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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. Absolutely. I'm definitely good with people with all different views. I didn't mean that I'm not. My friends and family are very diverse in terms of race, ethnicities, political views, orientation, religion and nationalities and I greatly value our diversity. I enjoy civil, meaningful conversations on politics, philosophy and ideology (okay, I did a lot more back in college when people in the US could still discuss those topics in a civil and friendly manner). But a lot of people aren't able to discuss these areas in a calm and civil manner these days, so I'm pretty selective and limit engaging in such conversations and I think Cakewalk's forum policy against political posts makes this a friendlier place. That said, I have a great deal of appreciation for diverse thought. Where I draw a line is with those on the extreme ends of the spectrum and those who are intolerant of other groups of people who are different from them. EDITED FOR CLARITY
  2. Very candidly, I sent Larry a PM here and I'm not certain about contacting him on Facebook as 90% of his posting is political and social worldview commentary, which isn't something I'm comfortable with. It does make me grateful we don't talk politics at this forum.
  3. Larry and I are in the same Facebook group and he's been prolifically posting on Facebook lately, so I know he's okay. I'm quite certain what occurred is that he was bothered by some of the interactions he had on a thread -- it wasn't really hardcore hostile or anything, but it was a rebuke and it seems rather clear that it bothered him. I suspect he's just taking a break, which I think isn't a bad idea. Hopefully, when he returns he'll see all of these posts and feel appreciated.
  4. That sounds really nice! Thanks, @Zolton. I've bought a few Fluffy Audio libraries and really like every one of them. I'm waiting for the next big sale to pick up one of their cello libraries. I bought their viola library and it sounds beautiful and its very well scripted; very intuitive to play. They're on my short list of better KONTAKT developers. Anyone who has KONTAKT should check them out and grab all of their free libraries.
  5. I tried it on my phone three times and it didn't work. I tried it once on my PC and it worked right away. Consequently, I think there's an issue with the coding of the form. @dee I was using an Android phone when the form appeared okay, but did nothing and when I used Chrome on my Windows PC I had no problems.
  6. If anyone didn't realize how important Larry is to this forum, they're realizing it now. I made a single deal thread yesterday to try to help. But without Larry, the threads have basically dried up. The critic who came after Larry hasn't contributed a single deal thread. I think it would be a nice gesture if that person posted an apology to Larry. This is a small community with a kind, friendly vibe that has kept me coming back. But I recall my own experience where an online bully made numerous vicious personal attacks on me in this forum because he was angry when I wrote that he misquoted me and was misrepresenting a point I made. The experience temporarily destroyed the enjoyment I normally have at this forum. Despite many years of managing and consulting on social media for major brands and being well aware of how badly some people behave in social media, being personally attacked at a place where I never expected it, a place that has always been very friendly, with others who shared my love of making music where I could chill, was jarring. I didn't see it coming, and it didn't fit with my perception of this forum. Now, I wouldn't go as far as saying that Larry dealt with bullying, I don't think it reached that level, but it was hostile behavior and the guy followed him around in multiple threads, so that impacted Larry's environment a good deal. I think it's clear from Larry's responses that it did bother him and once again, when you consider how much effort he puts into this forum, I think he's far more emotionally invested than most here. So he's likely going to take a personal attack harder than those who are more casual visitors. Has anyone PMed Larry and heard back? I wish we could all send him a greeting card and let him know that we miss him. If anyone wants to do a petition to bring Larry back, I'd sign. This forum is not the same without him. It's a giant loss even for a couple of days.
  7. @Zolton You're right! Oops! I updated the thread title and my original post to reflect the new library. When I got the email I jumped over to the first library I saw on the landing page and got the wrong freebie! I suppose I was a little too excited to finally have a chance at being first with the news that I mixed the libraries up! Clearly, I'm no Larry. But I do try! Thanks for being helpful (and polite) in getting things straightened out. Now I'm going to download the other libraries you mentioned.
  8. Bunker Samples is giving away a free pad library for KONTAKT (requires the full version of Native Instruments Kontakt 5.6.6 or later) that sounds pretty nice in the demo (I have yet to install and play it). This is a limited time freebie that ends August 9 2022. Here are the details from the developer's site: "5 Vietnamese tuned gongs, stretched across the keyboard. Morphing seamlessly between mallet and stick articulations with the articulation slider lets you play these gongs in ways that would be impossible to pull of in real life, and if that’s not enough, a powerful set of tools lets you further manipulate the sound." https://bunkersamples.com/freebies/
  9. Three pages of posts about how important Larry is to us. Sorry fellow deal forum friends, but I think it's making us look a bit needy. Larry what more do you want? You know you're appreciated and loved here. Please come back to us. You don't even need to post a deal. Just let us know you're not going to leave us orphans.
  10. Not me. I stay in my lane. My greatest contribution is to post something clever. * *I'm still working on that post.
  11. I actually stopped after creating a couple of threads and getting the smack down from Larry that he already had a post about the sale that I missed. That's why I always smile when I see someone else making a post duplicating one of Larry's. It is amusing to me. There have been sales I've seen where I searched and no one posted it yet I held back posting, just because I see this as Larry's place! I'm just one of the townspeople here. Larry is the mayor.
