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Everything posted by balinas

  1. balinas

    PSP Xenon

    I agree with Bajan! This is a very usable tool for me.
  2. Yes, it is. And the report I have read on the Presonus forum is that the side chain compensation issue that cropped up recently has been fixed. I will try it out later!
  3. No problem here!! Just thought I might get some insider tip to my next super hit recording! Actually, I find it quite humerus now that I know just a tiny bit of how your humor works. Cheers!!
  4. Just wondering what you mean by this, and exactly how would one do it? Thanks much!!
  5. Funny, I just threw one of these out. I had it about 4-5 years, and finally decided to try it. The mount worked ok, but the connections on the mic were totally dodgy. A half mm one way or another and the connection was lost. I didn’t feel at all up for taking it apart, so out it went. we just be happening to watch reruns of ‘only fools and horses’, and this is exactly the type of thing Del-boy would be selling in the market!
  6. New update: Brusfri v1.2.0 Hi, You're receiving this e-mail because you own a product that has just been updated. Updating to a later version is totally free – simply log in to your Klevgrand account. Brusfri v1.2.0 UI changes New gain control(!) Possible to load/save states to file. macOS binaries supports ARM (M1) CPU natively New minimum macOS version is now macOS 10.10 Updated development framework from JUCE5 to JUCE6 Note: If you’re using macOS Yosemite 10.10 or macOS El Capitan 10.11, you’ll need to download the alternate installer. This is only available at the resources section on the product page. Cheers! /Klevgrand
  7. NatLife Ambient&Chill Vol.1 for SynthMaster One released SynthMaster Expansions Bundle released Dear newsletter subscribers, Welcome to our March 2021 newsletter. We just released a new preset expansion bank for SynthMaster One this month: NatLife Ambient & Chill Volume 1. This bank comes with 60 fresh new presets for Ambient and Chillout genres. This new expansion is available for purchase for $12 on our website with coupon code YMLP20OFF (20% OFF coupon valid for all products on our web store) We also released a new bundle this month: SynthMaster Expansions Bundle. The bundle includes all current SynthMaster expansions (33 so far with 2060 presets). It is 65% cheaper ($199) compared to sum of individual preset bank prices ($575). Licensed users of SynthMaster 2.9 can purchase this bundle for $159 using coupon code YMLP20OFF FYI: All our new expansions are FREE for our Everything Bundle Users, Here's how our SynthMaster One users can download them inside SynthMaster One: Click on the 'Browse' button to switch to the Preset Browser page Click on the 'KV331Audio Shop' button to switch to the KV331 Audio Shop page Right click on the products list, select "Refresh my licenses" menu. Right click on the products list, select "Restore my expansions" menu, SynthMaster One will start downloading the bank(s)
  8. @FleerDo you have a couple of favorites in your Ueberschall collection? Actually, this question can go out to anyone with Ueberschall on the brain!
  9. This version contains the following improvements and issue resolutions. Issues resolved Fixed an issue where zooming or panning gesture on Apple MacBook trackpads kept going because of momentum. Unmixing stems on projects with a sample rate lower than 44.1kHz no longer renders the application unreliable. Deleting a time range selection at the beginning of a project, then performing another action and undoing it no longer renders the application unreliable. Importing a second layer by drag and drop, then performing an action and undoing it no longer removes the imported layer. Editing both mono and stereo files in ARA mode no longer plays files from the active project only. A new entry has been added to the menu bar in ARA mode that displays notifications such as the availability of a new maintenance update.
  10. only 120 of these? Tasty deal!
  11. My diagnosis is that he was having a Premonipitory hallucerbation experience.
