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Tapsa Kuusniemi

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Everything posted by Tapsa Kuusniemi

  1. The Bottle is now also available at Loot Audio: https://www.lootaudio.com/category/kontakt-instruments/man-makes-noise/the-bottle
  2. This is one of those projects that one hopes will turn out superb and different, but all the time I keep thinking: can the sound that makes the Japanese orchestra be transferred into samples... I hope so.
  3. One day my wife decided she wanted a fancy drinking bottle. A fancy metallic drinking bottle. Of course it needed to be sampled. The Bottle was hit with rubber and felt mallets. I recorded three variants of it: one with the bottle being completely empty, one with it filled half way with water and one with the bottle full of water. These samples we processed to bring you 8 mallet instruments, 4 sound designed instruments and 4 sound designed pads. These range from clean and beautiful mallets to dark and dissonant atmospherics. The Bottle has a cinematic, atmospheric vibe to it. Contents The Bottle Kontakt version contains 16 .NKI patches, 2625 uncompressed . WAV samples and takes up 3,7 GB of hard disk space. The samples are left in uncompressed WAV format to provide you with the possibility to load them into your favorite sampler or use them as raw audio files in your DAW. The Bottle MSoundfactory version contains 5 patches and takes up 600 MB of hard disk space. Both versions use the same original samples and you get both versions to use. Tech Specs The Bottle Kontakt version requires the FULL VERSION of Kontakt 5. It is proven to work with version 5.8.1 and higher. It will not function in the Free Player version. The Bottle MSoundfactory only requires the free MSoundfactory Player. You can download it here: https://www.meldaproduction.com/MSoundFactory Pricing The Bottle retails for 15€ (excluding VAT where applicable) with an introductory offer of 10€ until the 24th of May 2021. Go grab it here: https://www.manmakesnoise.com/the-bottle
  4. It's in the zip file with (MSF) in the title. Unzip that where you want. Installing is simple in MSoundfactory, just open menu in there, select Install product and locate where you unzipped it. Pianobook did not put the MSoundfactory into the description there, they are probably unaware that the free version of that runs 3rd party libraries...
  5. Something free from Man Makes Noise over at Pianobook. A little bass instrument made from an recordings of an acoustic guitar: https://www.pianobook.co.uk/library/e-string-bass/ Use it in the full Kontakt, Decent Sampler or MSoundfactory.
  6. Lately I've been listening to State Azure's Youtube:
  7. Well, went and got this one. After a few hours with it my verdict is that I like it. I like the sound of it. It is a semi ethnic sounding collection and not overly processed as quite a few of the percussion libraries of late.
  8. I stand corrected, received a loyalty discount code.
  9. What I really don't like is that Sample Logic do not have any loyalty discounts. You could own everything and you'd still pay what everyone else pays for their products.
  10. I on the other hand thought they are two different companies... Since they are on Keep Forest as well...
  11. That whole thing with them selling on each others sites is a bit confusing.
  12. Spring sale time! Man Makes Noise products are -30% off at Loot Audio. Everything is on sale. The Jumalauta and Wildebeat for Kontakt: https://www.lootaudio.com/category/kontakt-instruments/man-makes-noise And every single Man Makes Noise library for Omnisphere: https://www.lootaudio.com/category/presets/man-makes-noise Go grab them!
  13. Depends on what you compare it to. Similar FX system can be expensive. Take a look at Melda MXXX at 999€ https://www.meldaproduction.com/MXXX or Kilohearts' Toolbox Ultimate: https://kilohearts.com/products/kilohearts_toolbox#ultimate at 499€...
  14. You should probably ask Jasper at Performance Samples. Even though it was free it's still his IP and sharing it after he has taken it down is slightly questionable.
  15. I have no idea about the reverb. I do not have this.
  16. This reminds me way too much of the Faturator from Kilohearts: https://kilohearts.com/products/faturator
  17. Personally I think these sound quite dated as far as this type of sounds go.
  18. By the way, Rekkerd is having a giveaway of 3 bundles of The Jumalauta and Wildebeat: https://rekkerd.org/win-the-jumalauta-wildebeat-unique-instrument-libraries-for-kontakt-3x/
  19. Their practices are some of the worst in the business. And their software installer is by far the worst ever.
  20. What do you get when you take a piece of scrap board, a rock you stubbed your toe into, a twig your kid handed you to hold and a spare guitar string? You get an ugly little instrument that is virtually unplayable in real life: The Jumalauta. The Jumalauta is a fretless single string instrument with the sole purpose of sounding great as a virtual instrument and sound source for sound design. This instrument has been already been used in other Man Makes Noise libraries. Here I present it as an independent instrument. The Jumalauta contains three basic articulations (plucked, hammered and picked), designed pads, percussions and bonus underlay patches made with sounds from a Moog Sirin and Arturia Microfreak. The basic articulation are recorded chromatically and extended at the low and high ranges. They have 1 velocity layer and have 4 round robins. The percussions have 1-5 velocity layers and 3 round robins. The Perc Fast Hand has 6 velocity layers and 1 round robin for left and right hand. The pads and underlays have 1 velocity layer and no round robins. The Jumalauta contains 18 .NKI patches, 610 uncompressed . WAV samples and takes up 550 mb of hard disk space. The samples are left in uncompressed WAV format to provide you with the possibility to load them into your favorite sampler or use them as raw audio files in your DAW. The Jumalauta requires the FULL VERSION of Kontakt 5. It is proven to work with version 5.8.1 and higher. It will not function in the Free Player version. The Jumalauta retails for 15€ (excluding VAT where applicable). An introduction price of 10€ is available until the 10th of March 2021. Grab the library here: https://www.manmakesnoise.com/the-jumalauta
  21. Something composed by me from a few years back, released on Youtube by Really Slow Motion:
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