantize the midi and having an un-quantized audio file doesn't make sense.  

  16. 34 minutes ago, scook said:

    The tab sets up the default editor.

    CbB already has the ability to record synth audio and MIDI at the same time

    No patch point is needed.


    What I mean was . . . the ability to "bounce" a midi file "instantly" to wave file - with just a click of a button, without having to setup extra tracks to record your midi clip to. 

    See the clip in the picture? Wouldn't it be great to just select an option from that tab on the clip itself and turn it into an audio file instantly.

    The less you do, the more you get out. 

  17. Wouldn't it be cool to be able to bounce a midi file instantly to audio wavefile independently - having the option available in the TAB shown in the picture.

    Recording through patch points are cool, but it sometimes messes up the individual track. Plus, having the daw to instantly bounce the file to and audio wavefile within the daw with an undo bounce function to do editing if necessary - time saver! 



  18. 6 hours ago, fossile said:

    an option i use extensively - use the surround buss - i set the surround to 2.1, skip the LFE, and now any stereo buss or channel can be positioned L-R for width, depth, etc. mono channels are L-R position and depth only. one nice effect is to put some delay and reverb just "outside" of the main stereo space (say a width of 70) and put the reverb @ 90 in terms of depth, leaving the delay at 100 (slightly further out or deeper). 

    Does it translate over on every device? I've experiment with this before, but couldn't hear the backing vocals in the car, but came through in my fiances and - think i had iphone 5 then, where it was not heard too. 

  19. 38 minutes ago, Kevin Perry said:

    That's 2 knobs though, not one knob and one button, right (that does make sense - it's the double mono/stereo button that doesn't to me)?

    Read the entire post again, maybe you will then. 

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