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  1. Hi sjoens, I don´t know, if this might apply to your issue, but I thought of it and if you use Cubase, make sure, you select Melodyne as an extension, do not use it as a plugin in inserts.
  2. Hello sjoens, Yeah, now that I read your suggestions again, I can see it, but I didn´t really understand what you meant by it before. I am sorry, I cannot help you with your issue. I use Melodyne 5 studio and it was probably fixed there, since I haven´t experienced, what you mentioned. You could try to contact the celemony support. They were really helpful, when I wrote them once.
  3. Exactly, Terry. I expected it to work just because in my DAW (Cubase 13) it does, but Melodyne is a little different in this regards.
  4. Hi, I was having the same issue. I figured out, how you can paste notes in one go, though, so I thought I might share it. Maybe it will help someone. 1. select the blob you want to copy 2. click ctrl+c (in windows) 3. place the time ruler, where you want to copy the blob 4. in a note editor, just click once with a cursor approximately where you want the blob to be copied 5. click ctrl+v This works everytime for me.
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