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Xoo last won the day on February 19

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  1. I've just sold the last of my hardware synths (an old Korg Wavestation SR) as I can't justify the space for something I never use: I'm not gigging any more and never turn it on (and have the softsynth version anyway). I'll miss it but times change!
  2. Xoo

    RTX 3050

    Bought and installed - seems to work OK so far 🙂
  3. Xoo

    THU 2 available

    I should have done that (I was eligible for a $29 upgrade at least but didn't think of buying a random "something" for $29 and getting the upgrade free - doh!).
  4. Xoo

    THU 2 available

    I'm downloading and will give it a spin this evening and report back (if I don't have too much fun playing it!).
  5. Xoo

    THU 2 available

    https://www.overloud.com/products/thu Deal if you already own it (free or cheap depending on when you bought it).
  6. And getting away from all that blackness... The Lemonheads - It's a Shame About Ray
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