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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. I was playing around with a high pass filter and EQ in KONTAKT and when I was holding down chords/notes for several seconds, I realized that these samples do have a fair amount of noise in them, which a pro developer would have cleaned up. Granted, unless you're holding down chords/notes for a very long time, I don't think it's a showstopper. I still like the library a lot and appreciate the the generous individual who created the library and gave it away free on Reddit, who goes by Karkille.
  2. @abacab The link to Reddit and the link for Google Drive both worked when I checked it just now -- and it's clearly working for other people, so perhaps you can try again? Here's the direct link to the Wurli library without going to Reddit first. user4325874 posted a link to ALL the samplist's shared libraries above, so you can also check that out, if you're interested in other free libraries from this samplist. https://drive.google.com/file/d/15U99DL5BJdPAwj3SDOYvI2EPJ1_eaL8K
  3. Wouldn't it be great if there was an influencer who was honest enough to state that a free library s/he found was better than specific paid libraries? Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen.
  4. Thanks for the info @user4325874. So the person who made this put a good deal of work into it. I'm going to adjust my original post to include that it has more velocity layers than I realized. I just know that I love the tone of this library and I'm pretty critical of Wurli sample libraries. Okay, I am critical about all kinds of sample libraries, but I'm particularly choosy about Wurli libraries and this has quickly become my favorite free Wurli library to date. I realize that it was originally shared three years ago, but I just found it last night and figured that it would be new to many others here too (and apparently it is, based on the reactions).
  5. Yes. There is a free Wurli library in Labs. There are a bunch of free Wurli libraries on the Web. And, like everything else, it's what you like that matters. But IMO, to be very candid, I find the Labs Wurli dull and lifeless (also, there's a very annoying click in sample for the 2nd lowest C note that I'm surprised got through their QC process). Even for free, I don't think the library is a keeper. I'm not even crazy about Spitfire's $29USD Originals Wurli (which I don't own, I'm just basing that on the demos). I find the free Lo-Fi library for KONTAKT I shared in my OP vastly more bright and alive than the free Labs Wurli or even the Originals Wurli . Of course, the Wurli library in my OP requires the full version of KONTAKT. If you don't own the full version of KONTAKT, I find the free Wurli libraries from the Pianobook community for Decent Sampler that I recommended in my thread on free sample libraries are superior to the Labs Wurli library.
  6. Anyone who has seen my posts over the past year is probably aware that I'm a HUGE fan of Wurli electric pianos. I found this very good free Wurli library for KONTAKT (full version) called the Lo-Fi Wurli and wanted to share the info with my fellow forum members. While it doesn't have a GUI, it has 5 velocity layers (thanks for the info @user4325874) and I think the samples and tone are excellent. There is some noise in the samples if you hold them for a long time that could be cleaned up, but it's not terrible. It is easily my new favorite free Wurli sample library and better than some of the paid Wurli libraries I own. I immediately created a bunch of presets/snapshots for the library using reverb, distortion, a rotator speaker (Lesie) sim and really love the sound of it. While I have Wurlis from e-Instruments and Skybox Audio that are much more sophisticated packages with all sorts of options -- like the ability to add in the clank of a Wurlie with e-instruments library and lots of presets with both -- the spot on tone of this library makes it a keeper.
  7. I'm a big fan of this developer. Excellent, high quality libraries, even the freebies are really good.
  8. The demos sound VERY good. But I'm covered when it comes to Rhodes with the Famous E and already owned a bunch of decent Rhodes libraries before that came out. Now if this was a Wurlitzer electric piano, I'd be all over it. So I understand why others who are Rhodes fanatics may end up getting this. I would be interested if a high end sample developer -- or the OEM companies themselves -- came out with sample library or plugin of the Wurlitzer or Valente electric pianos.
  9. Yeah, same here. Then I clicked on Simeon's link, and found the info on the Steinberg site: https://www.steinberg.net/vst-instruments/4knob-upright/
  10. First to comment on Simeon's latest video (okay, I should be working -- I put your video on in the background)! I like the new upright piano library! I'm a sucker for upright pianos. As we grew up with one (that replaced our baby grand, which, frankly., I preferred, but I find uprights great for much of the music I play). It's good to see a new piano from SampleTekk, I've been a customer for two decades and have had nothing but positive experiences. Per is super nice and very patient. I've had two times where I needed to redownload SampleTekk libraries and he couldn't have been more helpful. Great to see you up and running, @Simeon Amburgey!
  11. You're handling that very well, my friend. The road ahead during Larry's absence may be rough. But we must not lose hope. If we all pull together, we can make it through.