  12. OverLoud TH-U Full updated to 1.3.2 1.3.1 -> 1.3.2 -------------- - Fixed: unavailable models no longer appear when replacing an effect - Fixed: right-clicking on Looper buttons to show their pop-up menu no longer triggers the button action - Fixed: when turning some effects on and off, Cakewalk DAWs no longer "stutter" - Slate-only: restored banks of factory presets that were missing in new installations 1.3.0 -> 1.3.1 -------------- - Slate-only: fixed a message requiring authorization to install a Rig Library when not actually needed
  13. Rather than start a new thread, We (royal) will (did) put (paste) this announcement here: Update: DawCassette v1.1.4 v1.1.4 New preset system, now with support for user presets. macOS binaries supports ARM (M1) CPU natively New minimum macOS version is now macOS 10.10 Updated development framework from JUCE5 to JUCE6 Improved Windows HiDPI support
  14. In my Toontrack Product Manager, EZ Bass shows that 1.06 is installed. The couple of EZ Bass midi paks I have show 1.00. And The manager says everything is up to date. Wez shall check again in a few days!
  15. New update: Korvpressor v2.0.3 Klevgrand v2.0.3 New preset system, now with support for user presets. macOS binaries supports ARM (M1) CPU natively New minimum macOS version is now macOS 10.10 Updated development framework from JUCE5 to JUCE6 Download Korvpressor v2.0.3 Note that all other Klevgrand plugins work fine on the new M1 Macs, but Korvpressor now has native ARM support which means it'll run a bit faster. All other Klevgrand products will be updated during the next couple of days.
  16. Zplane releases bugfix update deCoda v1.2.1 This version has - (fix) LE: Loop view disappeared after reloading deCoda with a new audio file - (fix) macOS: audio input permissions not granted by OS - (fix) various seldom crashes This update is free for all existing users. The software be purchased online at the product website https://products.zplane.de/decoda Visit decoda.app for more information. deCoda is available for 49 EUR. A free demo can be downloaded here.
  17. Oops. I will correct that title from ‘one’ to ‘One’! Thanks.
  18. February 2021 Newsletter NatLife CyberTrance Volume 1 for SynthMaster One released SynthMaster One Expansions Bundle released Dear newsletter subscribers, Welcome to our February 2021 newsletter. We just releasead a new preset expansion bank for SynthMaster One this month: NatLife CyberTrance Volume 1. This bank comes with 50 fresh new presets for Trance, Cyberpunk and Synthwave genres. This new expansion is available for purchase for $12 on our website with coupon code YMLP20OFF (20% OFF coupon valid for all products on our web store) We also released a new bundle this month: SynthMaster One Expansions Bundle. The bundle includes all current SynthMaster One expansions (10 so far with 573 presets). It is 45% cheaper ($79) compared to sum of individual preset bank prices ($150). You can purchase this bundle for $63 using coupon code YMLP20OFF
  19. These updates have pretty much been weekly for a while now. But I will say that Steinberg download manager runs smoother for me. Just wish there was an easier way to see which update is an update for my installed software.
  20. This looks mucho interesting as well, but I would have to wait till our anniversary to get her this one!
  21. My wife thought it was very funny that one of you guys on this forum was going to get their wife a piece of software for Valentine's Day. She hopes I am happy with the new kitchen she got me! ?
  22. How far do you think I would get if I told my wife that I am getting her Omnisphere for Valentine's Day?
  23. Sonarworks Reference 4 Reference Release Notes Release notes for Date of release: 04/02/2021 Systemwide [macOS] Changes in virtual audio device to comply with Big Sur update [macOS] Fixed an issue of missing audio driver after the installation or update process [Win] Fixed the issue of Systemwide crashing if the output device has Unicode characters in its name Changed an outdated link for offline activation feature Fixed an issue with the Listening Spot feature being disabled when the user enables it, and vice versa. It now works as advertised Fixed an issue of Safe Headroom not being applied after creating a preset Fixed the occasional issue of Systemwide not launching unless the configuration file is deleted Plugin [macOS] Fixed an issue of Reference plugin crashing a DAW if Dry/Wet value is modified Fixed an issue with the Listening Spot feature being disabled when the user enables it, and vice versa. It now works as advertised
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