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Posts posted by Will.

  1. 35 minutes ago, Roy Slough said:

    Can someone help me remove the cloud on confusion I have about midi Notes in Clips and what happens when I copy/paste them vs importing them. (see explanation below)

    I have a song which I was informed was 65 BPM - So I set this as the tempo imported the tracks Aligned with the beat  and hooray all the verses and Chorus aligned with the start of a bar. So I created markers for all the beginnings of verses etc..
    I then went looking through my "library" of drum patterns for a decent beat and possibly some drum fills.
    All my patterns sounded very ploddy at 65bpm but great at 130bpm (i.e. double)  so mathematically it just means playing the drums at twice the speed.
    Every time I try to copy & paste the drums and/or import them they go at 65bpm (which is the defined tempo of the song)
    If I change the tempo of the song to 130bpm all the other midi I have now plays at double the speed...
    I have no trouble editing at 65bpm as it just means notes are 16ths instead of 8ths (although that is the mathematician speaking in me not the musician)

    Is there any easy way to take one of my drum midi patterns, cut/paste into 65bpm song but achieve it at double the speed. I am happy to alter the tempo at any point just so that it arrives playing at a decent speed..  Not sure If I could use export and import to achieve better results than copy & paste.
    N.B. My drum patterns are stored in another CbB project. 


    Under Track Inspector (By pressing the letter "I" on your keyboard) go to the Clip Properties>Groove Clips untick Enable Stretch. 

  2. 2 hours ago, RexRed said:

    Both approaches are necessary and vital for a good mix

    Perhaps with your mixes in your room? Yes. Thats your preferred method of achieving the final product and if it works for you . . .hey, by all means. 

    My mixing room and monitors let me achieve the same results every time from the first tweak I do. There is NO right or wrong way to mix. There are kids out here that creates polished mixes with their laptop in untreated rooms with standing waveforms cloaking them. It is what you're used to. Again: there is NO right or wrong way to mix. I can't mix with headphones - period.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, T Boog said:

    Yeah, Im kinda learning that.

    The reason why "I" said so - I have tried numerous attempts to mix with headphones and always end up with not-so-great results (and I know all my headphones in and out.) I've tried to use Realphones, NX Oceans and Sienna Room. It just doesn't work for my ears, and I still have young ears. There are guys that mix chart topping tracks on headphones, it works for them better than monitor speakers.  So, I really hope it works for you too. Cheers mate.

    • Like 1
  4. On 6/8/2024 at 7:56 PM, T Boog said:

    Hi. Ive been a musician for decades but I'm pretty new to mixing. My biggest issue is mixing at lower volume levels. The music just sounds better turned up a decent bit. However, the other night I overdid it to the point where my ears were ringing. I've since downloaded a break reminder app to remind me to take more breaks.

    Btw, I do have  Rockit 5 monitors but my room is not treated and I have to watch to not disturb my neighbors.

    I know some pro mixers mix with cans so I'm just fishing for any advice that might help me get good mixes without hurting my ears.

    One lesson I'm learning is that lots of compression on the low end will punch the crap out of ur eardrums. Man, my ears are still sore ?

    The only tip is: If it works for you - it works for you.  

  5. 1 hour ago, Heath Row said:

    I'd wager the vast majority of that number would belong to those who put the C in rap, duff duff, EDM, Trap, Crap, I said a hip a hop a hippy to the hop, a hippy to the hop a hip hip the hop, type people, those that and mostly would have been using the online stuff, already there before there was any sight of Cakewalk, the young folks ya know. Go over and check out their what ever it is you call it, things over here would be far to restrictive for them, listen to the language they are allowed to use, the subject matter, makes this place look like a moral prison, it's like the wild west over there, it's good for a laugh though.

    ??Im one of those hiphop, edm cat. What you're trying to say? ??

  6. On 6/8/2024 at 7:40 PM, Larry T. said:

    This is a marketing no brainer in tons of businesses and I hope the new Sonar management decides to look into it.

    Obviously, Sonar needs a way to confirm the customer's age. There must be a service that can provide that data, or, have the customer pay a one time fee to provide it.

    Also, obviously, Seniors make up a significant amount of existing Cakewalk by Bandlab users due to the free versions. 

    It just seems like a great way to keep a huge segment of the population that is already using this great product as well as attract others. Companies such as AARP and AMAC could be partnered with to help create new customers. 

    I suggest Senior pricing of:

    Subscription model:

    $5 per month or $50 per year prepaid fee for those of us over 60 years of age, with no penalty for canceling and reactivation at a later date.


    Lifetime purchase:

    a one time fee of $100 with a yearly update fee of $10.

    ? This will never work. Do you know how many grandfathers will give an evil laugh filling in those details for their 14yr grandson/daughter ? You'll have a lot of silenior producers out their. 

  7. Luna available free for windows as open beta valid for 30days? 

    They are testing and plan to support the latest Windows 10 and Windows 11. 

    First, you'll need a compatible Windows computer, running the latest build of Windows 10 or Windows 11. Then, run UA Connect and let it update to version 1.4.14. You will then be able to download and install the LUNA Windows Open Beta visible in the LUNA tab.


  8. 18 minutes ago, Bassfaceus said:

    apparently its included in the latest Sonar

    but i cant find it following the instructions on the website.

    Anybody know where it is?

    Which version of Sonar do you have? 

  9. Unlike every other top DAW company, we have a very-very small team trying their best to give us a top performance DAW. Let's all give a hand in gratitude for what has been done since the new team took over. I'm sure there are plenty of features yet to come, but it requires some patience to see this new world to arrive. Let's all keep the team's spirit high.  

