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Steven Duncan

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  1. Just had this same problem. This is what worked for me. Open the Console Panel. Click on Strips. Open the Track Manager. Look at the list of tracks and see if any say "Solo'd" beside them. I had about 6 showing solo'd but they were NOT showing solo'd in the console or anywhere else. On the Console Panel, go to each track that shows solo'd in the track manager. Solo it, then unsolo it. Do this for each of the secretly solo'd tracks. After I solo'd/unsolo'd the sixth one, my sound came back.
  2. Just had this same problem. This is what worked for me. Open the Console Panel. Click on Strips. Open the Track Manager. Look at the list of tracks and see if any say "Solo'd" beside them. I had about 6 showing solo'd but they were NOT showing solo'd in the console or anywhere else. On the Console Panel, go to each track that shows solo'd in the track manager. Solo it, then unsolo it. Do this for each of the secretly solo'd tracks. After I solo'd/unsolo'd the sixth one, my sound came back.
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