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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. What time of day does Sonokinetic releases their freebies at? While this one doesn't really appeal to me, the next one might and I just want to understand the timing. Thanks in advance.
  2. Hey, I was part of your early wave of fans! Congrats, my friend!
  3. Have you checked out the demos of their fairly recent saxophone library? I'm past my spending limit for anything beyond a cello library (and the Sonixenima, which makes the cello library I wanted. didn't have a killer BFsale, so I'm still holding out), but man, based on the demos, RealSamples puts out some lovely sounding libraries. I'm eventually going to be a customer.
  4. They have been super generous in past years, giving out a limited, but decent amount, of free licenses for their normally paid sample libraries. But they go quickly, and I was only able to grab one of their freebies last year.
  5. I may have posted an earlier mix of this around a year ago, but I'm not certain. This is the first song I attempted to play last year, 21 years after an injury stopped me from playing professionally as a drummer. I was joined by a friend on bass guitar. I had originally performed the song in the original key but later changed it and used Cakewalk to transpose the bass part's audio, which had a very odd impact on the timing that I've done my best to correct, but it's not 100 percent. I would be grateful for your opinions and insights, especially with regard to mixing, as I really have very little mixing skills. I relied on Izotope's AI tool in Ozone for mastering.
  6. I did hear back from Wookiee, who really is awesome, BTW. But I take it this won't be a sticky. However, forum members can keep it alive by continuing to add to it, by posting their own recommendations or feedback if they think it's worthwhile. So anyone that finds this thread useful, please post in it to keep it going.
  7. I love Mellotrons and lofi sounds. This sounds pretty good.
  8. @Wookiee It has been suggested that this thread be made a sticky. What's the best way to determine if that's appropriate? I was thinking a poll might be useful. But as moderators determine this stuff, I thought I'd ask you. Thanks in advance.
  9. Agreed. I would have included them if they were formated for a free player (they're primarily for the full version of KONTAKT with some EXS formated libraries). If people want this to be a sticky, I can modify/expand the scope of the thread to iinclude free libraries formated for the full version of KONTAKT. I use KONTAKT in every project I do. So my list for free KONTAKT libraries would be pretty extensive.
  10. PavlovsCat


    No one gave Bapu's post a like, so I did. Maybe he felt so strongly about something that he was going to post about that he couldn't put it into words. I say we give him the benefit of a doubt and give his post LIKES. Let's make Bapu's original post the most LIKED post on the forum. Is anyone with me? Unrelated. When do leave for your trip @cclarry? We do want to remind everyone that you're just going on a vacation and will return so no one panics! I'm thinking of it as our collective chance to save up for a short while for the next round of sales!
  11. You're completely right. Theoretically, someone could create the most exceptional song ever written and produced and with the sheer quantity of releases on Spotify the odds of it going viral without serious promotion and resonating with an audience would still be small. The sheer quantity of songs on Spotify and other music streaming platforms makes getting a song noticed very difficult-- especially without a significant promotional effort. So, I think you have very good reason to celebrate this accomplishment and I love how the community is celebrating with you.
  12. I agree completely with what you wrote, @abacab. Great idea. And kudos to Erik / @Starship Krupa for creating the free instruments thread. I mostly only spend time in the deals and song sharing subforums, but I do recall a while back that I used Erik's thead. Erik is the kind of community member that makes a forum great. Is there a good way to go about getting this thread to be a sticky? I can create a poll and if enough people want it to be a sticky, I can shoot a PM to the mods and ask if they would be game to do so? @Erik, you've already gotten a sticky. How do you recommend I go about asking? Should I try the poll first to see if enough people want it before asking? I don't want to waste the mod's time if I don't have a good case. I really would LOVE this thread to end up with a lot of posts where people give their own recommendations, especially people who create music in different genres than me who are likely going to find libraries that I don't find or haven't tried because they don't really fit the music I do (although, I am such a sample hoarder, that I might have already tried them too!).