  12. I do think that point is easily lost on newbies to the forum and those who don't spend much time here. It would be ideal if posts that quoted others contained quotes, as it's unclear when the voice is that of the poster or the developer. Technostica, you can take or leave constructive criticism, but if you want to be a more productive part of the community, you can express criticism without jumping to unsupported conclusions and lashing out, accusing forum members of shilling without any evidence to support your accusations. This exchange would have been civil had you just politely asked questions. Unlike MANY people who post deals in forums, Larry doesn't use affiliate links. He posts because he enjoys being helpful. Whereas some posters use affiliate links (hoping to make a sales commission if you buy using their links) and influencer "reviewers" are getting free product, sales commissions (though affiliate marketing relationships) and/or payment from developers to do their "reviews" (these days influencers take free product, use affiliate sales links to make money when you purchase a "reviewed" product and some of the more successful ones get payment up front to do "reviews" of products; this is, in the most clear language, where there is obvious shilling), Larry is not compensated with free products, getting paid or using affiliate links when he posts on the forum. You can't say that about the influencers here, even the ones I like.
  13. Like any forum, there are some bad actors here. I was just looking at the threads mentioned. I don't think it was that bad. I've seen a lot worse at this forum-- even directed at yours truly. But I have noticed there are some people here that will even rip on people for saying things praising Larry and there was a person in both those threads that seemed to follow and antagonize Larry. I'm guessing that's what bothered him. As we all know, Larry spends a lot of time and energy here -- if there's any single person who makes this forum a place worth coming back to, it's certainly Larry. It is truly "powered by Larry." So having someone being rude to him here probably bothers him more than most of us. I'm guessing that he just needs a breather, a break from the forum for a bit. I did check on FB and see he's been very actively making political and social commentary posts, so he's okay (that was my first concern). Hopefully, when he's ready to come back, he'll see this thread and realize that there's a lot of people here who greatly appreciate him.
  14. I clearly missed that. I hope that's not the issue. I am sure that nearly everyone in this forum appreciates Larry. If someone doesn't, they're clearly the exception to the rule. @cclarry, I hope some bad actors haven't ruined your day. The overwhelming majority of people here greatly appreciate you. Please, I want to encourage you, if someone engaged in some nasty behavior, we both know that's not surprising, but they absolutely don't represent 99% of the people here, who are big fans of yours, which includes me, as you already know. If that's not the issue, hopefully you can still appreciate that people appreciate you. You don't need to generate as many posts as you do to be appreciated, you've earned a lifetime of goodwill at this forum that a jerk or two shouldn't be able to ruin.
  15. Hopefully, Larry's taking a day off and having some fun enjoying his summer.
  16. Of course, personal preference is always going to be the overall reason for anyone's choice. I'm asking if folks can articulate the reasons -- or features, as you put it -- that result in you or anyone else choosing the DAW that you're most comfortable with. Is it the workflow, some key features, etc.?
  17. How do you guys find Cakewalk compares? I bought a top of the line Studio One license back when it looked like Cakewalk was dead. I used it several times. It was easy enough to use, but I stuck with Cakewalk and I like it. I'm just wondering the reasons those who choose Studio One find it superior to Cakewalk.
  18. Sincerely, when I read that it sounded like he was repeating the typical kind of line you hear from a CMO (chief marketing officer). When a CEO sits down with a journalist, PR sets it up. Yes, it would be completely unsurprising if the CEO isn't very tech savvy, but everything about that line reflects that the CEO is hinting at something already in development. You can bet that they're going to be making a product announcement in the near future otherwise the CEO would never have made that statement-- he'd be ripping on his own company's product. There is a chance that they could abandon the existing product line, but I seriously doubt that. I think it's a very good sign that they're investing in their DAW.
  19. From business experience, what the CEO said is not something I would make a leap to interpret as meaning he's planning on majorly downsizing the flagship product. He definitely appeared to want to tease an idea to the general public that he thinks making a DAW simpler will gain more market share, and I agree. I don't think that means the company would bail on the top of the line product. In fact, I think it could help ensure the longevity of the software brand.
  20. I was interested in their cello. The demo sounds beautiful. Can anyone here speak to how well scripted their libraries are? I've bought a number of 8Dio KONTAKT string libraries but the scripting is disappointingly basic and not well done. Comparatively, I really enjoy the solo viola I have from Fluffy Audio, the scripting is really well done, but I like the sound of the Sonixinema cello better.
  21. It's not surprising or strange. Nothing is wrong. Digital marketing, even by small companies, is increasingly personalized. People get different offers based on where they're at as a prospect or customer. For example, customers who haven't made in a purchase in 2 years get a different offer than ones who've made a purchase within the last 6 months and folks who've never made a purchase but say, downloaded a trial, get a different offer.
  22. While I'm not biting because I'm trying to limit my spending, I must acknowledge that I don't recall ever seeing a negative post about Phase Plant from a user, just very very positive comments. That is compelling.
  23. "Behold, the patient shall be rewarded with a better deal. "
  24. Well, I do want to encourage you. If you can pull it off, I hope you can start a support group for the rest of us to show us how it's done. As it stands today, I'm still in the cycle of BUY-BUY-BUY (for mostly KONTAKT sample libraries, but not any very expensive ones anymore) then BUY A NEW HARD DRIVE. But I've been trying to cut back, largely inspired by running out of hard drive space and holding on purchasing yet another drive. Arturia does make really nice stuff. I've liked every purchase I've made of their plugins (and the freebies as well). Top notch stuff.
  25. "But I won't be collecting any more sampled synths, that's for sure!" I don't believe any of us when we say stuff like that, including me.
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