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Everything posted by DeBro

  1. Since when watching a video tutorial is a waste of time. To others it could be an invaluable resource. I, for one, have gained a lot of knowledge about crafting music in a DAW watching YouTube videos.
  2. Back in the old forums there were statements made about the lack of videos made using Sonar suggesting its unpopularity. Well, there have been a plethora of quite recently uploaded video tutorials on YouTube using Cakewalk By BandLab. For any newbie coming into these forums asking questions, I think a sticky should be made of these videos which are very informative. Below are a few YouTube channels I've found. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwqZ0GPSfFgbc8gLCxaYngRGVvlaf57gI https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSfPaEe4wG_TxprjqVLxh9yAH-zGhA8bH https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDkWv3OTMpOHb2hMjuNWBQWyuhhIF6bHj https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeySI9gLWqezjlplGQqTJyhrbvCvKdzTk
  3. Okay guys, I did a revision of the song. I've replaced the Jump synth brass with an acoustic brass section from SampleTank. I still wanted the brass section to play a part in the body of the song not just the intro and ending. So, I've removed parts, making it sparser and freeing up clearer space for the acoustic lead guitar. Click on the same link in the opening post to hear the revised version.
  4. Hey Canopus, I'm using the Gran Vista Black & Blue 000. I've noticed the shades on the Selection and Punch In/Out modules are different compared to the Loop module. I went in and corrected this so I'm in effect using Gran Vista Black & Blue 000 modified. Every time there's an update to the theme, I have to go in and do the modification. Is this an over look on you part or was it intended to be? The two image below illustrate what I'm referring to. Gran Vista Black & Blue 000 Gran Vista Black & Blue 000 modified
  5. DeBro

    The Message

    Here's another bedroom production of mine. It's my cover version of the song that was originally done by Cymande - a group from out of London. England in the mid 1970s. In this cover version, I'm blending the elements of reggae, funk, and the blues. The link is to Box and not SoundCloud for obvious reasons. THE MESSAGE
  6. Damn emeraldsoul, you're good. Yes, the synth brass is a preset someone created for the softsynth OB-Xd named Jump. As there're not too many Reggae instrumentals around, I'll leave as that, probably changing the synth brass to a full out acoustic brass section.
  7. Hey Will, thanks for your critique. The entire production of the song was done in a bedroom - less than adequate surroundings. The acoustic guitar was miced with a SHURE SM58 dynamic mic without a mic stand. ☺️ The electric guitar is a $150 Squire 51 sent through an ampsim. All-in-all, its a demo of sorts just to get the arrangement of the song together. Sometime in the near future, I'd love to redo the production in a more stellar recording and mixing environment using higher end instruments and equipment.
  8. My Latest production that was done entirely in Cakewalk By BandLab. https://soundcloud.com/derek_browne/the-wall-came-tumbling-down
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