  13. I found that Taij Guy's superb Mellotron samples are available and formatted for Sforzando. I actually had installed this on my computer years ago, but forgot about them. So I played this again before posting and absolutely LOVE it. If anyone thinks of instrument categories I'm missing, post them on your list or let me know and I'll try them if I already haven't and if I find they're good enough to recommend, I'll add them to the original post. If anyone here spends time in genres beyond rock -- say you primarily focus on EDM or hip hop -- if you create your own list of recommended free libraries, I think that would be very helpful to others, as you'll be exploring an area I just don't cover well and my intention with this thread is to create a resource that those on a tight budget or no budget at all can find provides them with a treasure trove of excellent quality, recommended free libraries that covers a lot of territory. It doesn't matter if I recommend a library or you do, it's really that someone spent the time to download and listen to that library and found them to be recommendation worthy. Of course, everything is subjective, but I think it's a great way for people to navigate the world of freebies and find libraries they might have otherwise missed and not spend so much time dealing with libraries that aren't very good. This is the page where you can find the Sforzatron (Mellotron) library and lots of other libraries for Sforzando. You'll need to download the free Sforzando sampler to use it, of course. I've put this in my original post, but it's so darn good, even if you own a bunch of Tron plugins and libraries, if you don't already have Taiji Guy's Mellotron libraries, just try this. I think you'll be very glad you did. https://www.plogue.com/products/sforzando-banks.html
  14. If you're maintaining this and you and others find it useful, I'm totally with you. Although, I'm just going to keep updating the original post when I think of additional libraries and VSTs I believe are good enough to recommend. Over time, I'm trying to think of what's missing. The reality is, there are freebies I really don't spend much time with. For example, I play rock music, including folk rock (more along the lines of Damien Rice and modern Irish folk rock, not 60s/70s American folk rock) and very R&B influenced music, consequently, I realize my list leans heavily towards those genres and will miss a lot for musicians/producers of other genres. But I just realized, while I'm a huge Mellotron fan, I've completely missed that area in my list, and the reason is very much the same as why my guitar and bass recommendations are so limited, I have commercial Tron libraries and plugins that I find vastly superior to all of the freebies I've ever used. But I'm going to spend some time finding some free Tron libraries and VSTs I can recommend. If anyone puts them on their list, I'll be sure to try them, and if I like them, add them to my original post. There was Taji Guy's Mellotron freebies from years ago that are really good, but I have to find a version in a free format (I have them in KONTAKT format).
  15. Larry, we're in the deals forum in a thread that has nothing to do with deals in a place where we all go on tangents -- me being a major offender. But why is actually not a bad thing? Why is actually a really good thing? Because it reveals how we connect. We understand. We relate. We care. We're celebrating MusicMan's success and remembering our own fond moments. I'd put money on it that @MusicMan enjoys all of it, because he knows that we're happy for him and it resonates (please chime in and share your thoughts!). I love seeing you and others share your stories and it's fun to share my old stories that my kids have already heard (whenever a Pumpkins song is on the radio, so Im sure it inspires them to want to quickly change the channel before I tell the story again!). All of this camaraderie is what I makes me so fond of this community. I'm not just here for the deals. It's my outlet to geek out on all things music related.
  16. I refined the categorization of the original post to group things more by instrument, regardless of sample platform and it struck me, why not add some plugins that are always free and worthy of recommendation, so I did and I'll add more in the future and I encourage others to consider making their own lists and updating them with free plugins are instrument based that they could recommend and I'll keep structuring everything more organized by instrument type, doing the same with my Pianobook section when I get to it. Right now, I'm either going to have a lot more time or a lot less, as COVID-19 is now in our house. So, if you don't hear from me for a while, I'm probably out sick. But hopefully, not for long.
  17. Welcome! I remember, I had given some branding/marketing advice to Ben from Camel Audio and we met up when I was on business in Scotland. At the time, I was handling digital marketing for a large mobile phone maker (okay, they were MUCH larger than and not so large anymore) and our research found that most mobile phone users only were aware of around 5% of their mobile phone's features. It's been around 15 years and Camel Audio was bought by Apple, so I think it's okay to share this. A lot of my sense of humor is self-deprecating. Why? I know how to take a joke, so why not? So, I had joked with Ben that I'm just a lowly preset user that lacks the patience to program a synth. Ben then told me that his company found that the overwhelming majority of soft synth buyers say they want to be able to program/create their own patches but what happens in reality? 90 or 95% of soft synth users or so are preset users (note: while I have a mind for details, I don't remember the exact stat). So marled, we're not alone.
