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Everything posted by husker

  1. I just wanted to make sure I wouldn't lose the Kontakt long term.
  2. Got it. I assume you don't lose access to the Kontakt version somehow?
  3. So I wonder how you get the Sine version for free if you got Ark 1 with the Native Instruments promo last year.
  4. You are missing the other Eventide and Aruria verbs. Get on that, then we'll talk. How is Spaces II? I've looked at that one several time.
  5. Is it within board rules to say that I hate Apple?
  6. Love Pigments. Great sounds, great GUI
  7. Last question - "What does BBC Music Mean To You" I put "Expensive"
  8. "A separate Orchestrator that will assist you in creating award-winning compositions within seconds, and much more!" What exact awards will I be assisted with? Will I have the share credit? Share the stage during my thank you speech? The marketing hyberbole with some of these companies is astounding....
  9. Do you get the effect rack if you buy the whole bundle?
  10. I've seen the bundle for $250 before, has it ever been $200?
  11. Synthwave Arcade Free with code WACM8695
  12. I'm definitely looking for something specific. Problem is, I need to wait on Larry to tell me what it is tomorrow!
  13. For those with one of the UVI Vintage Vaults - UVI Ultra Mini has been updated to 1.6.3
  14. My experience with NI and Waves is exactly the opposite. They both have very simple and comprehensive downloader/installers. With just a couple of clicks I can download and install everything without much fuss at all.
  15. Yeah, but you can play the guitar!
  16. I'm as far as "pro" you can get. Actually, I kind of suck at all this...
  17. Weird pairing for EW. I'm not sure how well that would "sit in the mix" with Hollywood Strings and Voices Of the Empire...
  18. They have an upgrade sale and a crossgrade sale every year. Just at different times.
  19. I hope not. I finally have a good handle on Cubase. I really don't want to switch again!
  20. Steinberg is awfully proud of their products... -A Cubase User
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