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  1. Ok, so I submitted both the .dmp file and a screen shot of the error message to both Cakewalk Support and to Antares (Auto-Tune) support. Cakewalk Support said to contact Antares support (which I told them in my original post I had done). Antares got right back with me and while they stated they do not support Bandlab Cakewalk gave me a few suggestions to try. I explained to both Cakewalk support and to Antares support that I had been using Auto-Tune Access and Artist in Bandlab Cakewalk for years with no issues prior. I explained that now when I go back to these original projects I did a few years ago using Auto-Tune Access and (mostly) Artist I am now getting the following error message when I try to open the projects. Trying the suggestions from Antares did not fix the issue as I am still getting the same pop up error message which I indicated to them. I just heard back from Antares support and they said that I should reach out to Bandlab Cakewalk support with the error message and the .dmp file (which I had already done) since this error seems to be common among Cakewalk users and not exclusive to their plugin. Again, they say that Bandlab Cakewalk is not offically supported and as such they will not be able to help me further. Here are the links they sent me that cover similar crash issues in Bandlab Cakewalk: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/topic/79997-auto-tune-artist-crash-detected/#comment-554018 https://discuss.cakewalk.com/topic/55815-crash-after-error-code-c0000005/ My guess here is that one of the recent Bandlab Cakewalk updates things got broke. I've reached out again to Bandlab Cakewalk support with zero response...
  2. Is it possible to combine several MIDI tracks together into one MIDI track? I tried Bounce to Clip but that didn't do it.
  3. Yes, I have a permanent license for AutoTune Artist. I did open the project in SAFE mode and said NO to AutoTune. I was able to work on the project and safe it as a new project. What's weird is that this is not the only project this is happening with. All of my older projects where I used AutoTune Artist and showing this message.
  4. I am trying to open a number of projects I did a few years ago and am getting the following error message each time. Why is this happening?
  5. I'm not offline and all 5 of my computers are showing the RED activation nag screen at least every other time I open Bandlab Cakewalk. I've tried logging out of Bandlab while Cakewalk is open from within Cakewalk and then logging back in. So far, every so many times of opening Cakewalk I get the same red nag screen with a countdown. At the moment I have 9 days to activate it. So, if logging out and logging back in is not activating it...how the hell do I activate it???
  6. I have the latest version of Bandlab Cakewalk on all my computers and Signed In when I installed the latest verstion. Why is it prompting me to sign in again on all my computers?? I sign in and everything is fine and then a few days later it wants me to sign in again??
  7. I'm looking for a good Horns stab VST pluggin for a project I am working on. Any good recommendations? Free would be great but not a requirement. Thanks
  8. When I hold down the SHIFT key and open the project I don't receive anything that says I am opening in SAFE MODE. I only get the following message: I also deleted the two offending pluggins however, the 2 tracks still appeared and there was no message about the deleted pluggins. However... I was finally able to delete the 2 tracks by opening the project file in SONAR. SONAR allowed me to delete the tracks and save the project as a new project file. But, now when I open the newly named and saved project file in Bandlab Cakewalk and close the project I still get this pop up about BitBridge:
  9. Running Cakewalk as Administrator does not let me deleted the two tracks. Clicking H allows me to unhide the 2 tracks however, when I try to delete them Cakewalk instantly freezes requiring and END TASK to get out of it.
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