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Everything posted by GaleOm

  1. There is free audio converter and tag editor in AIMP. It can be downloaded as portable version. https://www.aimp.ru/?do=download&os=windows
  2. Try here https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/audio-plug-ins/presonus-audio-batch-converter
  3. Only thing that I wish for v2 is Riffer similar to Ample Sound`s( it is most flexible that I know).
  4. Plugin Rig Host show up on Nembrini website few days ago during crazy80 promotion with full price. Remember that because I tried to enter promo code for second time( and it did not worked ).
  5. Although promo says that code is valid for one product it can be used for few if it's single purchase.
  6. It`s easy, Marshall. Love them both, but I think that MRH810 is the one of the best sims that I have.
  7. https://www.nembriniaudio.com/products/crunck-v2-guitar-amplifier
  8. Intro price $29, four effects are free https://www.nembriniaudio.com/products/analog-rack-bundle
  9. @Christian Jones I totally agree, got both amps and really adore their sound. Two things that I don`t like are iLok and unclear mic positions, but it`s negligible.
  10. O8A comes with Tonal Balance Control https://www.izotope.com/en/products/master-and-deliver/ozone/ozone-advanced which is best learning tool I have seen, so for that alone I would say its worth the price.
  11. @Curious Bryan I did and it looks like interesting plugin with options to manipulate or create IR`s, but tbh I bought it recently and didn`t play with it very much to give you safe recommendation to buy.
  12. For those who are interested in it MCabinet is 75% with introductory and anniversary discount. I doubt that it will be this low anytime soon.
  13. https://pluginfox.co/collections/plugins/products/nomad-factory-80s-spaces with code CWFORUM 80's Spaces drops down to little less than $26.
  14. First this than Area 51
  15. Jeremy Soule was involved with first Gulid Wars games and at the start of Gulid Wars 2, later when he commited to EQ ANet replaced him with inhouse staff. One of the songs that he did is Fear Not This Night, it is still popular and frequently comes back in form of various covers.
  16. I think it`s worldwide price.
  17. If I remember correctly price of Synth Warmer once dropped to $10, but I can`t remember that True Iron went more than 30% off. Older products which can not be bought anymore( ValveEQ, masterDihter, Thermionik) were once on significant sale( for $1 or 5 but thats before they went off).
  18. Steam sales, I didn`t know what DAW is but I bought Music Creator because it was cheap.
  19. GaleOm

    Kazrog sales ?

    They do. Last one was at the end of may. It was 30% off everything, but they sometimes konw to go to 50%.
  20. One plugin that is not popular because it has little higher price than other is HoRNet Multicomp Plus MK2. Nevertheless I found it really interesting( although it`s just another compressor). https://www.hornetplugins.com/plugins/hornet-multicomp-plus-mk2/
  21. Also at Audiodeluxe https://www.audiodeluxe.com/search/site/kuassa
  22. I must upgrade to Kontakt 6 for this, even if it requires only Kontakt 5 or dont need Kontakt at all.
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