    • Like 5
    • Great Idea 1
  10. 20 minutes ago, Max Arwood said:

    Thanks for jogging my memory. I forgot that regular kick can be tuned too. That could add a little something to a mix. I wish there was a plug-in that could track the  bass and add a little sub in the pitch of the bass when it hits. ?

    There is. There are plenty out there. Waves got one. You can use Serum too. Though, if you can dive a little deeper in your "Sound Design" knowledge you wont need to use fancy plugins. 

    You can even just use saturation, upward compression, parallel compression or the use of a multiband compressor to achieve that sub frequency. Theres literally thousand of techniques that you can use. You can even use just a distortion in the lower frequency region to bring out the thump. It all depend on the sound you're after. 

    You can use two instances of XSampler (achievable with the Loop Construction too) to transpose one Kick to a lower register within the key and the other one to a higher register and blend the two together. Throw some distortion on it and EQ to taste. 

    • Thanks 1
  11. 18 minutes ago, Max Arwood said:

    I agree with Helis.G waves pitch is super light weight and good for +-2-3. 
    Thanks Will I have never used loop construction but this good to know. 

    I use it a lot to change a key of an 808 or sometimes used it on vocals to fine tune to key. It is extremely limited, but it serve me daily with certain small edits.  Sometimes you dont need melodyne.  

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

    I decided to give Cakewalk's Loop Construction View a try. It's not gone so well. It did at first, but then things went into the hay in a big way.

    I'm trying to use a 4 bar intro of an old rock song as my loop, and I've opened it in the Loop Construction View, hit the "Loop" button, set the correct number of beats, adjusted the pitch using that control. I dragged the loop onto an empty audio track, then opened the Loop Construction View and there it was. I 

    It all looks fine and plays perfectly using the Loop Construction View's preview button, but when I engage Cakewalk's global Play it makes this horrendous plastic jackhammer sound like one of those old cheap aquarium pumps.

    I tried exporting the project and it did the same thing.

    Also, the fist part of the clip has one of those weird diagonal lines across it that Cakewalk sometimes puts on my audio clips for no apparent reason. I never know why they appear or how to make them go away, but they don't seem to hurt anything, so I've just written them off as a cosmetic thing. But I would kind of like to know if they mean anything, and if it's possible to make them go away, I would like to do that. While I'm asking here on the forum.


    We're Floating Inside the Cloud.flac 1.45 MB · 2 downloads

    Pretty trippy, eh?

    It's not how I want it to sound, obviously. As you can see, there are no FX on the track except for kHs Limiter. There are no FX on the Master bus, which is where I'm taking the export from.

    Please help me cure my project of Spurious Diagonal Line Syndrome as well as Cacophonous Aquarium Pump Syndrome.

    You have to set the loops key accordingly as well. I work daily with it but for some reason cant picture tge layout infront of me right now. ? 

    Oh- yeah! Click on the  clip TAB within the LC view and enable it. Then, tweak the clip without any issues. I'm away from home and dont have a windows laptop with me. 

    • Like 1
  13. 20 minutes ago, Brian Johnston said:

    Sorry about that... I'm referring to Cakewalk. I have the latest version and downloads. Now it doesn't work... will play, but not record.

    What version of Cakewalk do you have? CbB or the Sonar BSP? If it is SONAR BSP what subscription package do you have - the monthly of yearly?

    When you want to record, you have to select and arm the track (ALT+R) first and then press R only to record. 

  14. 2 hours ago, John Vere said:

     I think it’s auto save! 

    Bingo! This is a known issue with CbB too. My every attempt trying to use Autosave in CbB has ended in a guaranteed crash - haven't trying it with Sonar. Think I should try it out. 

    FWIW: Session drummer run smooth on myside in Sonar. I can't tell you why Vegas is crashing, I use Premiere.  

  15. 46 minutes ago, Mr No Name said:


    good morning John, 

                                      Can you provide a place to find this CBb full installer file you mentioned in your post above.  thanks.

    Read the post here to understand what is happening with CbB. When done, click the link in that post to get the web install called Cakewalk Product Center -- it should be the 051 version. 

    Click here Link to Installer

    • Thanks 1
  16. 3 hours ago, greg54 said:

     However, when I listen on headphones, the issues are either not there or they are barely audible. 

    Always trust your Monitors -- Always! Headphones "might"(using it loosely) work on certain drums and instruments, but it will never work for vocals. 

    • Like 1
  17. On 3/17/2024 at 11:55 AM, jeejeestudio said:

    Ik kan je vertellen ( I can tell you), dat het 100% geen Nederlands is (it's not Dutch for a 100%). ?

    ? Ek kan vir jou vertel, (I can tell you) dit het 100% geen Afrikaans ook in. (Its not afrikaans either.)  ? 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  18. 8 hours ago, Tez said:


    I signed in to Bandlab using Firefox (my default system browser) and stayed signed in. Rebooted my system,  performed sundry activities, following which I launched CbB and had no activation issues, or related activation notifications.  Hopefully, in my case, this fixed the issue, we'll see going forward ? 

    Glad your issue has been solved Tez.

    As I have stated many times before, it "sometimes" still requires you to sign in to the bandlab site randomly at times. I have this happen many times in CbB since the in app sign in was introduced. I did my duty to report it on many occassions, but was ignored. Like I've said - if it happens again, I will record the process. 

    So far in Sonar, I havent had this issue yet. 

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