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About Phoen1xPJ

  • Birthday April 6

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  1. Craigb , installed Glary and ran. Ran update with no joy, no error code given. Please help!
  2. Thanks! Luv my free VST's...
  3. Zinc, I have Komplete Kontrol. PPG 2.2 does not show up in either the VST inside CbB or the stand alone. I have the paths set to include it in stand alone but no joy. I'm about to give up .
  4. Hey Zinc... how do I import these patches into the PPG 2.2? I copied them into the VST Waldorf folder but still can't access them. Help!
  5. Installed but object to lack of patch names... anyone get patch names?
  6. Huge hassle to install and activate. I'll see how they work...
  7. Anyone know where to get Cakewalk bumper stickers?
  8. Arturia site totally bogged down!
  9. Had problems with HitFilm Pro install... missing opencl.dll.
  10. Suggestions, please! Building a new DAW for a friend... best i7/motherboard combo for running CbB & Reason?
  11. Got it working in CbB, thx! Now, is it better than my Scheps Omni Channel?
  12. Joy! Opened Melodyne after new update... now opens with discrete blobs instead of all in a line the way it had been (hadta change to Melodic every time.) Betcha it was the ARA2 thingy! ?
  13. Everyone added remotely.
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