  12. Wow! I bet you're going to have a great time. Enjoy yourself, Larry.
  13. It's how people pull together, encourage and cheer each other on that makes this forum my favorite of its kind. Getting things you worked so hard on maliciously hacked is a really bad experience. On the other hand, seeing the kindness and encouragement like Simeon is seeing overshadows the bad, IMO. It helps to put things into perspective and I think it's clear that encouragement means something to our friend Simeon. As a forum member, seeing the outpouring of encouragement and kindness to him and people celebrating Simeon getting things back and running says so much about this community. This might not big the biggest music making community, but it's got a lot of heart and that's kind of a big deal, IMO.
  14. Great to see that post, Simeon! I knew they couldn't keep you down. As I mentioned, I've been through hacks more than once (I started one of the first online publications focused on digital marketing on the web and it was hacked a few times since going live in 1998). Perseverance triumphs over these small set backs (yes, it's major when you're in the midst of it, but once you're farther from it, you'll look back and it becomes a very minor part of your story), and of course, perseverance builds character. A hacker can never take that down. Best wishes!
  15. I don't follow your point. Either a legato is there, can easily be added via scripting, or it's not. It's about the included articulations or, at least the ability to add a scripted legato, which is possible for KONTAKT libraries, but I don't think is possible with Originals libraries (someone correct me if I'm wrong). Of course , at this price point, the market doesn't usually get or expect a legato, but again, you can add a scripted legato with KONTAKT libraries. I'm merely saying I wish developers would start at least including scripted legato in even low cost libraries like this.
  16. That other someone that must be in the room for this to work is called alcohol! But I definitely agree that getting on stage and playing music well absolutely does has an impact on attractiveness based on my years playing professionally. I've seen people attracted to musicians and singers that I think otherwise would not have occurred. So while I can't speak to whether this is a scientifically valid study, I seriously think that there is an extra appeal of musicians and performers on audiences over their not being in that role.
  17. Wolfgang is very talented and really funny too.
  18. Wow, Simon, that is a really awful and incredibly frustrating experience. I appreciate your sharing tips to help ensure that others won't go through the same thing. Rest assured that the community here is solidly behind you and cheering you on. Last year my business's site was hacked. I was up the entire night working -- stressed -- and waiting for everything to be restored and additional security measures to be implemented. I actually wrote and recorded a song while waiting that doesn't sound like it's about getting hacked because I used metaphors. Perhaps you might take this experience and do the same in a new video? In any event, rest assured we're all eager for you to get things sorted and be back and hanging out with you (virtually) while you get so inspired by the beautiful sounds you're hearing that you find yourself improvising beloved songs and melodies from years past and we all join you for the journey. The kind of people that did this can ruin a day or so, but they can't steal our resilience. Our victory is in learning something new and returning stronger, not bitter, but wiser. Like everyone else here, I'm eager to see you back up and running and entertaining us with your talent and storytelling. All the best, Peter
  19. I put myself through college by selling poster printing to indie record companies and playing drums. One of the bands I did a poster for was Nirvana, right before Nevermind, fora single they did on Touch and Go Records. The owner, who I worked directly with, was a super nice guy. Cobain wrote in his diary that Touch and Go was his dream record label, but the owner passed on doing anything beyond a single. Oops. But he did discover a lot of other indie bands that were very influential. Even worse, I turned down a major signed rock band AFTER they made it... old history (90s).
  20. I'm really sorry Simeon. I hope things get sorted soon. Owning a dot com myself, we get thousands of hack attempts every week. There's no shortage of malicious people in the world. But there are many of us who appreciate you and, don't worry, we're not going anywhere. I wish you the best.
  21. You better not suggest old is a bad thing at this forum! [Runs for cover...]
  22. I didn't know of this influencer before, but he does a really good job of explaining the plugin's value and how to use it. I didn't have time to watch the whole thing, but I'm definitely going to watch this later. Thanks for sharing it. I find it valuable and will try out his recommendations.
  23. Fleer and I were recently chatting and discussing how consistently good and high quality Soundiron libraries are. I only have several of their less expensive libraries, but all of them are really good from all angles, sound quality, creativity, KONTAKT scripting... They're one of those developers where I feel confident before a purchase that I'm going to be happy with my purchase. This demo in particular really appeals to me. I love the sounds and the composition itself. I'm trying to curb my spending (so why am I looking????), but this is super tempting:
  24. Looking at the site and seeing the check box for boxed software it struck me that it's been a couple of years since I bought any boxed music software. Maybe I'm forgetting something, but in the last 5 years, all I can think of buying that was in a box -- with regards to music software -- are KOMPLETE Updates. I'm guessing it's the same for most of us?
  25. I think those are great ideas. Maybe when they get this rolling you can reach out to Spitfire or there community to share your ideas, because I personally think your ideas are absolutely good enough that they should be heard -- and I'd LOVE to see them implemented.
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