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  1. Truedat! However, with that said, I don't follow or understand your suggestion.
  2. That's over my head....
  3. A friend sent me a MIDI file with multiple tracks that fades out at the end. He wants to remove the fade out and asked me how to do it. I viewed the TRACK EVENTS for each track and do not see a fade out on any track. I don't see where it is getting the information to fade out the song. Where can I find this? Thanks
  4. As I mentioned.... this issue is solved. Thanks
  5. I thought I did! I said it as ttS=1... that's MIDI right?
  6. I believe I've already answered that a couple times. With that said... this issue is now solved... as I mentioned.
  7. Bingo! That's it! I was not listening when I moved the individual sliders. I just saw that all the sliders were not moving together. Thanks!
  8. Each drum is on a separate track as I mentioned. Yes, each TTS-1 drum is on MIDI channel 10. However, when I move the slider for any one of the drum tracks, only that track is affected by the volume change. I would have to adjust each individual slider for each drum part which is not what I wanted to do. The work around that I mentioned was to BOUNCE all the separate MIDI drum tracks to one track (.wav). Though not ideal, this is the only way I could find to achieve a global volume change for all the drums collectively. If I adjust the channel that Cakewalk TTS-1 is on, then other instruments besides the drums that are also using TTS-1 are affected.
  9. The drums are all TTS-1. There is no option to OUTPUT to the new Stereo Bus or SEND. So, what I ended up doing was to BOUNCE all the separate drum tracks to one track and adjusted the overall volume that way.
  10. I created a Stereo Bus but don't see how to Output each of the drum tracks to that bus. What am I missing
  11. Thanks for all the responses. I now have a number of things to try. I will let you know how it goes. Again, thanks!
  12. Yes, I thought about sending them all to a single buss but then I have the volume on each track plus the buss volume. Is there a way to only get the volume from just the buss?
  13. I have a project I've been working on where the drums are all on separate tracks. I would like the ability to control the overall drum volume without having to adjust the slider on each separate drum track. How can I achieve this? Thanks!
  14. Yes I do. However, per a post here on this forum from the developers, they state that they don't know if TTS-1 will continue to work in the future.
  15. I read here that TTS-1 is no longer be included in Bandlab Cakewalk. When I open a MIDI file that I've purchased or have downloaded the default instruments are TTS-1. Is there something better to replace it that will open by default? Thanks
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