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  1. Klaus

    Color Palette Favorites

    After you've added your custom color to the first box in "Custom Color" via clicking the "Add to Custom Colors" button, press the Tabulator key on your keyboard twice. The first press will put the focus to the "Basic Color" palette, showing a black quadrat around one of the color boxes; the next press will shift that quadrat to the "Custom Color" palette. Now use the arrow keys on your keyboard to put the focus/quadrat to a different box where you want the next color added.
  2. Hallo! Falls du die Ausschläge der Pegelanzeige der MIDI-Spuren meinst, diese zeigen nicht die Lautstärke/Volume an, sondern die Anschlagstärke/Velocity der MIDI Noten.
  3. You are right, HOOK! It indeed only works when Auto-Crossfade is disabled. My bad! Damn... ?
  4. If you disable "Snap to Nearest Audio Zero Crossings", splitting Clips with ALT + Left Click will follow your Snap settings exactly. Preferences > Customization > Snap to Grid (Advanced)
  5. In Cakewalk's AUD.INI, is "ThreadSchedulingModel" set to "2"? "1" is the default value, but "2" is recommended for multiprocessing systems with quad core or higher processors.
  6. Yes, you can change them in the Inspector or use "Views" - "In/Out" in Console View. Your tracks maybe already routet to the Master Bus (default), so you doubled the Volume by using the additional sends.
  7. Route the Output of your tracks to Master and Bus B. Then delete the Sends on these tracks.
  8. VSTis are loaded into the "Synth Rack". "Views" - "Synth Rack View" or shortcut Alt+9.
  9. Right click on the tab (bottom) of the video and choose "Undock". Now you can resize the video window. To use different stretch options, right-click the video window to see the context menu.
  10. Klaus

    RME UFX 3

    WRT RME, another feature/tool I really like is their software DIGICheck. It's been rarely mentioned here so I thought a post about it could be usefull. Here's a link with info: https://www.rme-audio.de/digicheck.html
  11. Klaus

    Using Notes

    Well, Ctrl+Enter certainly helps if you want to add a line break in Inspector and Take Lanes notes. It's the only way to do it.
  12. Klaus

    Using Notes

    Use Ctrl+Enter to add another line.
  13. ^^^ That would mean not only your exports don't work as they should but also the bounce process, which is a really important and fundamantal feature. Bouncing has less routing possibilities and user interaction than exporting, so doing some tests only with the "Bounce to Clip(s)" command on one Clip (no additional Lanes) could be helpfull. After right-clicking the Clip and selecting "Bounce to Clip(s)" you should immediately see the applied Clip Gain in the new waveform and peak levels.
  14. Maybe the "Aim Assist enhancements" feature is what you're looking for: Click the Edit menu and choose "Aim Assist > Show Aim Assist Time"
  15. Ha! What a great idea! Spread the word and I see a new VSTi comming: "Finger Squeaks!": 50 GB Hi-Res samples, 5 microphone positions (requires full Kontakt). ?
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