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Everything posted by DrShelder

  1. This is a really dangerous precedent because they can take your money and cancel you at any time for any reason if they want to.
  2. Only on the current PC because I still have the "pa.license" file. But I can't activate, deactivate or transfer the license to another system.
  3. I don't think anyone cares about this situation. Just look at this rating on Trustpilot
  4. yep, my account has been deleted? and the support ignores my questions
  5. Yes, I know about it, but delete an entire account with purchased plugins...?
  6. Or they deleted it because I'm from Russia. Waiting for a response from technical support
  7. They just deleted my account ??
  8. Get it here. From January 25th to January 31st, 2022 https://www.softube.com/dirty-tape
  9. Installed and working fine
  10. Direct link: https://skylum.com/chip-luminar4
  11. Or you can use this calibrated mic Dayton Audio EMM-6
  12. ARC 3 + Calibrated Dayton Audio EMM-6 How good it is?
  13. Used my license of SVX 1 from audioplugin and it works
  14. AMD is good right now and cheaper then Intel. Ryzen - ?
  15. Bx_сonsole ssl 4000e + bx_townhouse or SSL Native Essentials Bundle?
  16. Full version (Retail): - Includes transfer rights to another computer. - Doesn't require a previous qualifying version of Windows. - Expensive OEM : OEM versions of Windows are identical to Full License Retail versions except for the following: - OEM versions do not offer any free Microsoft direct support from Microsoft support personnel - OEM licenses are tied to the very first computer you install and activate it on - OEM versions allow all hardware upgrades except for an upgrade to a different model motherboard - OEM versions cannot be used to directly upgrade from an older Windows operating system
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