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Everything posted by Detwoen
Hi @Noel Borthwick, Thanks for the file, however mixed and not totally successful results. First time fast bouncing MODO bass resulted in the file (picture attached) where it failed to render the first part of the audio, but did the rest okay. Top clip is the midi data, and the bottom clip is the resulting audio. Second try resulted in a fatal error notice and Sonar crashed. Third time, the result was the same as the first. I tried MODO bass on three different songs. Should also mention, the Start Screen doesn't pop up automatically either. When I'd rolled the pc back earlier this morning to finish my project, Start Screen worked again, so there's definitely correlation to the update. Cheers Dave
Win 10, 6 month old Core i7 pc with 16Gb RAM.
Hi @Noel Borthwick and @siordanescu Thanks for your reply. I have restored my pc back a couple of weeks pre the new release and MODO bass is now working as normal as is the start menu and the EQ. When I start Sonar, I get the little "Update Available" notification, so I know Sonar hasn't been updated again. I'm working on a very time critical project atm and don't want to update again just yet, but will tomorrow when it's done. I will let you know if the problems occur again. As far as the MODO bass problem is concerned, when I selected the midi data and and the synth track to render to audio, instead of taking, say 3 or 4 seconds and resulting in the rendered audio track, the progress bar would whizz through and give me an audio track with no audio, just a straight line. Doing it as a real time bounce worked. At that stage, no other VST had this problem, and when I tried MODO bass in 3 other projects, I got the same result - no audio. Re the Quadcurve EQ, it always was on when I previously opened it. I didn't realise the default was to off, as I've never had to turn it on. I just open the channel track, double click the EQ to open the fly out EQ, and it works. I will update Sonar as soon as I finish this project, and let you know the results. Regards Dave
Hi, Since the update this morning, I have had numerous problems and I wonder if anyone else has. Previous to this morning, CbB has worked beautifully. Since the update, the start menu won't start automatically (have checked and turned off and on the setting), Modo Bass won't fast bounce - it will do realtime bounce, but not fast. Tried it on multiple projects, and the flyout Qudcurve EQ defaults to off rather than on which it always has. AD2 has no problems, it will fast bounce, I have turned PC off and on - no difference. Just wondering whether the gremlins have beset my computer, or it's something to do with the update, which is the only change the machine has seen. Regards Dave
This happened to me a few weeks ago - same error message. It turned out my keyboard controller (Edirol PCR-500) was messing with CbB. I did a factory reset of the keyboard and it's been fine since. Can't guarantee it is your answer, but it may help.
Thanks Mettelus. Appreciate your help.
Thanks Larry, that's a great help. Between your explanation and the video you linked, I think I'm starting to understand the concepts behind the Focusrite Control. I was unintentionally misleading with the SC-8850 audio bit - it doesn't output audio, but what I was meaning to say was, after sequencing a track using the SC-8850 as the midi module, I wanted to record that into Sonar as an audio track. my bad : | I think, after watching the video tutorial, that I will be able to record Windows audio or internet audio using the Focusrite Control, and that was something I was having trouble understanding. You're right, it certainly isn't intuitive software. I'm going to give all that at try based on your configuration suggestion and see how I go. Thanks again!
Hi. I wonder if anyone can help with suggestions for better routing configuration of my Scarlett 6i6, external module and DAW. For years I used an M Audio Delta 24/96 quite happily, but with a move to a new PC and Win 10 I bought a Scarlett 6i6. I have routed all connections as in the diagram below, using my (dated) Yamaha mixer. I feel however, that I'm not using the 6i6 to it's full potential, and would like if it's possible to discard the mixer, and only use the 6i6. I need to be able to record 1 microphone into CbB, my external sound module SC-8850 as an audio source and a GM midi module into CbB, and be able to record audio from my PC into CbB or Wavelab Elements. If possible, also be able to route my cassette deck into the mix somehow, but I'm not sure the 6i6 has that many inputs. I don't have any SPDIF connections. I would like to use both headphone outputs on the 6i6 if possible. I have no idea how to use the Focusrite Control software that comes with the 6i6 apart from having it work currently in it's most simple configuration. If anyone could come up with a better, more practical connection configuration that doesn't include the Yamaha mixer, I would be most appreciative. I'm open to any ideas. Although I have used Cakewalk Sonar for many years, I'm all at sea with configuring this new interface - the 24/96 was older, but very simple to setup : ) Cheers Dave System: Core i7 3.7GHz, 16Gb RAM Win 10 CbB latest version Edirol PCR-500 controller
Hi Chuck E Baby. No I don't have Region FX in the project, and the issue only started with my most recent project in CbB. As I mentioned before, I think that my PCR-500 is causing the problem. While I haven't had the chance to do any new projects to test the theory, resetting the PCR-500 to factory settings has allowed me to open the offending project. What was weird was; when the most recent project wouldn't open without crashing, I went back to open projects over the previous 6 months (all created with CbB) and it happened to all of them. That has since been sorted, presumably by resetting the keyboard. Thanks for your help ... thanks to all the guys who have chipped in. I must admit, I didn't realise what a ruckus I'd cause by accidentally referring to CbB as Sonar?
Thanks pwalpwal, I'll give that a try.
Yeh, I've gotta get used to calling it that. It's been Sonar so long for me, it'll take a while ?
Sorry ... bit of a misunderstanding here. I am using the latest version of Sonar by Bandlab, and have been since Bandlab released it. I think I also may have sorted the problem, though time will tell. My PCR-500 keyboard has been firing all sorts of strange controller messages into the sequences I record with CbB, which was causing all sorts of small problems with some of my VSTs, and I suspect that it may also have been triggering the crashes. I reset the keyboard and zeroed all the sliders and knobs and so far (fingers crossed) I have been able to open all projects as normal. The Roland PCR-500, strictly speaking, is not supported by Win 10, and I had to modify the driver to get it to work. Whether that's the reason for the problem I'm not sure, but I'll keep you posted. Cheers Dave
Thanks Mdiemer. I think I may isolated it to CC messages that my PCR-500 keyboard controller seem to be firing. I have started the project in safe mode then saving which worked sometimes and not others, but zeroing all knobs and sliders on the keyboard seems to have helped. More investigation needed.......
Hi. A problem that has just started with all my Sonar projects. Upon reopening a closed project, Sonar immediately crashes with an Exception c0000005 error. Some of the projects did have crashes while working on them, but not all. Strange thing is, if I open in safe mode BUT allow all plugins to load one at a time, the project is fine. I haven't changed the system, got any new plugins, aren't running any 64bit plugins or used any plugins I don't always use. I have sent error dumps to Support, but thought someone on the forum may be able to offer an insight. I am running a new WIn 10 i7 with 16Gb of RAM on a SSD as my C drive. Any help or pointers to solve this would be vastly appreciated. Cheers Dave
Hi, I'm new here and new to Cakewalk.
Detwoen replied to Notes_Norton's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Hi Bob, Welcome to the group. Your mention of MTPro takes me back. I used to have it on the Atari ST and when I moved to PC, I went to Cakewalk Pro 9 and found it to be the closest in concept to MTPro. Even though Sonar has changed quite a bit over the years, you'll get acquainted with it real quick. All the best! Dave