  18. I've asked stupid questions many times in the past and I'm sure I'll have more stupid questions in the future and people here have been really helpful. I think coming here, because it's a very small group that posts very regularly, some lurkers might get the impression that it's click-ish -- and maybe it is and I'm unaware. But I've found the overwhelming majority of people here -- at a very high level for an online community -- are super friendly and welcoming. If anyone reading that is getting the impression that because it's such a small group, folks may be click-ish, I want to encourage you to post or even send me a PM. If you're friendly, whether you are seeking knowledge or have knowledge to share, and you post, You'll find me and others will be friendly and welcoming. So to those who lurk, please post! Someone at VI Control that has been coming here for years sent me a PM following a particular ugly experience I had with a developer on their site, and he told me that he'd been coming here for years and he really enjoyed my posts and how he's been following Larry's deals for years. He even mentioned about the time Larry left. He made some funny observations. And then, it blew my mind, he wrote how much he appreciated what he saw as a real friendship between Larry and me that he found reflected in our posts! I found it really touching and, of course, I had to PM Larry to tell him, because he's half of that feel good story. So, I my VI Control friend, if you're reading this -- or for anyone else reading this who hasn't commented in a post -- we'd love to have you as part of the mix.
  19. @abacab It was wayyyy too short of a reference, but I was trying to channel Bill Murray's reaction in the 70's SNL Olympia Restaurant skit when people would ask for special orders and he'd shake is head and say, "Uh-hu, uh-huh, cheeseburger?" Basically, because I know a lot of folks here love to tweak synths and I'm just a lowly preset user looking for quick synth satisfaction. But thanks for your recommendations. I had downloaded this before, probably due to one of your earlier posts, but I ended up never getting around to checking it out, as to be really candid, I have more synths and sounds than I'll ever use. And I'm guessing that I'm not alone in that situation.
  20. Larry, spend the 10 bucks, create an audio file, and upload your 80s song on SoundCloud and at least share it with me and you can share a story about it! My kids were born after my an injury put an end to my musician days, so they only hear stories every so often. I have posters somewhere, but my best story? It's like the dad who was a football star in HS that keeps talking about his glory days. I took the lead singer and keyboardist of the most popular band I played in to see Jimmy Chamberlain play drums in another project he was in right before the Pumpkins broke big. During the break, Jimmy walks up to me in front of my bandmates and says, "I know you, you've been one of my favorite drummers on the Chicago scene for a long time!" and he also names the band we play in. I thought I was being pranked and then he names the first band he saw me play in -- several years earlier --and I only played in that band for a matter of months. So, that's the closest I am came to hearing a song I was on play on the radio! I met a lot of famous drummers back then through other musicians and I knew a lot of Chicago rock drummers and we'd hang out when we'd meet up because we all loved checking out other musicians. But that was the only time I was recognized by a drummer I really enjoyed who was part of a band that became incredibly popular. That's my best story. And now I'm a business guy. Sad.
  21. Man, if you don't have a copy, you absolutely should! The most popular band I was in had cut a record with their previous drummer before I joined the band and never went into the studio during my years with the band. We'd play the venues I always dreamed of playing and colleges throughout the Midwest, but I wasn't part of the band's records, as I replaced the original drummer. So it was cool to be heading into a place for a soundcheck and hear the band you're in on the radio, but when you weren't part of the recording, you feel a bit like a sideman. Funny thing though. we played a lot of colleges all over the Midwestern US and more than a decade later, I was speaking at UChicago for the first time out of several times and it struck me, I played drums at a show there and I was a business speaker. Spoiler: it was a lot more fun to be a drummer.
  22. Larry, do you have the track online anywhere where you can share it? It'd be fun to have a listen!
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